PILIPINOS! Know your history.

If you ever have a chance to take a tour of old Manila, do it! I was on a tour called "Walk This Way" in Intramuros, Manila. Tour guide was Carlos Celdran. He narrated in English so it's easy to understand, and you learn so much about Manila.

Truly amazing/life changing for me.
If you ever have a chance to take a tour of old Manila, do it! I was on a tour called "Walk This Way" in Intramuros, Manila. Tour guide was Carlos Celdran. He narrated in English so it's easy to understand, and you learn so much about Manila.

Truly amazing/life changing for me.
HELP: I really want to get a Filipino tribal tattoo, but i have no idea where to find out what the tribal means.  I dont want just random tribal on me. 
HELP: I really want to get a Filipino tribal tattoo, but i have no idea where to find out what the tribal means.  I dont want just random tribal on me. 
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Pinoy pride on a sneaker website......

how original
who said it had to be original?

OP probably just learned about this stuff recently (some of which I've only now learned, myself), and decided to share it with others.

Bottom line is, OP's intention is to educate other people (not just Filipino NTers) about our people's past. So that people are were previously uninformed about this have at least some basic knowledge that dispels common stereotypes / ignorant assumptions. That the western world wasn't the only civilization contributing to the progression of humankind on this earth. Everyone helped each other out in one point or another.

OP only intended to educate, not be original (does it matter?).
Other non-western civilizations (like Filipinos) back then were civilized, had values/honorable customs, and do not act like animals (look, I said animals).
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Pinoy pride on a sneaker website......

how original
who said it had to be original?

OP probably just learned about this stuff recently (some of which I've only now learned, myself), and decided to share it with others.

Bottom line is, OP's intention is to educate other people (not just Filipino NTers) about our people's past. So that people are were previously uninformed about this have at least some basic knowledge that dispels common stereotypes / ignorant assumptions. That the western world wasn't the only civilization contributing to the progression of humankind on this earth. Everyone helped each other out in one point or another.

OP only intended to educate, not be original (does it matter?).
Other non-western civilizations (like Filipinos) back then were civilized, had values/honorable customs, and do not act like animals (look, I said animals).
Originally Posted by So Slickening

Here's an interesting little opinion about Filipinos Bastitch on NT had a while back that really struck me, so I saved it.

Most Americans (and the rest of the world) would consider Filipinos Asian because of the country’s geography, but in terms of culture its the outlier of the “Asian
Originally Posted by So Slickening

Here's an interesting little opinion about Filipinos Bastitch on NT had a while back that really struck me, so I saved it.

Most Americans (and the rest of the world) would consider Filipinos Asian because of the country’s geography, but in terms of culture its the outlier of the “Asian
Originally Posted by gConquer

HELP: I really want to get a Filipino tribal tattoo, but i have no idea where to find out what the tribal means.  I dont want just random tribal on me. 
You from SoCal/ San Diego? I have friends that specialize in Filipino tribal, just PM me and I can connect you guys
Also Manny Pac also owns his own Tattoo Shop next to Wild Card Gym (the gym he trains at), they do Filipino Tribal there too.
Originally Posted by gConquer

HELP: I really want to get a Filipino tribal tattoo, but i have no idea where to find out what the tribal means.  I dont want just random tribal on me. 
You from SoCal/ San Diego? I have friends that specialize in Filipino tribal, just PM me and I can connect you guys
Also Manny Pac also owns his own Tattoo Shop next to Wild Card Gym (the gym he trains at), they do Filipino Tribal there too.
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Pinoy pride on a sneaker website......

how original

LOL you CREATED a 'great' post. and now i will DESTROY you....

WHERE DO YOU GET THE GALL?  YOU KKK AKA FED (see how poetic and incredible i am?)

4th of july just past...and what did you really celebrate?  rape, actually.

i will destroy your knowledge....and im not even pinoy


^^^ you wanna test my army?

the federal GOVERNMENT is WEAK.  and pales in comparison to my words

i am the greatest writer of our generation.  and i write for those seeking truth, enlightenment, peace.

yet the word is mightier than the sword.

you dont stand a chance against me

and yes, i am like this in real life.
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Pinoy pride on a sneaker website......

how original

LOL you CREATED a 'great' post. and now i will DESTROY you....

WHERE DO YOU GET THE GALL?  YOU KKK AKA FED (see how poetic and incredible i am?)

4th of july just past...and what did you really celebrate?  rape, actually.

i will destroy your knowledge....and im not even pinoy


^^^ you wanna test my army?

the federal GOVERNMENT is WEAK.  and pales in comparison to my words

i am the greatest writer of our generation.  and i write for those seeking truth, enlightenment, peace.

yet the word is mightier than the sword.

you dont stand a chance against me

and yes, i am like this in real life.
Originally Posted by zk1MPLS

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Pinoy pride on a sneaker website......

how original
who said it had to be original?

OP probably just learned about this stuff recently (some of which I've only now learned, myself), and decided to share it with others.

Bottom line is, OP's intention is to educate other people (not just Filipino NTers) about our people's past. So that people are were previously uninformed about this have at least some basic knowledge that dispels common stereotypes / ignorant assumptions. That the western world wasn't the only civilization contributing to the progression of humankind on this earth. Everyone helped each other out in one point or another.

OP only intended to educate, not be original (does it matter?).
Other non-western civilizations (like Filipinos) back then were civilized, had values/honorable customs, and do not act like animals (look, I said animals).

Precisely. I highly encourage other races/cultures to do the exact same thing. In fact this post was inspired by the Olmecs, a black civilization in mesoamerica pre mayan. The truth is, a lot of our history as the human species has been erased and rewritten for the sake of power and greed. But my search for the truth through my studies of the Egyptians ultimately led me to my own bloodlines.Also, there is a legend in the basilican island, that the island was colonized by the people from the tribe of Joseph. I'm starting to think that this may not be a myth. I'll have to post the link later but you can Google it.WUTUP SEEKO. Keep searching, that's all it takes.
Originally Posted by zk1MPLS

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Pinoy pride on a sneaker website......

how original
who said it had to be original?

OP probably just learned about this stuff recently (some of which I've only now learned, myself), and decided to share it with others.

Bottom line is, OP's intention is to educate other people (not just Filipino NTers) about our people's past. So that people are were previously uninformed about this have at least some basic knowledge that dispels common stereotypes / ignorant assumptions. That the western world wasn't the only civilization contributing to the progression of humankind on this earth. Everyone helped each other out in one point or another.

OP only intended to educate, not be original (does it matter?).
Other non-western civilizations (like Filipinos) back then were civilized, had values/honorable customs, and do not act like animals (look, I said animals).

Precisely. I highly encourage other races/cultures to do the exact same thing. In fact this post was inspired by the Olmecs, a black civilization in mesoamerica pre mayan. The truth is, a lot of our history as the human species has been erased and rewritten for the sake of power and greed. But my search for the truth through my studies of the Egyptians ultimately led me to my own bloodlines.Also, there is a legend in the basilican island, that the island was colonized by the people from the tribe of Joseph. I'm starting to think that this may not be a myth. I'll have to post the link later but you can Google it.WUTUP SEEKO. Keep searching, that's all it takes.
I discovered this just through the searching of my family's past. I don't know much about my family's past. My mother was kidnapped for years at the age of 12, and somehow fought her way out of it, and ended up in America. My mother's maiden name is Basil. She says it comes from the word 'basilica', which she says is french and comes from the early basilican churches. Basilica's are also known as the the widows of christians in the bible, that would house fellow christians who were traveling and hiding from the Romans and the Jews. I'm not sure how this relates, but I'm just telling the story of  how I came across most of this stuff.

Anyways, my mom seems to favor Europeans and white people. She is pretty racist, not a fan of muslims or anything thats not catholic or white or filipino. Me on the other hand, I love other cultures. I have a huge respect for Islam and Judaism, and feel as if Roman Catholicism is not what it is suppose to be. So knowing my mothers views, I decided to look for myself. My mother comes from Mindanao, where the Basilan Island is located (specifically she is from Surigao City where the gold in the OP was found). So now I suspect that maybe the Basil's come from Basilan, instead of France or Spain (but honestly, who knows...) Something inside me has always felt closer to Judaism and Islam rather than Christianity. Somehow I stumbled upon this:

A very creative "folk" legend based on religious sources dates the naming of Basilan to about 600 BCE, during the reign of Zedekiah, King ofJudah. A group of Israelites (descendants of the tribe of Yehosef Joseph) left Jerusalem for a New Promised Land. They were led by Lehi, (of the tribe of Manasseh), a visionary man, his wife Sariah, and their four (4) sons, Laman, Lemuel, Nephi, and Sam. Lehi invited his cousin, Ishmael, an Arab (of the tribe of Ephraim), his wife, his sons and their wives, and their daughters, who were taken as wives by Lehi's sons. With them also came Zoram, the Keeper of the Records of the Jews (The Torah, the five books of Moses). They traveled south across the Arabian Peninsula where they wandered for eight years, passing Jebel Musa or Mountain of Moses, the mountain where Moses supposedly received God's laws, reaching Salalah present day Oman. The Lehites named Salalah, Land Bountiful.

With the ability to make tools, they used these tools to cut timber from the mountains and built a ship in quest of the Promised Land. About 597 BCE crossed the Arabian Sea, passing the Indian Ocean, Moroni Island, towards the Malacca Straits, passing thru an island they called YahVah (Java), another island they called Samathar (Sam entreated his brethren here -Sumatra), a place they called Jah Karath (covenant with Jehovah - Jakarta), Singapore, the South China Sea, and reached a group of islands they called Sinim (Sulu Archipelago). They stopped over in these islands for replenishments. They called an island, Sug (South Island - Sulu, translated into Spanish as Jolo).

Going northward, they reached a beautiful island full of precious iron ores, fruits and timber. Lehi discovered a gentle and beautiful people thriving on the island. They called the Island, Basalalah (New Land Bountiful - Basilan). Lehi's group were welcomed and feted like royalty by the natives. Lehi was crowned Raha Lahay, and his sons, Lakan Napay, Lakan Laman, Lakan Lamah (Lemuel, a weakling), etc. All the men were crowned lakans (princes) and the women were crowned dayang-dayang (princesses). Lehi named the different parts of the Islands, thus: Southern part, Lehi called it Mal-yusuf (Maluso) in honor of his ancestor and son, Joseph; the Northern part, Pa Sara-ngan, (the way to Sarah's name (or place) - Pasangan, now Isabela). in honor of his wife Sarah; eastern part, Laman-tian (Laman's desire - Lamitan); a small island, Mal-Lemuel (Island of the weak Lemuel - Malamawi); a hilly portion, Panun-Zoram, in honor of Zoram (Picnic Grove - Panunsulan); a small town, Maha-Lahay (royal town of Raha Lahay - Mahayahay). The Lehites taught the natives how to extract ore and form metals to make tools, weapons, and jewelry. They also taught them the ways of peace, love, and harmony. They taught them how to weave cloth, how to preserve food, and build houses made of lumber, bamboo and nipa thatches, according to the ways of the Israelites.

They sailed on northward and named places and islands: Samboangan (in honor of Sam -Zamboanga), Sugbu (island north of Sug - Cebu); further north, Nasugbu (Batangas, north of Sugbu). They traveled westward towards the silence of many waters and called it Mifratz Lamon(Lamon Bay) and a calm sea (Pacific ocean); naming places as they go. The sons of Lehi named an island after their father, Lehi-teh (Lehi's island of the east - Leyte). Lehi named an adjacent island after his son, Sam, Sam Arkath (Sam, the beloved son - Samar). They named a small island Lima Zohar (weak supply of water, like Lemuel - Limasawa). Finally, the rich south-central coast of Mindanao island was called Sara-ngan (Sarah's name (or place) - Sarangani). Looking back at the beautiful islands of beautiful people, Lehi named the whole group of islands, Sinim (Pearl Islands - now reduced to the island group west of Basilan - Pilas - nativized from the Spanish "Perlas", the island group where the legendary native chieftain who defeated Ferdinand Magellan, Lapu-Lapu, is widely believed to be buried).
I discovered this just through the searching of my family's past. I don't know much about my family's past. My mother was kidnapped for years at the age of 12, and somehow fought her way out of it, and ended up in America. My mother's maiden name is Basil. She says it comes from the word 'basilica', which she says is french and comes from the early basilican churches. Basilica's are also known as the the widows of christians in the bible, that would house fellow christians who were traveling and hiding from the Romans and the Jews. I'm not sure how this relates, but I'm just telling the story of  how I came across most of this stuff.

Anyways, my mom seems to favor Europeans and white people. She is pretty racist, not a fan of muslims or anything thats not catholic or white or filipino. Me on the other hand, I love other cultures. I have a huge respect for Islam and Judaism, and feel as if Roman Catholicism is not what it is suppose to be. So knowing my mothers views, I decided to look for myself. My mother comes from Mindanao, where the Basilan Island is located (specifically she is from Surigao City where the gold in the OP was found). So now I suspect that maybe the Basil's come from Basilan, instead of France or Spain (but honestly, who knows...) Something inside me has always felt closer to Judaism and Islam rather than Christianity. Somehow I stumbled upon this:

A very creative "folk" legend based on religious sources dates the naming of Basilan to about 600 BCE, during the reign of Zedekiah, King ofJudah. A group of Israelites (descendants of the tribe of Yehosef Joseph) left Jerusalem for a New Promised Land. They were led by Lehi, (of the tribe of Manasseh), a visionary man, his wife Sariah, and their four (4) sons, Laman, Lemuel, Nephi, and Sam. Lehi invited his cousin, Ishmael, an Arab (of the tribe of Ephraim), his wife, his sons and their wives, and their daughters, who were taken as wives by Lehi's sons. With them also came Zoram, the Keeper of the Records of the Jews (The Torah, the five books of Moses). They traveled south across the Arabian Peninsula where they wandered for eight years, passing Jebel Musa or Mountain of Moses, the mountain where Moses supposedly received God's laws, reaching Salalah present day Oman. The Lehites named Salalah, Land Bountiful.

With the ability to make tools, they used these tools to cut timber from the mountains and built a ship in quest of the Promised Land. About 597 BCE crossed the Arabian Sea, passing the Indian Ocean, Moroni Island, towards the Malacca Straits, passing thru an island they called YahVah (Java), another island they called Samathar (Sam entreated his brethren here -Sumatra), a place they called Jah Karath (covenant with Jehovah - Jakarta), Singapore, the South China Sea, and reached a group of islands they called Sinim (Sulu Archipelago). They stopped over in these islands for replenishments. They called an island, Sug (South Island - Sulu, translated into Spanish as Jolo).

Going northward, they reached a beautiful island full of precious iron ores, fruits and timber. Lehi discovered a gentle and beautiful people thriving on the island. They called the Island, Basalalah (New Land Bountiful - Basilan). Lehi's group were welcomed and feted like royalty by the natives. Lehi was crowned Raha Lahay, and his sons, Lakan Napay, Lakan Laman, Lakan Lamah (Lemuel, a weakling), etc. All the men were crowned lakans (princes) and the women were crowned dayang-dayang (princesses). Lehi named the different parts of the Islands, thus: Southern part, Lehi called it Mal-yusuf (Maluso) in honor of his ancestor and son, Joseph; the Northern part, Pa Sara-ngan, (the way to Sarah's name (or place) - Pasangan, now Isabela). in honor of his wife Sarah; eastern part, Laman-tian (Laman's desire - Lamitan); a small island, Mal-Lemuel (Island of the weak Lemuel - Malamawi); a hilly portion, Panun-Zoram, in honor of Zoram (Picnic Grove - Panunsulan); a small town, Maha-Lahay (royal town of Raha Lahay - Mahayahay). The Lehites taught the natives how to extract ore and form metals to make tools, weapons, and jewelry. They also taught them the ways of peace, love, and harmony. They taught them how to weave cloth, how to preserve food, and build houses made of lumber, bamboo and nipa thatches, according to the ways of the Israelites.

They sailed on northward and named places and islands: Samboangan (in honor of Sam -Zamboanga), Sugbu (island north of Sug - Cebu); further north, Nasugbu (Batangas, north of Sugbu). They traveled westward towards the silence of many waters and called it Mifratz Lamon(Lamon Bay) and a calm sea (Pacific ocean); naming places as they go. The sons of Lehi named an island after their father, Lehi-teh (Lehi's island of the east - Leyte). Lehi named an adjacent island after his son, Sam, Sam Arkath (Sam, the beloved son - Samar). They named a small island Lima Zohar (weak supply of water, like Lemuel - Limasawa). Finally, the rich south-central coast of Mindanao island was called Sara-ngan (Sarah's name (or place) - Sarangani). Looking back at the beautiful islands of beautiful people, Lehi named the whole group of islands, Sinim (Pearl Islands - now reduced to the island group west of Basilan - Pilas - nativized from the Spanish "Perlas", the island group where the legendary native chieftain who defeated Ferdinand Magellan, Lapu-Lapu, is widely believed to be buried).
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