Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

The Game made a song with tons of features.

Haven't nearly all of these dudes have made a filthy amount of money glorifying violence?

listen  officer i know i got a traffic warrant 

but yo wife got 3 where tf is she 

projects aint nothing but modern day plantations

and the masters reside at the police station 
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If I'm included in that "y'all don't understand" I assure you that I completely understand that an officers GUN can be substituted in a lot if not every case like this. It doesn't take away from the fact that this man was aggressively pursuing and officer with a gun.
If the person who shot him was just an average thug I'd feel the same, that you have to place little value in your life to challenge anyone aggressively when they have you gunned up like that. Just take the loss, don't risk losing your life by placing it in some idiots hands that has no problem shooting you.
What is so hard to understand about that.(completely separate than Mike Brown, I'm speaking specifically on the idiot *** above who clearly was asking for "dumb brutal force" to be used against him)
so your telling me if im law enforcement carrying a firearm i can escalate an issue with you kick you in the back start a scuffule draw my weapon and wait for you to jump stupid so i can blast you?? That sounds like good police work or a zimmerman

You guys really don't listen do you? Why don't you actually read what I've written and take it for exactly what it says not what you "want me to be saying" and you will have your answer.

Come on now kid, this isn't rocket science level comprehension.
ICE CUBE said it best.......

A message to the oreo cookie
Find a mirror and take a look, G
Do you like what you see?
But you're quick to point the finger at me
You wanna be the big fish, you little guppy
Black man can't be no yuppie
You put on your suit and tie and your big clothes
You don't associate with the Negroes
You wanna be just like Jack
But Jack is calling you a ***** behind your back
So back off genius
I don't need you to correct my broken English
You know that's right
You ain't white
So stop holding your *** tight
Cause you can't pass
So why you keep trying to pass?
With your black ***Mister Big
But in reality, you're shorter than a midge
You only got yourself to blame
Get a grip, oreo and be true to the game
I read it and Im speaking on what happned in that video, guy. U said he should take the L and keep it pushing. Be submissive and obey. Im not about to ***** up because some ***** with a badge tells me. I know my rights and if im not in the wrong then ill fight for that..til death
I read it and Im speaking on what happned in that video, guy. U said he should take the L and keep it pushing. Be submissive and obey. Im not about to ***** up because some ***** with a badge tells me. I know my rights and if im not in the wrong then ill fight for that..til death

And all I'm saying is THATS STUPID AS HELL!
Tough guys bleed too.
It has nothing to do with me justifying the action, COP WAS WRONG, no doubt.

If you value being tough and standing up to a guy(a Cop at that) over your a OWN life, I'm sorry, that's the dumbest **** I've ever heard.
supremeapex supremeapex And I mean that in the nicest way possible dude.
Not trying to disrespect you man, at all.
I guess I value your life because, I plead with you to never do that dude, never put your life in someone's hands, be bigger than that.
When it comes down to it, you have to understand that a cop sees black skin first and is intimidated. A cop approaches a black person ready to jump, that's what they're trained/bred to do.
We have to understand this fact. Cops first instinct is to instigate confrontation with us, then use the same old excuse "I feared for my life". Knowing this, why would you as a black man go for the bait? Smarten up brothers, remember pride before the fall...
a-friend,i can dig it,it may sound stupid, but if we know our laws and rights then why should we be submissive? Why take that L? To stay alive? So the cycle can continue? So my son can go through the same **** i go through. Everyone says be the change you want to happend,but in the face of adversity we should obey because they will kill you. The way i see it im a target either way.. id rather die standing up for whats right than sumbit and get murked anyway..i respect your opinion tho g...
 so what are u saying fam

are u saying he should have gotten shot :nerd:

I take it that's what those who keep asking me that want me to think.

I said "The Cop Was Wrong"
But let me spell it out for you as to take away any doubt, THE GUY SHOULD NOT HAVE GOTTEN SHOT.

Clear now what I said mate?
I read it and Im speaking on what happned in that video, guy. U said he should take the L and keep it pushing. Be submissive and obey. Im not about to ***** up because some ***** with a badge tells me. I know my rights and if im not in the wrong then ill fight for that..til death

What L was there? You're acting like the cops violating some massive civil liberty of his. The guy didn't live there and didn't have a key to enter the building and couldn't otherwise get in without a key. The cops just told him to keep it moving. It's really easy to do. People who aren't cops tell me to keep it moving all the time and I do, because it's actually really easy to keep it moving in real life.

 so what are u saying fam

are u saying he should have gotten shot :nerd:

I'll say it. That moron deserved to get shot.
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording

The video texting service Glide has verified the recording played by CNN this week of the purported shots in the Ferguson, Mo., killing of 18-year-old Michael Brown. In an e-mail to the Erik Wemple Blog, Glide head of communications Chaim Haas reports:

Because Glide is the only messaging application using streaming video technology, each message is simultaneously recorded and transmitted, so the exact time can be verified to the second. In this case, the video in question was created at 12:02:14 PM CDT on Saturday, August 9th.

Glide has also posted a note on its Web site. In a brief chat with the Erik Wemple Blog, Haas said, “The question we are being asked is is this authentic and the answer is absolutely.” Notification to the FBI, said Haas, “is taking place.”

The news is big news for CNN, which subjected itself to some doubts about the integrity of the recording. It surfaced the tape on Monday night without having authenticated it. Haas confirms that, even though the service has verified the creation of the tape, that doesn’t mean that the sounds in the background are conclusively those of the Brown shooting.
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