Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

If ppl really wanna be radical, they spend no money until next year ( not including food/ bills/ necessities). No black fri, cyber monday, no holiday shopping. Affect the economy and make the government step in a have all this re-examined. Only thing that talks is money... But ppl will never be that organized.
best way to beat the system is with your money.
We should start a movement to turn BLACK FRIDAY into BLACK FRIDAY.

Black, brown, and other minorities SPEND NO MONEY. 
No, they said he charged the cop which corresponds with his gunshot wounds, which was conducted by multiple scientist and doctors.
No, he walking in the middle of street when approached by DW. You're a sheep if you believe MB sprinted into bullets.
If Obama comes out and makes an executive decision :pimp:
Maaaaan Obama gotta come through on this
He chilled during the Zimmerman trial
Chilled through the Dunn case
Chilled through the oscar grant trial
Man give a win
best way to beat the system is with your money.

Exactly, the solution is oh so simple, Hurt the Devil in his pockets and he will take notice, they laugh at all the marching and prayer. We are the largest spending group in the nation with the least amount of wealth, it makes ZERO sense.
If Obama comes out and makes an executive decision

Maaaaan Obama gotta come through on this
He chilled during the Zimmerman trial
Chilled through the Dunn case
Chilled through the oscar grant trial
Man give a win
so lost on what a president does
We should start a movement to turn BLACK FRIDAY into BLACK FRIDAY.

Black, brown, and other minorities SPEND NO MONEY. 

As usual, I won't be spending a dime on wack Friday. I wish that would catch on. Companies straight make fools out of people on those days. Got people lined up for some "savings" and they only have a limited number of items. Mob mentality got people making dumb *** decisions.
If Obama comes out and makes an executive decision

Maaaaan Obama gotta come through on this
He chilled during the Zimmerman trial
Chilled through the Dunn case
Chilled through the oscar grant trial
Man give a win
Obama will call for calm, no more no less
If anyone knows about "probable cause" there was definitely enough evidence to indict Wlison, particularly because MB was not armed or had a dangerous weapon in hand. They teach defense tactics to all cops for a reason, you are suppose to use it. Don't resort to deadly force unless needed.
Exactly, the solution is oh so simple, Hurt the Devil in his pockets and he will take notice, they laugh at all the marching and prayer. We are the largest spending group in the nation with the least amount of wealth, it makes ZERO sense.

The devil huh? Are all white people devils? This is extremely offensive.
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