\\ Post Your Car vol. Been a minute //


Did you go through insurance? Why would you get a wrap instead of paint?
I'd tell him that's bs and I need 3 dollars a mile. What about the gas did he at least fill you up or left you on empty?

my car has a matte black hood wrap and the wrap extends to the bumper cover which was damaged.

Do you plan on giving them service again?
if he finds me a nice deal on coilovers yeah
he did hook it up by trimming my fenders for free and also buffing out some other parking lot body damage

:lol: that logic

hemi boiz undefeated mane!
Forgot to update the car thread fam, my car died going to work Wednesday night :lol: Just cruising when suddenly I get an EPC light and the rpms start fluttering. Car starts to lose power so I’m like “Well, here goes limp mode”. I manage to get into a right turn lane for a plaza and it completely shuts off. Try to crank and it doesn’t start. Called wifey and she brought my laptop to run codes with my buddy who did the install. Bunch of fuel pump codes, so either fuel pump controller went out or the fuel pump failed. Been so busy with work that I haven’t even taken the time to really dig into it. Next week my brother in law comes back into work so that’ll help me not stress so much about work and finally get to fixing the car.
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