PSA: Man down...

lol@how calm and collected dudes be talking about someone else's situation.

"first time should be the last time"

yall corny.

everybody has arguments, everybody gets into it...

so rilla, she was cheating on you bro?

I'm afraid of the same thangs, honestly....
She didn't play you, you played yourself.

It's a game you just need to learn the rules. Women watch soap operas the way men watch sports, soaking up the angles and formations. You were outclassed.

She had you on the defensive by associating you with ol' girl. Boxers avoid having their back against the ropes.

No disrespect, just being real with you for ya own good.
I was with you until the "she had you on the defensive by being immature and insecure enough to make up thoughts in her head about some chick"

my girl be doin the same *@*!....and I dunno why...

and at the same time tells me she's faithful...

sounds a lot like the same situation, rilla...
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Isn't this like the 10th time you have broken up with this same girl?
nah, like the 12th... but this is the "+$!% it, I quit... help yourself" as opposed to "Maybe if I breakup with her, she'll get the picture". She's down in school and I'm here. +$!% it... like I said.. I quit...
Damn, stop pressing retry and just click game over.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

lol@how calm and collected dudes be talking about someone else's situation.
"first time should be the last time"
yall corny.
everybody has arguments, everybody gets into it...
so rilla, she was cheating on you bro?
I'm afraid of the same thangs, honestly....
but not everyone breaks up with someone and then gets back together....

If someone takes it to that level every time you get into an argument...that's someone I don't want to be with.

I've NEVER broken up with someone and gotten back together with them in a relationship
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

I was with you until the "she had you on the defensive by being immature and insecure enough to make up thoughts in her head about some chick"

my girl be doin the same *@*!....and I dunno why...

and at the same time tells me she's faithful...

sounds a lot like the same situation, rilla...
Once again it's a game. Every chick does this, your situation is not special. She's not making up thoughts in her head, she's puttingthoughts in YOUR head. It gets your mind wrapped around being obsessed with her, right? Possibly causes confusion?("I dunno why she does this"). These chicks are beating on yall with the same play every time
gets my mind wrapped around being obsessed with her? cause she accuses me of cheating on her and I don't? not following.

and dirty, I guess, man, I mean, you right, it shouldn't be blown up to that level unless its real...but there's always misunderstandings,miscommunications, etc.

I know I love my chick and she loves she cheating? no idea...will we even be together tomorrow? no idea...

you can't just step on a chick you've been with for years just because she blows up and "breaks up" with you or whatever....that's justmy opinion...

we got history that's stronger than petty arguments and stupid words, real talk.

just like, if your wife suddenly got pissed at you randomly and you don't know why...and said some dumb @@@+ like she wants a divorce....

you just gonna step on the spot, go get your divorce papers drafted? no.

maybe you never had someone "break up" with you that you cared about or maybe you just haven't cared about nobody...

or I could be wrong and your wife is your perfect match because you stepped on any and every chick who ever spazzed out...

I love my girl, I don't even want to attempt to build this type of relationship with no other broad....especially not over words...just my opinion tho.

rilla, answer me you corn ball
You have to look at everything in the context of a game especially relationships otherwise you'll be 50 years old jackin off and eating ravioli for dinnerbecause your wife doesn't cook and won't have sex with you.

Answer this: when she accuses you of cheating does it or does it not make you want to prove your faithfulness, loyalty, and devotion to her.
"fool me once, shame on you.

fool me twice, shame on me."


another quote, from maya angelou - "The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them..."
I don't need to prove anything because I'm maybe if I was like 90 percent of NTers and had side chicks a, b and c, I'd be proneto "prove" my devotion...

it just makes me think she's cheating, since she's so convinced I, what's stopping her? she's so sure...

so naw, you off, bruh..

I mean, I'm sure your logic works for you or whatever, but you off in this instance...which is why I don't even understand what you're saying...

btw, my pops was busting off till the day he died @ 83 so, Its not in my blood to be "50 and jerking"
that maya angelou quote is real tho....

I just don't think relationships, especially long ones, are as cut and dry as yall trynna make it seem...
its different when one falls out of love.

i think that's a more solid reason to break up if anything.
lol, " I think she might be cheating" isn't "I'm obsessed with proving my devotion"

but yeah, I am cool tho.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

and dirty, I guess, man, I mean, you right, it shouldn't be blown up to that level unless its real...but there's always misunderstandings, miscommunications, etc.
but misunderstanding and mis-communication should not lead to break ups.
that's a symptom of poor communication, a poor relationship structure and/or a poor match of personality in your sig other.
Arguments and disagreements are inevitable. How a person/couple handles them can make or break a relationship. You can't just get pissy and fly off thehandle and go on about wanting to break up or threatening a divorce. It undermines the relationship.
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