R.I.P. Alton Sterling..Shot by BRPD..Point Blank, While Restrained.

No one said a cop's job was easy. They said that they don't think it's the hardest job. That's their opinion.

I'm not implying the answer is to eliminate the police force in societies current state. Of course there would be chaos. Not close to what people imagine IMO but yeah that's not realistic so that's off the table.

We are not going to see a world without police in out lifetime.

That doesn't mean that it's not an oppressive and evil institution at its core. The whole concept is the antithesis of human freedom.

If the current police officers were such great guys they'd help keep the peace with the rest of us normal citizens without having that badge to protect them from repercussions when they decided to commit all the murders, robberies and kidnapping they commit that's mostly fueled by a self entitled holier than thou authoritative attitude. They need that badge. Their a criminal street gang that are paid to enforce bogus policy for the state in exchange for immunity from the same immoral laws that they enforce on the rest of us. It's also a safe haven for seething racist, mentality I'll violent sociopaths, and people with insecurity complexes. They literally get to purge on us and get paid to do it. Put us all on an even playing field and that exposes all of this. No one man has authority over another. That's the reality of human freedom that a lot of us don't understand. You're living under duress and you don't even know it. You've handed over your responsibility to protect yourself and your family to the next man who you believe has some sort of authority over you because he wears a badge. There are no good cops. At best misguided individuals with good intent. They've aligned themselves with an evil entity and will get whatever comes with that. Anyone who puts on that uniform loses all empathy as a human being from me.

This is the most insane comment I've ever read...EVER!!!! Cannot believe this. So absurd that it's comical.
No one said a cop's job was easy. They said that they don't think it's the hardest job. That's their opinion.

This. And it also doesn't help proving people's point when on any given day you can spot cop cars under freeways parked and talking to each other for hours at a time
My argument is Police are quick to bring out their violin anytime something like this happens.

Firemen run into infernos, surround themselves in brush fires and go home and never complain. 

Why? Cause they signed up for it.

God forbid you have to deal with law breakers as an officer. 
If you live in America live by the laws and constitution. If you live by these backwards thoughts being brought up in here I wish you the best of luck lol
This is the most insane comment I've ever read...EVER!!!! Cannot believe this. So absurd that it's comical.
Where do you live?

And what's more absurd and comical is your lack of argument.

How is his statement absurd and comical?
This is the most insane comment I've ever read...EVER!!!! Cannot believe this. So absurd that it's comical.

Of course. Your brain is cemented in left brain thinking and has been since you came into this world so any inkling of truth or enlightenment is gonna soind like nails on a chalkboard to you.
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I've said treat others with respect, follow the laws of amercia, and live by the Constitution.

Not sure how any logical person can disagree with this unless you're filled with hate and want to destroy America.
I've said treat others with respect, follow the laws of amercia, and live by the Constitution.

Not sure how any logical person can disagree with this unless you're filled with hate and want to destroy America.
By your logic, police that violate our constitutional rights are filled with hate and want to destroy America, correct?
Go EdShoeCate yourself please lol
Go EdShoeCate yourself please lol
WOW I'm literally just catching this.

Always thought it was some Spanish **** so I never even bothered just know you by your avy.
Legit police officers' job is very hard.

I don't see how anyone can say it isn't

Hard? Absolutely. I would never dispute that.

The hardest job in America? Nope. The average officer's day is pretty mundane. It definitely isn't like an episode of Cops.
right now as a cop when you see a civilian you either think they are against you and will take your head off and spew profanity your way or with you who appreciate everything they do and what they stand for...

that's a hard job to take on a daily basis

what can be more hard ? let alone not even crack yall top 10s ? smh
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