Sideways step.
Those who are involved with IFA, or even Santeria, know the deal. Go to Cuba and many of the afro cubans know the deal about Ogun and Jesus. Islam offers the same as the other abrahamic faiths. Patriarchal rule, oppression of women and children and the lie about being born of sin.
I understand what you are saying.

I was just going @ what Ninja said. That is all.

But you are right
ever been to philly? seen this girl before who represents Minnesota?


not in NYC (Dominican stronghold), and definitely not on Miami (cuban stronghold), nor Orlando (rican stronghold)
She isn't Arab
My bad didn’t mean to offend
No worries, I wouldn't take it that way coming from you.

It is something that bothers me, though. I think I'm starting to realize that being caught in between my whole life has caused a lot of confusion on where it is I belong. I'm still trying to understand a lot of what it means to be caught in between with two groups who are so similar but have such a unnecessary schism between them.
This question cannot be answered without going into the socioeconomic factors at play.

From my experience as a Mexican immigrant is that, the more you educate immigrants on the oppression of black people in this country specifically, the more supportive they become.

Most immigrants that come to this country come from poor background with very limited education. They move into poor neighborhoods, that may be predominantly black, that suffer from from high crime rates. They then build up generalizations about black folks based on their experiences in these neighborhoods and what they see in the media (black people are constantly portrayed as criminals). Unfortunately that causes them to develop racist views based on the very limited experiences and data they have.

That was the journey I had to go through with my parents. I've educated my mom for years on the plight black people face in this country and now she fully understands and is 100% supportive.

Its unfortunate but that's been my honest experience.

My mom also felt similarly about chicano gangbangers when moving here, but obviously being Mexican and living in Mexico she couldn't generalize them based on race. Although a lot of Mexicans do generalize chicanos and pochos which is another conversation.
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nawghtyhare nawghtyhare

I come in peace.

Do you think your Filipino wife cares about Black issues?
This is a fair question because this was something I spent a lot of time thinking about when I almost went down that road with a Fillipino chick.

She seemed to kind of understand it, but her family wasn't even interested.

Perhaps it's more generational than anything.
No worries, I wouldn't take it that way coming from you.

It is something that bothers me, though. I think I'm starting to realize that being caught in between my whole life has caused a lot of confusion on where it is I belong. I'm still trying to understand a lot of what it means to be caught in between with two groups who are so similar but have such a unnecessary schism between them.
You belong to yourself my man. You know the deal, you are only in between if you allow people to tell you that you are in between. The deal is, when it comes down to the fight, who you with? People who know, know. I am from one of three families in the US, that knows where our ancestors were taken from. When it was done, the slave trade was already considered illegal. So we have documentation, and my family is not only in the new museum, but also the library of congress. I know the name of the man who stole my ancestor, and my family now owns the land, for the past 105 years, where they were captive as slaves.
My best friend is from Trinidad, and the cat looks like he is from Bombay. Straight hair, and he is from a family of Hindu's. Listen to him talk, you'd think you were talking to Khalid Muhammad. He doesn't play that game. People mistake me for someone from a spanish speaking country, especially coming from Dominicans and Puerto Ricans. They ask if I speak spanish, I tell'em no. I then hear the, you look Dominican, you should speak spanish. I then hit'em with the hammer, you look African! I then speak swahili to them, or a bit of Egyptian.
Just remember, you would be in the back of that bus too. You sound like already know that tho'.:lol:
You belong to yourself my man. You know the deal, you are only in between if you allow people to tell you that you are in between. The deal is, when it comes down to the fight, who you with? People who know, know. I am from one of three families in the US, that knows where our ancestors were taken from. When it was done, the slave trade was already considered illegal. So we have documentation, and my family is not only in the new museum, but also the library of congress. I know the name of the man who stole my ancestor, and my family now owns the land, for the past 105 years, where they are captive as slaves.
My best friend is from Trinidad, and the cat looks like he is from Bombay. Straight hair, and he is from a family of Hindu's. Listen to him talk, you'd think you were talking to Khalid Muhammad. He doesn't play that game. People mistake me for someone from a spanish speaking country, especially coming from Dominicans and Puerto Ricans. They ask if I speak spanish, I tell'em no. I then hear the, you look Dominican, you should speak spanish. I then hit'em with the hammer, you look African! I then speak swahili to them, or a bit of Egyptian.
Just remember, you would be in the back of that bus too. You sound like already know that tho'.:lol:

Speak Egyptian? Or Arabic? Or, Egyptian Arabic.
How do you know your wife cares? I am speaking of TANGIBLE evidence? (Things she has done, not just words etc)

Again, not trying to start trouble.
i edited the previous post
ill paste it here

but at the same time
she doesnt get the intricacies and nuances
of all the issues
so ive had to explain
as an example
the dividing of district lines for schools
she didnt know the TRUE meaning of why
they were implemented
This question cannot be answered without going into the socioeconomic factors at play.

From my experience as a Mexican immigrant is that, the more you educate immigrants on the oppression of black people in this country specifically, the more supportive they become.

Most immigrants that come to this country come from poor background with very limited education. They move into poor neighborhoods, that may be predominantly black, that suffer from from high crime rates. They then build up generalizations about black folks based on their experiences in these neighborhoods and what they see in the media (black people are constantly portrayed as criminals). Unfortunately that causes them to develop racist views based on the very limited experiences and data they have.

That was the journey I had to go through with my parents. I've educated my mom for years on the plight black people face in this country and now she fully understands as is 100% supportive.

Its unfortunate but that's been my honest experience.

My mom also felt similarly about chicano gangbangers when moving here, but obviously being Mexican and living in Mexico she couldn't generalize them based on race. Although a lot of Mexicans do generalize chicanos and pochos which is another conversation.

Education plays a big part. My parents education goes only as far as 2nd and 6th grade. Doubt their countries would even teach them the history of Slavery and African American issues. They were only aware after watching movies about the subject once they came to this country. Same with the topic of inner city issues but they were more familiar with this since they lived together in the same neighborhoods and understood those struggles.
i edited the previous post
ill paste it here

but at the same time
she doesnt get the intricacies and nuances
of all the issues
so ive had to explain
as an example
the dividing of district lines for schools
she didnt know the TRUE meaning of why
they were implemented
So what has she DONE to show that she cares about black issues?

You just pasted what you explained to her and her level of understanding of issues.

You didn't answer the question. :lol:
This question cannot be answered without going into the socioeconomic factors at play.

From my experience as a Mexican immigrant is that, the more you educate immigrants on the oppression of black people in this country specifically, the more supportive they become.

Most immigrants that come to this country come from poor background with very limited education. They move into poor neighborhoods, that may be predominantly black, that suffer from from high crime rates. They then build up generalizations about black folks based on their experiences in these neighborhoods and what they see in the media (black people are constantly portrayed as criminals). Unfortunately that causes them to develop racist views based on the very limited experiences and data they have.

That was the journey I had to go through with my parents. I've educated my mom for years on the plight black people face in this country and now she fully understands and is 100% supportive.

Its unfortunate but that's been my honest experience.

My mom also felt similarly about chicano gangbangers when moving here, but obviously being Mexican and living in Mexico she couldn't generalize them based on race. Although a lot of Mexicans do generalize chicanos and pochos which is another conversation.
Pretty much this. Being an African immigrant myself, alot of Africans look at African Americans differently because of how they are portrayed stereotypically

Crazy thing is, when I was a kid in school with a strong accent, AAs were more prejudice against me than non black kids

But once my accent went away, they accepted me :smh:
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Anektura akua, anektura anku.
I am my ancestors, I am my higher ancestors.
This question cannot be answered without going into the socioeconomic factors at play.

From my experience as a Mexican immigrant is that, the more you educate immigrants on the oppression of black people in this country specifically, the more supportive they become.

Most immigrants that come to this country come from poor background with very limited education. They move into poor neighborhoods, that may be predominantly black, that suffer from from high crime rates. They then build up generalizations about black folks based on their experiences in these neighborhoods and what they see in the media (black people are constantly portrayed as criminals). Unfortunately that causes them to develop racist views based on the very limited experiences and data they have.

That was the journey I had to go through with my parents. I've educated my mom for years on the plight black people face in this country and now she fully understands and is 100% supportive.

Its unfortunate but that's been my honest experience.

My mom also felt similarly about chicano gangbangers when moving here, but obviously being Mexican and living in Mexico she couldn't generalize them based on race. Although a lot of Mexicans do generalize chicanos and pochos which is another conversation.

This is pretty similar to Asian immigrants as well. A lot of them come here either without education or just do not have any experience with black people.

For example, there's no black people where my mom's from, so her only ideas of black people were what she saw from negative Western media/news that got broadcasted overseas (which in US, even to this day , shows black people as either entertainers or criminals). Then she moved here and ended up in a semi dangerous neighborhood, saw the LA riots, etc., which confirmed the negative images she already had. It took years of education on the issues, seeing injustices being exposed, and actually working with black people at her job before she was able to let that fear go. There's been a lot of realizations like "Wait, black people do ____? So do we, we're so similar in that sense" and admissions of "I was brainwashed when I was growing up"
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So we have selective pseudo intellects in here...



Would you like to try and insult me again? DON'T RUN. Arabs are not the original egyptians. The original Egyptians spoke Egyptian. We, are Black. By the way, tell Allah that I said ANUK NETERU.
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