San Antonio NT's Come in...

Im new to SA... Been here about 3 weeks (Im here for the summer) and it's pretty chill so far. I gotta get to know the city some more. Any suggestions on things to do, places to go, bars, clubs etc. Im near the Medical Center off of Babcock if that means anything :\
I Heart Andy Pettite​
Welcome to SA. There is a pretty good sneaker community here, most of us are NTers. We encourage you to come to our meet ups, which we have about 1-2 times per month, so you wont be wondering where the sneaker fiends are. Some of us are going to head to the Spurs championship parade tomorrow. Things to do: sneakerhead meet ups, goodtimes skateboards (premium sb account), motive807 in austin, fiesta texas, sea world, schitterbahn in New Braunfels. Bar wise i like Half Shell (DJ Gibb & Donnie Dee always wreck it), pat o'briens, and Zen Bar, all are downtown. others include Revolution Room and ReBar. check em out. Enjoy your time here in SA, its gonna be a hot summer.
/OG in the hood /
Welcome to S.A. Fanatic15, as Ucasta has already stated, we have a very tight sneaker community, and there is always something to get into. I suggest you get ready for a hot summer, break out the sun block, make sure the A/C in your ride works well because without it driving around the city in 100 degree heat can be hell. :smh:

On another note the party was off the hook until we got the bright idea of jumping into the back of a truck right before the storm rolled in. Ant dog you held it down on the southside special. Thanks for opening up your home to us once again, and yes they do sell Spur's jersey's other than Parker and Duncan. Sneaker Mike good to see you again and may you have a safe journey. Joe thanks for the huge beer, all I needed was the brown paper bag to truly rep my set. As for the meet up before the Championship celebration, Time, Place,??????
^dont know but i want to be down there at least by 2:30 pm cause u can claim your spot starting at 4pm. holla at me yall got my number.oh and welcome to sa fanatic15.
Synposis- Rivercenter Lids by 2:30, run like hell for spots @ 4:00, bring a broom for the Cavaliers sweep and can also be used to fish Jesus shoes out of the river during the mad rush(see myspace comments). See you this afternoon.
"Where'd you get those?"- Bobbito Garcia
ISS sucks
Well I'm from Austin so Ive been to the theme parks and stuff b4 several times and I def know about Texas heat :lol:

Thanks for the suggestions :D
I Heart Andy Pettite​
made it back to korea two nights ago...... flight SUCKED 14 hours and i got a vicious cold during hour 3!!!

thanks to everyone who wished me well... and an extra special thanks to jaijai, norm, manny, damien, aris, jaysyn, gabe, and all those guys who showed mad love to the kid, even though i hadn't met you personally until after i came back to SA.... i'll definitely be keeping in touch (charlene and I plan on settling down in SA after i get out of the military)

hopefully by then a majority of us will still be kicking it here, the spurs will have cemented the dynasty (with a few rockets championships sprinkled in), and all the $#*! we are rocking right now will be considered vintage OG...

damn mike wheres my name in the extra special thanks section! (LOL rockets championships!) have fun up there and we wont forget about you!
Take care over there mike, and take pics of the sneaker spots you visit. I might put in an order or two. I'll be sure to take and post pics when we go to LA in a couple of weeks.

/OG in the hood /
damn david... i was shouting out to those guys that i didnt meet yet when i left SA last year... we already met back in the day through fred!!! oh yeah...and i gotta pull for the rockets sometimes too, i grew up there!

by the way, for those wondering how the shopping is going.. i just picked up the sakura court forces and the green/gold lebron af1s (!!!) for a little under $100 each (thanks to my in-laws for birthday money)... pics soon...
Ucasta- you post ho, be on the watch for me on ISS as I try for the 151 mark for 777. 82 and counting down.

Mike- it was a pleasure seeing you and the Mrs again. An added note, you'll be here in San Anton before the Rockets win another championship.
"Where'd you get those?"- Bobbito Garcia
ISS sucks
damn thats cold fred youre an ISSer now huh... so that automatically makes you like 14 yrs old right?
Pleasure meeting you Mike. Had a blast at Ant's house that night. Hope to see ya soon!
Watch your mouth Mike, there's an ISS'er lurking in our forum as we speak. Don't look down :wow:
"Where'd you get those?"- Bobbito Garcia
ISS sucks
T21D will you join me on my quest to break the 150 ISS bench mark set by the post ***** Ucasta. It's gonna be an all nighter.....Will you make the journey?????
you guys are ridiculous.... theres gonna be a flood of nonsense hitting the iss threads... i love it
Actually, there's a page deicated to yours truly under the lounge 777 thread. Pretty hilarious that a bunch of big brothers are looking at my post count. Stupid @$$E$!
"Where'd you get those?"- Bobbito Garcia
ISS sucks
That post count stuff is hillarious. Best part is that T21D actually legitamately replied to everything so there are none of these "nice collection" freebies that you see running rampant when people are trying to boost the count. Good luck on your journey JaiJai. Start a thread in the "flamethrower" on there so that we can just go back and forth talking mess to the tune of your beloved post count rising!!!
I am happy to inform you all that as of this morning, " I have reached the mountain top" 150 post obtained :rofl:
. Suck on that one all you ISS'ers :evil:
. I would like to thank Ucasta a.k.a the "Post *****" :smh:
, for being the inspiration behind my quest. T21D, thanks for showing me the light. I could not have taken on such in immense task without the two of you. :lol:
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