Scholarship Question Vol. Help me pay for school

Sep 3, 2009
Ok so this is the question...

In 200 years one of your relatives is going to be digging in what is now your backyard. They are going to find something that you buried in 2010 that will put in financial worries they have to rest.

Your job today is to figure out what to bury that will have immense value in the future. The item you bury must:
1.Be currently sold in a store
2.Be under $500

So far me and my sister has figured out that it shouldn't be any kind of current technology (Ipod, Xbox etc.) because they will be obsolete in 200 years.

Any ideas NT??
I was thinking about putting the bible but I don't see it having immense value 200 years
a live polar bear family complete with feeding system so that you'll have like 500 polar bears in 200 years. Once all the sea ice melts and the polar bears go extinct... youll get paaaaiiidddd
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