School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

I'm not surprised at all about the outdated, ill-maintained military equipment. And I'm pretty sure that they're not using their latest tech as it's more valuable to them since they have limited numbers in actual operation(T-51 tanks, newest Sukhoi jets, APCs/IFVs, etc.). They really didn't have the economic means to produce let alone maintain the numbers required to properly outfit every battalion, squadron, regiment adequately. ****, they barely started increasing military spending. So all of this results in alot of Russian units getting bested by less technologically advanced Ukrainian units.
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Not really suprising ... the economy is not doing well .. aint no one trying to plummet theirs further by doing someone that's seen as wrong around the globe.

All these sanctions and boycotts are going to cripple Russia... no way they can sustain with all these sanctions.
Because of these, I believe that Putin will eventually get ousted.
All this flexing and it turns out Russia is poorer than we thought. Most of their equipment is from the Soviet era. They aren't as modern as they like to pretend they are.

Putin gonna hit you with
“Nah, they’re 10s but I keep’em clean though”
Turns out, you can't just decide to invade a country of 44 million people in 2022. Putin is getting his *** handed to him right now.
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