School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

you got it bro. I have no dog in this fight. Its a non issue. I guess the UN and top Jewish people got Azov wrong.
They didn't get them wrong. It's just that what they believe is less important than how many of them can shoot and the direction in which they shoot.

Nobody is apologizing for their ideology, but the Ukrainian government cannot invite foreigners to come fight with them and place their own citizens on the sidelines because they're racist. They simply don't have the luxury to choose their fighters.
As of an hour ago:

U.S. sees no indication of high radiation at Ukrainian nuclear facility - official​

There is no current indication of elevated radiation levels at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station in Ukraine, a Biden administration official said on Thursday.

Ukraine nuclear reactors being safely shut down - U.S. energy official​

If you care that much about it ok, but it doesn't seem to make people think differently about ukraine or it being invaded.
My thoughts exactly.

I never heard of Azov either until a few days ago, doesn't make me feel less about them being invaded or have hate against Ukrainians. There's always a bad apple in the bunch, hell we got hundreds of thousands of them in the US too. Meh.
While I don't particularly care that you (for whatever reason) continue to harp on a pathetic both-sides apology for Russian mass murder because*checks notes*.... Neo-Nazi groups exist - I'm going to laugh at the lazy takes

Did you not see the charges in the UN report accusing Ukraine?

Nobody is apologizing for their ideology, but the Ukrainian government cannot invite foreigners to come fight with them and place their own citizens on the sidelines because they're racist. They simply don't have the luxury to choose their fighters.

The Azov regiment is open to all people around the world all you have to do is contact the Ukraine embassy.

So we pay and fund weapons to an organization that does not play by the rules and allow a militia to impose their ideologies as suppose the government's because thats all the gov can rely on in the donbas region. Fuel on fire. Instead of allowing the donbas region to live in peace.

And for the last time no one is saying they (nazi’s) is the sole reason for all this. It could be for resources, control, simply a NIMBY situation for Nato, response to NATO from keep expanding their border.

We almost went to war over the cuban missle crisis with russia trying to put nukes in cuba, but we dont see why russia would react this way if we put nukes closer to his border? Even if he expands the border of ukraine onto a nato country at least the bordwr will be further from moscow. Alot of complex problems.

I do not have a dog in this fight i could care less about ukraine and russia as the world doesnt give a damn about whats going on in Africa. But to go to ww3 over the Donbas region and blow up the whole world is where i have an issue. Pulling America into this in my eyes will make this worst.


Im out. I will watch this from the sidelines.
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Based on their bias, I don’t trust American media so I don’t 100% agree with how this article is presented but regardless I think this is a very good read. Historically, Hitler had his stick ups and it’s seems that Putin is suffering from the same weakness of personal vendetta. I do like that it was written before the “kerfuffle” started. I personally think it’s an invasion now and not a kerfuffle.

Sorry if this was already posted.

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Thanks for the video and enlightening us. No one is trying to make light of the blatant racism.

As a matter fact, we already have spoken on it. I have said multiple times that this is front page news because of Russia and the color the skin of the victims. In addition, I have reference the Middle East and Africa in comparison, and well we all know this is nothing new and is still happening.

So again, if this helps enlighten more people thank you. Just not sure who is oblivious to this.

Makes sense why the convoy hasn't moved. Don't know how they expected to move all those vehicles without air superiority. If Ukraine forces keep hitting the lead vehicles then that convoy is not moving and all those soldiers need to be fed as well.

The Microsoft news is no surprise since they've been helping preventing cyber attacks in Ukraine from Russia. Not sure how much Russia depends on Azure and other MIcrosoft services like Teams but it's another blow for them.

If true then they're screwed.

I feel like all these companies barring russian business is just social media cancel culture x10 and really isnt doing anything significant, certainly not to the folks in power. Meanwhile the US and europe continue to buy russian oil and nat gas. In 6 months when everyone removes the ukraine flag from their profile pic it will be back to business as usual.
Absolute madness firing so near a nuclear power plant and risk causing a nuclear meltdown.

And the biggest one in Ukraine 😲😲😲

Could have been 6 Chernobyl’s 😲😲😲

Don’t know if that’s just inexperienced troops but god damn, everybody should know by know, that would effect the entire planet for thousands of years Possibly
And the biggest one in Ukraine 😲😲😲

Could have been 6 Chernobyl’s 😲😲😲

Don’t know if that’s just inexperienced troops but god damn, everybody should know by know, that would effect the entire planet for thousands of years Possibly

Well, who knows what is true or not but supposed plant employees are reporting it is a Chechen force that took it and they are rigging it with explosives. Not good at all.

Edit: I’m not joining the NT Putin-boys but this whole accusation would need confirmation. Somethings will be imbelished to try and force NATO to enter. If true they have really gone off the deep end.
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I feel like all these companies barring russian business is just social media cancel culture x10 and really isnt doing anything significant, certainly not to the folks in power. Meanwhile the US and europe continue to buy russian oil and nat gas. In 6 months when everyone removes the ukraine flag from their profile pic it will be back to business as usual.
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