School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

they never learned anything from WW2. Germany was technological advanced and superior in warfare but they still lost to Russia. never underestimate the resolve of a country that you are trying to invade.
I would say that they never adjusted from the tactics that they used in Afghanistan since it worked in Georgia, Syria, and Crimea. But like you've mentioned, they underestimated Ukraine and overestimated their own undisciplined forces. With the failed offensives, losses of gained territory, and atrocious crimes being committed by various units, I would say their big problem is leadership on multiple levels.

Also, Germany lost mostly because of their lack of preparedness for the Russian winter, similar to what happened to Napoleon's Grande Armée.

With Le Pen getting close to Macron, Putin will be a very happy man if the far right can win the presidential election in a major European country.

For those who don't know, Marine once borrowed money from Russia to fund her previous presidential run, and every time the far right has lost has been because the French right and left have swallowed their tongue and supported unpopular, centrist presidents against the National Front. This time, things don't look so certain, and France might experience the kind of disillusionment that leads people to not participate in elections and let the FN National Rally (Marine's current party; her father was FN) take it home.

What a far-right victory in France will mean for Ukraine is a disruption of European unity against Russia, which will negatively affect the Ukrainian resistance (less money, less weapons, less human resources, and legitimization of the Russian position).

It isn't as bad as it sounds, but given the circumstances, it will weaken European response towards Russia and will turn the rest of Europe against France, which is a sentiment that plays well for isolationists and Euro-skeptics such as Marine.

PARIS, April 13 (Reuters) - Far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen sought on Wednesday to play up her leadership credentials on the world stage, urging a break with France's recent diplomatic past to make what she called a country that "still counts."

A Le Pen victory in France's election run-off on April 24 would reverberate through Europe and across the Atlantic, installing a deep eurosceptic in the Elysee Palace who has long professed admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Le Pen has drawn criticism in the past for a shaky grasp of geopolitics, once asserting that Russia had not invaded Crimea in 2014. Given the role of the French president is to take the lead on foreign policy, Le Pen held a 90-minute news conference aiming to show she had the stature of a major power leader.
they never learned anything from WW2. Germany was technological advanced and superior in warfare but they still lost to Russia.
And ever since they beat Nazi Germany, they have equated everything that opposes Russian interests to Nazism (just like some Americans equate anything that challenges capitalism to communism).

That's where the initial accusations of fighting a Nazi government in Kyiv came from.
And ever since they beat Nazi Germany, they have equated everything that opposes Russian interests to Nazism (just like some Americans equate anything that challenges capitalism to communism).

That's where the initial accusations of fighting a Nazi government in Kyiv came from.
that is just a lame excuse to justify Russia on reclaiming lost territories after the Cold War. the Nato excuse is another. if Russia really wanted to get rid of Nazism nationalist, they can start looking at German Nazi Nationalists. Putin knows this and make it appear that the whole world is that stupid like the Russians.
that is just a lame excuse to justify Russia on reclaiming lost territories after the Cold War. the Nato excuse is another. if Russia really wanted to get rid of Nazism nationalist, they can start looking at German Nazi Nationalists. Putin knows this and make it appear that the whole world is that stupid like the Russians.
All I'm saying is that it is an excuse that is rooted in the way the events of WWII have been interpreted in Russian cultural consciousness. That's my understanding of the Russian perspective from the interviews with Russian experts I've listened to.

In other news, they had the Polish ambassador to the US on NPR yesterday, and dude was very hawkish towards Moscow.

FADEL: But how does a military victory come about without also a diplomatic path?

MAGIEROWESKI: Believe me, that transfer of military equipment to Ukraine has been massive over the last few weeks, and they are capable - they will be capable of crushing the Russian Army. And if we talk about a hypothetical end of those hostilities, there are some conditions that the international community should set to Russia. They should withdraw all their troops, not only from Ukraine proper, but also from those territories annexed and occupied since 2014 - from Crimea and from those two Eastern republics. They should pay war reparations to Ukraine. Ukraine is now devastated. And all those war criminals who have committed unspeakable crimes in Ukraine should be tried and sentenced.


Not sure how true this is but distracting them with a drone while sneaking the missile through the clouds sounds like something straight out of a movie.
BBC says the crew is 510 man strong so that's a huge loss in terms of equipment and personnel and frankly quite embarrassing too.

It's their flagship so who knows how much it costs. Apparently their other ships also turned around and went back south.
It's their flagship so who knows how much it costs.
I read that they only have three of those (Slava class) in their navy.

If confirmed, that would be a major blow to Putin's perception as a capable leader. You can disguise men's deaths to an extent, but losing one of your best ships to a military without a navy to speak of is just humiliating.

It isn't as bad as it sounds, but given the circumstances, it will weaken European response towards Russia and will turn the rest of Europe against France, which is a sentiment that plays well for isolationists and Euro-skeptics such as Marine.

Le Pen is not winning, no need to worry.

$750 Million ship

Russian State TV is wild. So brazen.
Dunno why they're so angry since it was an accidental fire and storm that sank the ship. :lol:

The old guy had enough of the "Special Military Operation" party line. He's like what are we waging now?
It's getting hard for them to keep up with their lies.

Almost 500 unaccounted for from the ship. Ukraine now say 20K Russian solders have been killed and this might be another 500.
More blood on Putin's hands.
not saying it's comparable but I remember the German warship Bismarck with regards to being Russia's flagship. the idea of having your country's naval pride sinking does affect the country's military moral and confidence. on the otherhand, the Bismarck was an amazing ship and atleast put up a fight against the whole Allied Naval force. it was a scary ship. the Moskva looked like a damn shame to it.

Russian State TV is wild. So brazen.
Dunno why they're so angry since it was an accidental fire and storm that sank the ship. :lol:

The old guy had enough of the "Special Military Operation" party line. He's like what are we waging now?
It's getting hard for them to keep up with their lies.

Russia's version of......


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$750 Million ship

Russian State TV is wild. So brazen.
Dunno why they're so angry since it was an accidental fire and storm that sank the ship. :lol:

The old guy had enough of the "Special Military Operation" party line. He's like what are we waging now?
It's getting hard for them to keep up with their lies.

Almost 500 unaccounted for from the ship. Ukraine now say 20K Russian solders have been killed and this might be another 500.
More blood on Putin's hands.

It’s not hard to keep up with the lies at all for Russians.

Putin’s approval rating keeps climbing and climbing.
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