Shoes Thrown at Bush

Originally Posted by tylerdub

Originally Posted by knowledgebones72

Originally Posted by iBlink

SMH... you people are disgusting. Like him or not, the man's still your President and deserves your respect.

Real talk, some of the Pres. Bush haters on NT only detest the man because it's the "thing" to do. Sheep for the fricking loss.
You're crazy man. It's perfectly fine to not respect the leader of your country. Hell, it's patriotic even. You should always question authority unless you would rather give this man your respect simply because he's in charge. Now, that's kinda sheepish.
List of presidents I dont like:
Bill Clinton
Jimmy Carter
Barack Obama (soon enough)
List of presidents I have disagreed with recently:
George Bush
George Bush
List of Presidents I want to see hit in the face with a shoe:

It is not fine to disrespect the leader of your country. The President almost without exception deserves our respect. It is fine to have disagreements with him. It is fine to dislike him. It is fine to protest against him. It is fine to question him. It is fine to try and impeach him. The only time when it is fine not to respect a President is when he has made an utter disgrace of himself, and dishonored and misled our country.
so, by your own definition we should be pretty much open to disrespecting him.

[X] disgrace of himself
[X] dishonored country
[X] Misled country

yup, we're good.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by whyte1der05five

Sloppy bc of the terrible cowboys game ...



this HAS to bemy new Avy....
If, in youre opinion, Pres. Bush has made a disgrace of himself (I do not believe he has. He has made the hard decisions and stuck to his principles despitefurious opposition), dishonored our country (once again I do not think he has done this), Misled country (then you have to blame 95% of Congress as well) thenfeel free to say what you will.
Remember that Pres. Lincoln was one of the most unpopular and most widely hated Presidents ever in his own time. History has smiled brightly upon him. I feelthat Pres. Bush's legacy will be similar.
Yo bush could be a damn boxer the way he weaved that s**t i dont know about his jab or his hook but damn he weaved that like a moth*r@#!%$! had a smile on hisface too
Originally Posted by tylerdub

If, in youre opinion, Pres. Bush has made a disgrace of himself (I do not believe he has. He has made the hard decisions and stuck to his principles despite furious opposition), dishonored our country (once again I do not think he has done this), Misled country (then you have to blame 95% of Congress as well) then feel free to say what you will.
Remember that Pres. Lincoln was one of the most unpopular and most widely hated Presidents ever in his own time. History has smiled brightly upon him. I feel that Pres. Bush's legacy will be similar.

Please, don't ever compare Bush and Lincoln again. It's an insult to Lincoln's legacy. Bush will be lucky to have 2 pages in an American HistoryText book in 200 years let alone monuments and currency in his likeness.
Throwing shoes in those areas is a gesture of disrespect, real talk.

"so what if I got a shoe thrown at meh"

I don't like Bush but he made it funny
Originally Posted by tylerdub

If, in youre opinion, Pres. Bush has made a disgrace of himself (I do not believe he has. He has made the hard decisions and stuck to his principles despite furious opposition), dishonored our country (once again I do not think he has done this), Misled country (then you have to blame 95% of Congress as well) then feel free to say what you will.
Remember that Pres. Lincoln was one of the most unpopular and most widely hated Presidents ever in his own time. History has smiled brightly upon him. I feel that Pres. Bush's legacy will be similar.
I will never understand anyone that thinks Bush "sticking to his principals" is a positive. "Congrats on sticking to your terriblyflawed ideas. Even after being proven to be wrong about soooooo many things, you have not apologized for any of your missteps or failures. You sir, are awonderful president. Most presidents would feel bad about lying to the American people."
Originally Posted by tylerdub

. I feel that Pres. Bush's legacy will be similar.


He is leaving office as a disgrace to America due to...

Economy in a recession
400 Billion deficit
2 wars he started but couldn't finish
Failed to capture Osama?

Bush is going down as one of the worst Presidents in American History. He was such a disgrace that the Republicans didn't even want him to campaign forMcCain so yah what a grand legacy Bush will have.
Originally Posted by don23lucia

how did the secret service not blast this guy?

I hope you're kidding. The same goes for the rest of you who madethe comments about the secret service not doing their jobs or whatever.

This was a media session. Everyone who participated was thoroughly checked for weapons that kill or things that harm people before they were allowed into theroom. They're not going to prevent people from wearing shoes.

After the people that are in a closed area with the President are checked for weapons or whatever, the secret service are not exactly on the highest of alerts,expecting someone to pull out a gun and aim it towards Dubya as if they were in an open area with hundreds of people around.

@ the fact that 7 out of the 12 most viewed videos on Youtube today areabout this incident, including #1 and #2.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by don23lucia

how did the secret service not blast this guy?

I hope you're kidding. The same goes for the rest of you who made the comments about the secret service not doing their jobs or whatever.

This was a media session. Everyone who participated was thoroughly checked for weapons that kill or things that harm people before they were allowed into the room. They're not going to prevent people from wearing shoes.

After the people that are in a closed area with the President are checked for weapons or whatever, the secret service are not exactly on the highest of alerts, expecting someone to pull out a gun and aim it towards Dubya as if they were in an open area with hundreds of people around.

@ the fact that 7 out of the 12 most viewed videos on Youtube today are about this incident, including #1 and #2.
I thought about that after i posted that
presidency aside, W looks like a pretty cool dude.

he can dodge shoes rather impressively, throw legit strikes from an MLB mound, get drunkk, do drugs....
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