Since Jeremy Lin is doing so well, situational racism is OK.

Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by dipped in butter

I just seen this thread in the S&T forum

and it was locked, this will get locked as well.
Is it the thread I made cause it seems like anything in reference to asians get's locked quick.
even if it's not negative
Why is calling Lin a Yellow Mamba bad but calling Kobe the Black Mamba okay?
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Man so what if they are supporting him. JJ is right, racial jokes are cool now. Like you see Melo bowing to dude while on the bench? I know, I know, team camaraderie but it is still ethnically motivated. Whitlock is out of line. He knows that.
dog this was really a big deal to you?  Have you ever been in any close comraderie with other guys before? played any sort of organized sports?  I know being in the Marines that black, mexican, white, asian jokes are the regular...once in awhile the line gets crossed and that person gets checked.  But when you work with guys everyday and are that close then its all love and its all jokes

Then I guess we shouldn't get so hyper-sensitive when the N word is thrown around so freely by blacks and non-blacks, right?  Assuming it's all love and jokes. 
that is crossing the line.  There is a difference between jokes and actual hate speech.  If people spoke about asians the way clint eastwood did in Grand Torino, then you would have a point
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by SleepyBlueDemon

So is most of this disdain aimed at the asian community since they're mostly the ones holding up the signs?
I don't like black people calling each other the N-Word either so the same rules apply here.
I think I am also bothered by Lin's old BlackPlanet account being named ChinkBaller or something along those lines. SMH.
I agree, but the sentiment of the OP is that it's non-asians being "situationally" racist when a lot of is seems to be asians themselves perpetuating it...

Most black people dont mind being called black... there's a while historical thing we can go back and forth about. However, yellow has never been anything but derogatory to asians.On the other hand, Filipinos: feel free to check off Asian now, we don't have to deny it anymore... we have Jeremy Lin.
Originally Posted by BronLe

Why is calling Lin a Yellow Mamba bad but calling Kobe the Black Mamba okay?

Cause that fool Kobe came up with his own damn nickname. 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

You all are funny. So as long as the perceived intent isn't malicious it is cool?

So if I were to go to Austrailia and win all types of academic awards and when I am honored people throw out Watermelon flavored Sour Patch kids ? Or boxes of chicken broth? It shouldn't be noted that it is out of line because I am being "celebrated."

I understand....

You can't be serious

It's jokes

Stand-up comedians say the most racist $+#$ all the time and NT'ers are the first to
@ dudes like Chris Rock and Dave Chapelle . Why? It's funny.

"Who says Asians can't drive?" That $+#$ is funny
People need to lighten up . Also your sour patch watermelon comparison might be the most idiotic thing ive ever seen posted on NT

No ones throwing anything on the court

Jeremy will continue to do his thing on the court and the funny thing is he cares less about what people say about his race than half of the dudes on this board do
I thought the joke was kinda funny... People make jokes about black people having big janks... so why wouldn't it be ok for people to talk about asians?
You all seem to confused frequency with appropriateness. So what if comedians make racially charged jokes on a regular basis. So what if people in the military make racially charged jokes. It happens alot yes, but that does not make it appropriate.

And what was idiotic about the Watermelon Sour Patch Kids analogy? I was simply bringing up something with the watermelon flavor. Out of all the things I said that is what you chose to address? LOL Funny.

Again, I don't care if it is just jokes. Doesn't make it right.
Originally Posted by SleepyBlueDemon

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by SleepyBlueDemon

So is most of this disdain aimed at the asian community since they're mostly the ones holding up the signs?
I don't like black people calling each other the N-Word either so the same rules apply here.
I think I am also bothered by Lin's old BlackPlanet account being named ChinkBaller or something along those lines. SMH.
I agree, but the sentiment of the OP is that it's non-asians being "situationally" racist when a lot of is seems to be asians themselves perpetuating it...

My opinion might come off as very Berkeley progressive for some of you, but I think that if an Asian is holding up a sign that says, "Yellow Mamba," then that shows how uneducated and stupid they are. It's great that you want to support a fellow Asian, but doing that is giving the impression that it is okay for Asians to be called "yellows." White people will be like, "Hey, Asians are referring to their own as this, so it must be okay!" That's pretty much as bad as holding up a sign that says, "Slant-eyed Mamba" or "$#!!!%$* Mamba." I am Asian, Filipino to be specific, but you don't see me going to a Pacquiao fight and holding up a sign that says, "Goo Goo Champion" or "Fighting Monkey Pride of the Philippines."
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

You all seem to confused frequency with appropriateness. So what if comedians make racially charged jokes on a regular basis. So what if people in the military make racially charged jokes. It happens alot yes, but that does not make it appropriate.

And what was idiotic about the Watermelon Sour Patch Kids analogy? I was simply bringing up something with the watermelon flavor. Out of all the things I said that is what you chose to address? LOL Funny.

Again, I don't care if it is just jokes. Doesn't make it right.
The ONLY people I've heard make racially charged jokes about Lin in REAL LIFE are Asian.
Originally Posted by Trav T

My opinion might come off as very Berkeley progressive for some of you, but I think that if an Asian is holding up a sign that says, "Yellow Mamba," then that shows how uneducated and stupid they are. It's great that you want to support a fellow Asian, but doing that is giving the impression that it is okay for Asians to be called "yellows." White people will be like, "Hey, Asians are referring to their own as this, so it must be okay!" That's pretty much as bad as holding up a sign that says, "Slant-eyed Mamba" or "$#!!!%$* Mamba." I am Asian, Filipino to be specific, but you don't see me going to a Pacquiao fight and holding up a sign that says, "Goo Goo Champion" or "Fighting Monkey Pride of the Philippines."

Thank you.  Well said.

The same sentiments can be applied to blacks using the N' word.  Just because it's one of your own saying it, doesn't necessarily make it right. 
I feel bad for Tiger Woods, though. He heard all the jokes for being both Asian and Black.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Man so what if they are supporting him. JJ is right, racial jokes are cool now. Like you see Melo bowing to dude while on the bench? I know, I know, team camaraderie but it is still ethnically motivated.
One reason I think Lin even gets down with that is cuz he was raised here. It isn't a situation where a foreigner would look at Melo as the insensitive offensive American using stereotypes to greet/mock me.

I'm sure Lin grew up with all those kind of jokes and took them in stride. Like I said in my post in this thread in S&T we'll see how far this is allowed to go in regards to Asians since their is a line between racial humor and racism word to Dave Chappelle.
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

You all seem to confused frequency with appropriateness. So what if comedians make racially charged jokes on a regular basis. So what if people in the military make racially charged jokes. It happens alot yes, but that does not make it appropriate.

And what was idiotic about the Watermelon Sour Patch Kids analogy? I was simply bringing up something with the watermelon flavor. Out of all the things I said that is what you chose to address? LOL Funny.

Again, I don't care if it is just jokes. Doesn't make it right.
The ONLY people I've heard make racially charged jokes about Lin in REAL LIFE are Asian.

This and the many others just like know for certain Asians are the ones making them?
Racism is powerless until it gets into rules and regulations. That's the time to get butthurt.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Trav T

My opinion might come off as very Berkeley progressive for some of you, but I think that if an Asian is holding up a sign that says, "Yellow Mamba," then that shows how uneducated and stupid they are. It's great that you want to support a fellow Asian, but doing that is giving the impression that it is okay for Asians to be called "yellows." White people will be like, "Hey, Asians are referring to their own as this, so it must be okay!" That's pretty much as bad as holding up a sign that says, "Slant-eyed Mamba" or "$#!!!%$* Mamba." I am Asian, Filipino to be specific, but you don't see me going to a Pacquiao fight and holding up a sign that says, "Goo Goo Champion" or "Fighting Monkey Pride of the Philippines."
Thank you. Well said.

The same sentiments can be applied to blacks using the N' word.  Just because it's one of your own saying it, doesn't necessarily make it right. 
Isn't this contradictory? or just plain hypocrisy? Honestly out side of the context of referring to their skin color that's where the whole its okay to say an Asian is yellow ends. I've never heard Asians referred to as "Yellows" ever, not even as a racial epithet yet you have no problem saying "blacks" like it's okay and then talking about the issue of using the n-word.

Yellow Mamba is a nick name where the basis refers to skin color. It's no different than referring to Brian Scalabrine as White Mamba or the oxymoron "Black" Jesus.
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