Nobody is getting anything above a 10% tip on a regular bill.

I perform a service, where is my tip?
Curious to hear what NT thinks about these $4+ delivery charges with Dominos, does that include tip?

It is now. Not gonna pay a fee and give a tip. Prime example of making up fees just for the sake of doing so. Dominos trash tho
wait wait wait do u guys not tip bartenders?
Tip a person who just pours a drink
:lol: yeah right
Once they make a freestyle version
Of a alcohol machine
It’s a wrap
U have no idea what they saying bout u when u walk in and walk out. U probbly think ur doing it to :rofl:
If I don't hear it, why should it bother me?
Tip a person who just pours a drink
:lol: yeah right
Once they make a freestyle version
Of a alcohol machine
It’s a wrap
Imagine giving someone money just for handing you an overpriced drink.
I valet full time at an expensive hotel and the tips are the best part about the job honestly. My perspective on tipping has always been 20% is standard and 15% if I get bad service. Most would say "I don't tip if I get bad service!" are service workers not allowed to have a bad day or an off day like any other human being? When you have a bad day at work do you still get paid DUH, don't take it personally, Im sure your server probably has more going on in life than you. If you can not afford to tip then you probably can't afford to eat there in the first place. From the valet side of things if you are a d*ckhead to your valet then odds are they are going to drive your most expensive possession (not including your house) like a stunt driver. Plus valets will take care of you if you take care of them, if you don't then have fun waiting 30 minutes for your car and getting little to no assistance with what you need. If you can't afford to tip or you don't like to tip then you're most likely too broke to be hanging out there anyway.
I valet full time at an expensive hotel and the tips are the best part about the job honestly. My perspective on tipping has always been 20% is standard and 15% if I get bad service. Most would say "I don't tip if I get bad service!" are service workers not allowed to have a bad day or an off day like any other human being? When you have a bad day at work do you still get paid DUH, don't take it personally, Im sure your server probably has more going on in life than you. If you can not afford to tip then you probably can't afford to eat there in the first place. From the valet side of things if you are a d*ckhead to your valet then odds are they are going to drive your most expensive possession (not including your house) like a stunt driver. Plus valets will take care of you if you take care of them, if you don't then have fun waiting 30 minutes for your car and getting little to no assistance with what you need. If you can't afford to tip or you don't like to tip then you're most likely too broke to be hanging out there anyway.


You park cars for a living yet you talking about broke boys?

Where people can and can't go?

Most would say "I don't tip if I get bad service!" are service workers not allowed to have a bad day or an off day like any other human being? When you have a bad day at work do you still get paid DUH, don't take it personally, Im sure your server probably has more going on in life than you.
definitely entitled to a bad day nobody denying that
but u still have to be professional AT WORK

If you can not afford to tip then you probably can't afford to eat there in the first place.
or could it be i can afford
but just dont wanna tip

From the valet side of things if you are a d*ckhead to your valet then odds are they are going to drive your most expensive possession (not including your house) like a stunt driver.
sooooo servers are entitled to having a bad day
and we shouldn't take it personally
but if the customer is having a bad day
yall take it personally
im confused at the logic

Plus valets will take care of you if you take care of them, if you don't then have fun waiting 30 minutes for your car and getting little to no assistance with what you need
soooo i gotta "take care of u"
in order for u
to do ur job correctly
and in a timely manner???

You park cars for a living yet you talking about broke boys?

Where people can and can't go?


Im in school full time, I live on the waterfront in my city and drive a new X5. Nice assumption on your part though.
definitely entitled to a bad day nobody denying that
but u still have to be professional AT WORK

or could it be i can afford
but just dont wanna tip

sooooo servers are entitled to having a bad day
and we shouldn't take it personally
but if the customer is having a bad day
yall take it personally
im confused at the logic

soooo i gotta "take care of u"
in order for u
to do ur job correctly
and in a timely manner???

Professionalism and having a bad day are not one in the same. People could have the best day of their life and be unprofessional correlation not cause.
You not tipping every time you go out is somehow attached to your bad day(s) you must be upset a lot.
In that same sentence you must have missed where I said if you're a d*ckhead to your valet then they will hot rod your car around.
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