So I have a ghost in my house... Vol. Help

my grandma yeah, she had cancer.
the trippy part is that I got this call before anyone knew she had cancer.

Sorry about your grandmother.

Theres some really trippy/scary spiritual folks out there.

My aunt who lives in the middle east went to see this very religious lady (cant remember what the actual name is) after i got arrested. My aunts a very religious woman so she goes there and tells this woman the story except that im in the hospital and not jail as she didnt want to give that detail to a random. So the lady asks her for a piece of my clothing, my aunt tells her i live on the other side of the world, so she asks for a picture of me. Aunty shows her a pic on her phone, the woman says some prayers. She then looks at my aunt and says... Hes not in the hospital, hes in jail, but don't worry hell be ok hell be out soon.

How trippy is that man. This woman my aunt JUST met tells her all that about someone on the other side of the world after seeing a pic on a cellphone and saying some prayers.
Worse idea ive ever heard. You gotta sell the house and hope it doesnt follow you. Or burn the house down for insurance money
If you're into the Paranormal, then you need to believe that moving away may not always work. If something is attracted to you from the beginning, there is always the chance of that entity following you.

Honestly, if the "ghost" is simply just lingering around and not doing any harm, people suggest to have a session to communicate and acknowledge them and to also stand your ground. But that's just what people have suggested.

In my experience growing up, I learned to ignore and go on with my daily life. And even though I learned how to ignore "experiences", I still witness things from time to time. But I keep it to myself.
Op should take a dump in the room where he hears the noises. That may keep the ghost away.
that **** is normal b. ive had ghost in three of my homes

the first time i encountered one i almost had a heart attack and didnt go back in my house the whole night

you get kind of use to it after a while
We've been out for 10 days now...
man these ghost spirits whatever they are, they cant really hurt you. just ignore that **** and if they go hard just yell out harder homeboy im from brooklyn!

then tell um dont make me get the big homie jesus to wash you

they just want you to be restless like them. dont fall for it.
Because I'm a life long atheist that can't deny the things happening around me... I've always felt humans had a energy/spirit/whatever, but not in any godly sorta way... I think all creatures/animals/plants have an energy... More of a giant earth organism type deal.....

And we dab now cause we got a 1 year old... It takes too long to smoke a couple bongs, let it air out and then you stink afterwards... Doing a dab lets us take a single hit each and then move on with what we're doing... I
ima be honest with you. prayer works. all the times i encountered that ****. that **** gon make you a believer in god. i was all in the church when i was a little boy but then i got into some bad stuff later on in life like real bad. i knew the lord was taxin me. and what do you know at that time weird **** started happening and i mean weird. faint voices calling my name, things opening and slamming, some dude howling in my bedroom loud like he stumped his big toe. and i thought it was a dog outside at first but this ***** let it be known he was in my room because that **** went from one end of the room to another like he was howling in surround sound!

thats why we pray man we pray. we got to pray just to make it today
I’ve watch enough supernatural to know what to do.

-First buy some wrangler jeans and some real rugged men’s clothing and start wearing it.

-Then get a group of people to stay at your house with you. Let the ghost/spirit kill all those people.

-Then set your house on fire to kill the dead persons remains.


you won.

somebody come get him.
Damb is it just me or do ghost never haunt anybody but white people in America? :nerd::nerd::nerd:

I ain't sayin only white people get haunted but y'all sure do get haunted more then anybody else:tongue:
There has never been concrete proof of a ghost in the history of humans

right. Until they have proof i find ghost hard to believe.

Everyone got camera phones and catch the most dumbest stuff for WSHH but no one caught a ghost yet?

This goes for aliens too.

Im the person where when it happens you can tell me "I told you so" :lol:
I've had this issue at 3 different places. I'm not crazy and I don't drink/smoke. First place was my ex girlfriend's apartment. Years later, I found out that the previous tenants were an old couple who died from carbon monoxide poisoning. Right after we broke up, weird stuff started happening at my house for about a year. I never told anyone because I thought I was bugging out. However, my brother experienced something and I finally told him what was going on. It got worse. I got desperate and put a bible in my pillow. I believe in God but I'm not religious. I haven't experienced anything at my home since then. Recently, I was at my brother's new house and I experienced something weird.
Do basically I gotta yell "in the name of jebus I mean jebus"...

**** me...

Why couldn't I get a cool ghost who just wants to toke...
I've had this issue at 3 different places. I'm not crazy and I don't drink/smoke. First place was my ex girlfriend's apartment. Years later, I found out that the previous tenants were an old couple who died from carbon monoxide poisoning. Right after we broke up, weird stuff started happening at my house for about a year. I never told anyone because I thought I was bugging out. However, my brother experienced something and I finally told him what was going on. It got worse. I got desperate and put a bible in my pillow. I believe in God but I'm not religious. I haven't experienced anything at my home since then. Recently, I was at my brother's new house and I experienced something weird.

Vaguest post ever..
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