So I sent this girl flowers..... (update pg. 1)

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Man, I've been dating this girl for a couple months and we like each other a lot there is no question. Lately, we have both been mad busy so we haven't seen each other much. Last Sunday night we met up at iggys for a drink or two and talked. Things were cool until I said something.... I asked her if she would ever come to the sand dunes with me and my friends. She said yea.... and I was like "You can drive seperate if you'd like (she has a kid and she likes to drive seperate just in case something goes down at the sitters) just in case you have to leave." And before I finish she jumps the gun and says,"See that's why I can't get close to you. You always put me last. If there is something better to go and do it. If your plans don't go through...then you call me asking to hangout." <<<"That's not true." Since I was still talking when she jumped the gun I was gonna say, "Well actually just come with me and if you have to leave we will leave together." So it kinda @+$!#@ up the mood
. It made me feel really bad because she is a sweetheart and It hurts to know that that's how she thinks of me. I apologized and she said it was cool and it seemed all good. Over the next couple of days, she texts me the normal "hey cutie/hun/babe" "you're so sweet/handsome" stuff like that. I apologize for my alleged behavior a couple more times and she says that it's all good. So I start thinking that I should try a bit harder and show her that I care...... So yesterday at about 12:45 pm I sent her flowers. She was mad busy at work and couldn't text back but she texted me around 12:00 and asked "are you doing ok". I said yeah and she didn't text back. No biggie, she's busy. So I'm like she gonna be mad suprised when she gets home and she is gonna call me all happy and stuff. 11 call or text. I'm like.... I know the flowers were delivered because the shop didn't call me back. So now its 2:30 the next day and still no reply? What the hell happened? I texted her good morning and it is very odd for her to not write back. Cliffnotes -Me and a girl I'm talking to got in a mild misunderstanding. -Made up and I sent her flowers a few days later -A whole 24 hours later and no reply. -Its very odd -I'm freaking out P.S. No pics. I honestly don't have any and she doesn't have a FB. I have tried to get pics of her but she won't let me

first time i see a girl tell someone YNS

but just give it some time homie
Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

oh yea.. 2 things:
1) you may want to separate your cliffs from the rest of the paragraph nvm u fixed it

2) i actually just read the end of this book you wrote, and
at "A whole 24 hours later and no reply. -Its very odd -I'm freaking out"

Well, I don't mean to sound crazy or nothing but she texts me everyday withought me even texting her first. Just to say "wake up!" and stuff. Andafter sending her is even more strange
Why would you apologize? I dont see what you did...she seems a bit insecure...moody
Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

oh yea.. 2 things:
1) you may want to separate your cliffs from the rest of the paragraph nvm u fixed it

2) i actually just read the end of this book you wrote, and
at "A whole 24 hours later and no reply. -Its very odd -I'm freaking out"

Well, I don't mean to sound crazy or nothing but she texts me everyday withought me even texting her first. Just to say "wake up!" and stuff. And after sending her is even more strange
text her and see if she received the flowers...there's always the possibility that they never made it to her.
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Stright up, what does "yns" mean?

It's always funny when someone asks this

[table][tr][td][/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Acronym for "You're Not Smashing," made popular by the General Forum on NikeTalk.

Frail Poster: "Hey guys how do I ask out this girl i'm talking to in Biology?

NTer: "YNS"

Frail Poster:

*Goes back to ISS and gets 20 pages of useful help*
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[table][tr][td][/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [/tr][/table]
NT never fails

People calling me a SIMP.

People calling me desperate.

People saying I shouldn't have sent flowers etc.

People saying that INM

It was just a nice gesture sending her flowers.

Yeah it was a mistake with the half-assed invite but that was not my intention. But either way that's how it came out from the start and thats whatbothered her, and thats what bothered me
Lol these responses.

You apologized too much my dude. Once was good enough, if you keep harping on that one "my bad" than she'll never take you seriously.

And the fact that you sent her flowers cause SHE took something the wrong way is just simpish.
Son pick up your phone and call to talk. Then bring it up like dirty said if she does pick up. If she doesnt and you leave a message and she doesnt return thecall, then move on.
Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Originally Posted by HOVKid

Stright up, what does "yns" mean?

It's always funny when someone asks this

[table][tr][td][/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Acronym for "You're Not Smashing," made popular by the General Forum on NikeTalk.

Frail Poster: "Hey guys how do I ask out this girl i'm talking to in Biology?

NTer: "YNS"

Frail Poster:

*Goes back to ISS and gets 20 pages of useful help*
[/td] [/tr][/table]
[table][tr][td][/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [/tr][/table]

Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Originally Posted by HOVKid

Stright up, what does "yns" mean?

It's always funny when someone asks this

[table][tr][td][/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Acronym for "You're Not Smashing," made popular by the General Forum on NikeTalk.

Frail Poster: "Hey guys how do I ask out this girl i'm talking to in Biology?

NTer: "YNS"

Frail Poster:

*Goes back to ISS and gets 20 pages of useful help*
[/td] [/tr][/table]
[table][tr][td][/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [/tr][/table]

You need steroids
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Man, I've been dating this girl for a couple months and we like each other a lot there is no question. Lately, we have both been mad busy so we haven't seen each other much. Last Sunday night we met up at iggys for a drink or two and talked. Things were cool until I said something.... I asked her if she would ever come to the sand dunes with me and my friends. She said yea.... and I was like "You can drive seperate if you'd like (she has a kid and she likes to drive seperate just in case something goes down at the sitters) just in case you have to leave." And before I finish she jumps the gun and says,"See that's why I can't get close to you. You always put me last. If there is something better to go and do it. If your plans don't go through...then you call me asking to hangout." <<<"That's not true." Since I was still talking when she jumped the gun I was gonna say, "Well actually just come with me and if you have to leave we will leave together." So it kinda @+$!#@ up the mood
. It made me feel really bad because she is a sweetheart and It hurts to know that that's how she thinks of me. I apologized and she said it was cool and it seemed all good. Over the next couple of days, she texts me the normal "hey cutie/hun/babe" "you're so sweet/handsome" stuff like that. I apologize for my alleged behavior a couple more times and she says that it's all good. So I start thinking that I should try a bit harder and show her that I care...... So yesterday at about 12:45 pm I sent her flowers. She was mad busy at work and couldn't text back but she texted me around 12:00 and asked "are you doing ok". I said yeah and she didn't text back. No biggie, she's busy. So I'm like she gonna be mad suprised when she gets home and she is gonna call me all happy and stuff. 11 call or text. I'm like.... I know the flowers were delivered because the shop didn't call me back. So now its 2:30 the next day and still no reply? What the hell happened? I texted her good morning and it is very odd for her to not write back. Cliffnotes -Me and a girl I'm talking to got in a mild misunderstanding. -Made up and I sent her flowers a few days later -A whole 24 hours later and no reply. -Its very odd -I'm freaking out P.S. No pics. I honestly don't have any and she doesn't have a FB. I have tried to get pics of her but she won't let me
[Domski] WOOP! [/Domski] Okay thytker, I see you...

Originally Posted by StillIn729

yo please tell me this is not Lurkin2Long
Nah, fam is a fly boys don't get in messy situations like the OP's.

OP, update us with w/e happens next.
you guys..

OP, you apologised too many times. Once is enough.

I hope she didn't receive the flowers and that's why she hasn't thanked you... If not, that's just ruthlessly cold hearted.
Originally Posted by SoleOnEyez

Lol these responses.

You apologized too much my dude. Once was good enough, if you keep harping on that one "my bad" than she'll never take you seriously.

And the fact that you sent her flowers cause SHE took something the wrong way is just simpish.

No I didn't apologize the way you guys think. The next day she said sometihng about jumping the gun a bit and I said something like,"Yeah but I couldhave used my words better"

But that's basically it. I texted her the morning of the flower day and said, " Today, you're gonna have a good day." She was like"awwwww thanks! you're too sweet"

^^^ That was at like 9 in the morning yesterday....a couple of days after my last apology. So things were normal.

It really was just a nice gesture NT
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Originally Posted by HOVKid

Stright up, what does "yns" mean?

It's always funny when someone asks this

[table][tr][td][/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Acronym for "You're Not Smashing," made popular by the General Forum on NikeTalk.

Frail Poster: "Hey guys how do I ask out this girl i'm talking to in Biology?

NTer: "YNS"

Frail Poster:

*Goes back to ISS and gets 20 pages of useful help*
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