So ipad owners hows the ipad ?

didnt know android had a tab, late pass...

ive always been interested in the ipad, but for near 500 i would buy something else.

googling adriod tab*
Bought one and returned it. Now I miss it. I have a Macbook that I love and will probably sell the Macbook, get a large screen desktop and then an Ipad. If the changes are not much I am going to scoop the first version when the second one comes out.
Bought one and returned it. Now I miss it. I have a Macbook that I love and will probably sell the Macbook, get a large screen desktop and then an Ipad. If the changes are not much I am going to scoop the first version when the second one comes out.
Android just sucks in regards to Updating the OS being that its up to the manufacturer, thats my main gripe with Android.

My main gripe with the iPad is no Adobe Flash, on my iphone I can careless cause I dont sit on it for long periods of time surfing the web, but it does suck on the ipad, other then that i love mines.
Android just sucks in regards to Updating the OS being that its up to the manufacturer, thats my main gripe with Android.

My main gripe with the iPad is no Adobe Flash, on my iphone I can careless cause I dont sit on it for long periods of time surfing the web, but it does suck on the ipad, other then that i love mines.
Originally Posted by FullMetal

Originally Posted by djuzi05

I was very anti-iPad. I was like who wants a big iPod touch (eventhough I'm a huge Apple fan) That was until my fiancé bought me one. It's pretty awesome. I'm in med school right now, so I use it a lot for taking notes, editing PDFs and whatnot. I bought a stylus for it, which I'm getting used to but works well for hand-writing. I use this program, Zumocast, which isn't taking new users right now while Motorola is revamping it, to access all my files. It's a Godsend. I can leave my laptop at home connected to the internet, and bring my iPad to school and access and edit all my notes, listen to music, watch the 180 movies or numerous TV shows I've downloaded without saving anything to the iPad. It streams really fast too. Books can be downloaded at will. Netflix is great on the iPad screen. I don't know how people watch videos on their iPhones/Touch. Once you figure out what you want to use it for, it really comes in handy. I can't imagine being without it, and I'm excited for the new one in April.

Here's a sample of my handwritten notes on the iPad. You feel pretty boss while everyone else is using paper and clipboards


Here's the case I bought for mine also, it becomes a conversation piece with the professors and the doctors when you flip it open.

Do you use a stylus to write notes?

I have an app like that; works great.  I did use a stylus and it worked really well until the stylus tip gave out.
Originally Posted by FullMetal

Originally Posted by djuzi05

I was very anti-iPad. I was like who wants a big iPod touch (eventhough I'm a huge Apple fan) That was until my fiancé bought me one. It's pretty awesome. I'm in med school right now, so I use it a lot for taking notes, editing PDFs and whatnot. I bought a stylus for it, which I'm getting used to but works well for hand-writing. I use this program, Zumocast, which isn't taking new users right now while Motorola is revamping it, to access all my files. It's a Godsend. I can leave my laptop at home connected to the internet, and bring my iPad to school and access and edit all my notes, listen to music, watch the 180 movies or numerous TV shows I've downloaded without saving anything to the iPad. It streams really fast too. Books can be downloaded at will. Netflix is great on the iPad screen. I don't know how people watch videos on their iPhones/Touch. Once you figure out what you want to use it for, it really comes in handy. I can't imagine being without it, and I'm excited for the new one in April.

Here's a sample of my handwritten notes on the iPad. You feel pretty boss while everyone else is using paper and clipboards


Here's the case I bought for mine also, it becomes a conversation piece with the professors and the doctors when you flip it open.

Do you use a stylus to write notes?

I have an app like that; works great.  I did use a stylus and it worked really well until the stylus tip gave out.
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by djuzi05

Here's the case I bought for mine also, it becomes a conversation piece with the professors and the doctors when you flip it open.


that's actually pretty cool

looks nice. I have been thinking of copping an ipad but I'm not to fond with the OS and the memory.
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by djuzi05

Here's the case I bought for mine also, it becomes a conversation piece with the professors and the doctors when you flip it open.


that's actually pretty cool

looks nice. I have been thinking of copping an ipad but I'm not to fond with the OS and the memory.
i love my ipad i use it for school and for work if you want to get one i would wait the new one should be dropping soon
i love my ipad i use it for school and for work if you want to get one i would wait the new one should be dropping soon
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