Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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If you wanna base it on strict movie time, you're not wrong.

But Maul has been one of the best fleshed out characters because of the comics and tv shows and it's actually canon, unlike a lot of things so yeah, I have to agree Maul > Light years > Kylo

Like I said all well and good if you want to consider additional portrayals of Maul outside of the movies.

But if going by this barometer then it's not fair to compare the two is it? Maul has had significantly more exposure than Kylo Ren and his character arc was concluded in Rebels. What animated TV shows and comics have Kylo Ren appeared in to flesh his character out? Has Kylo Ren's arc been concluded?

I'm on the Red Letter Media side of the argument where you shouldn't expect people to be up on all kinds of comics and cartoon shows to get a grasp of a character. The reason TFA is leaps and bounds better than TPM is because JJ understood that a real villain needed to be more than a fancy lightsaber and flippy parkour tricks.
Like I said all well and good if you want to consider additional portrayals of Maul outside of the movies.

But if going by this barometer then it's not fair to compare the two is it? Maul has had significantly more exposure than Kylo Ren and his character arc was concluded in Rebels. What animated TV shows and comics have Kylo Ren appeared in to flesh his character out? Has Kylo Ren's arc been concluded?

I'm on the Red Letter Media side of the argument where you shouldn't expect people to be up on all kinds of comics and cartoon shows to get a grasp of a character. The reason TFA is leaps and bounds better than TPM is because JJ understood that a real villain needed to be more than a fancy lightsaber and flippy parkour tricks.

I get what you're saying but bottom line is Maul was created by George as a filler character whereas Kylo was created to be a marquee character for this current trilogy so it was always gonna be apples to oranges from the jump with how much focus each character was gonna get.

I don't think anybody could've argued over your point that Maul was just a glorified stuntman in TPM so if we're just going by strictly live-action movie portrayal, that's an accurate statement. Be that as it may, I've enjoyed Maul's fight scenes in TPM more than anything Kylo's done in two movies.
Speaking of the phantom menace, the pod race scene remains to this day one of my favorite segments in all of star wars. The cgi, the sound design, the intensity all hold up to this day. I also remember those phantom menace pepsi commercials. I tried to collect all the cans too.

people hate on pod racing or try to compare it to the stupidity in TLJ with Rose and Finn. Listening to the sounds of the pods in the theaters was awesome even when it re-released in 3D and then when I saw it again when did the marathon. Plus it made a point to tell that anakin is the only human who could do it
Only scenes worth revisiting in all prequels are the lightsaber duels.

Maybe minus the palpatine joint.

Lightsaber duels, Palpatine, and maybe that one scene of Anakin killing all the separatists.

That's about all I can think of. There's literally no memorable scenes.

As bad as TLJ was there were some great scenes, some great shots, and some great performances. I rank it evenly with Revenge of the Sith in quality.
Lightsaber duels, Palpatine, and maybe that one scene of Anakin killing all the separatists.

That's about all I can think of. There's literally no memorable scenes.

As bad as TLJ was there were some great scenes, some great shots, and some great performances. I rank it evenly with Revenge of the Sith in quality.

This scene is awesome with a home theater 7.1 cranked. Those seismic charges and the Slave 1 lasers are fantastic.
Rogue One and Solo don't get enough credit for being solid or decent movies despite both taking place in an unoriginal setting (Empire, Death Star) or using an already-dead, played-out character (Han Solo). I actually rank both of those over several of the numbered installments.

I was talking to my friend a while back and he introduced me to the revelation that the majority of the main Star Wars movies are not good. :lol:

It's a powerful brand whose only objectively fantastic entries are the first three installments (Original Trilogy).

After those, you have arguably two that lie between good-not-perfect and just okay depending on who you ask (TFA, and ROTS to some).

The rest sit somewhere between mediocre and offensively terrible movies (TPM, AOTC, TLJ, ROTS - which is really only looked at as "good by comparison" btw).

It's the only film franchise I can think of where the ancillary material is typically better than the majority of the movies. It's like if someone told me to ignore the Mission Impossible movies and go purchase the official licensed coloring books because they're better.

It's just an old, powerful brand that baby boomers couldn't let go of, and forced us, the subsequent generations, to inherit and deal with.

Only scenes worth revisiting in all prequels are the lightsaber duels.

Maybe minus the palpatine joint.

Battle of Geonosis is pretty lame. Lucas hiring family and friends to play the jedi :lol:

I wish they would have advanced Star Wars and didn’t waste anytime with the prequels.... just imagine how it could have progressed without all these back story movies
There are three big pieces of Star Wars media I am looking forward to in the fall.

I hope all of them are good. I am getting tired of being let down by Star Wars
I watched The Phantom Menace for the first time in a few years, last night.

The film does a lot of world-building, maybe too much world-building.
Naboo, Coruscant, "One master, one apprentice", midi-chlorians, podracing, C-3PO being created by Anakin.

It went from "good vs. evil" that we saw in the original trilogy to "shades of gray".

Darth Maul was cool. I'm betting Lucas wouldn't have him sliced off if he knew that Maul was going to be so popular.

Duel of the Fates is one of the all-time great John Williams scores.

Too much Jar Jar Binks as comic relief hurt the film.

Whatever you think of The Phantom Menace, it serves as a lesson on how NOT to do a Star Wars film.
Every one has different rankings but for me it’s still Episode V, III, IV, VII, VI, VIII, II, I

Over the years episode IV has became my favorite, the binary sunset with the force theme scene is too powerful. The newer episodes recreating that scene gave it even more of a boost.
Rogue One and Solo don't get enough credit for being solid or decent movies despite both taking place in an unoriginal setting (Empire, Death Star) or using an already-dead, played-out character (Han Solo). I actually rank both of those over several of the numbered installments.

I was talking to my friend a while back and he introduced me to the revelation that the majority of the main Star Wars movies are not good. :lol:

It's a powerful brand whose only objectively fantastic entries are the first three installments (Original Trilogy).

After those, you have arguably two that lie between good-not-perfect and just okay depending on who you ask (TFA, and ROTS to some).

The rest sit somewhere between mediocre and offensively terrible movies (TPM, AOTC, TLJ, ROTS - which is really only looked at as "good by comparison" btw).

It's the only film franchise I can think of where the ancillary material is typically better than the majority of the movies. It's like if someone told me to ignore the Mission Impossible movies and go purchase the official licensed coloring books because they're better.

It's just an old, powerful brand that baby boomers couldn't let go of, and forced us, the subsequent generations, to inherit and deal with.


Everything revolves around Empire being one of the greatest films of all time from a cinematography perspective, score perspective, narrative perspective, etc. The 1-2 combo of SW ‘77 grabbing people’s imagination and introducing a tried and true hero’s journey and then it’s sequel flipping that on its head in the most blindsided surprise of all time still resonates almost 40 years later. People will talk about and study that film long after us.
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