Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by gatorad3

how long did it take some of you guys to get your squats up to the 300's and deadlift in the 400's and benching in the 200s? . It's been about 10 months since I've started compound lifts and I haven't progressed as much as I'd like in weight in my lifts.

Bench press... 95lbs to 130x5 or 135x3
Squat.. 100lbs to 190 2x5
Deadlift.. 115lbs to 240 2x5

Is it because I've been in a cut the entire time I've been lifting?

D StaxX - Hopefully ONE day I'll be somewhere close to your level lol.
Yes, eat more. I guarantee you will see results if you do.
It sounds so tempting to eat more but I still have some gut to lose and a bit of bodyfat on me. stats right now is... 5'6 152 lbs eating about 1500-1600 cals a day. My maintenance according to calculators is 2000-2100. So I guess eating around 1800 cals or even maintenance maybe?
I'm 5'8 around 155 and i had the same problem last year. I benched about as much as u, reps and weights and i was strong but didnt bulk up until i just over fed myself with 4 meals a day. I noticed i got bigger only after a couple of weeks with over eating but using the same workout routine. Had more carbs and protein in my meals not to mention whey post workout.
i've been using the low carb isopure from 100% whey protein isolate (50g each serving)

whats wrong with this?
I've been so sick for the past 4 days it really threw off my workout routine. My whole body aches, headaches, agh...
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by rhester

I did HIIT for the first time today on the treadmill....

I went from 4.0 to 7.2 every minute for 20 minutes...

After 25 minutes it said I burnt like 177 calories....

I usually burn alot more like 800 on the eliptical in 40 minutes....

So should I just say eff HIIT, and do my eliptical workout?

It's a interval thing going from 34 to 36 every 5 minutes.....

That is the same reason why I stopped HIIT.. I burn a way lot more on the Elliptical.
Do HITT on the elliptical.
Go on the 13-14 level and go 4.5-5 MPH then bump it to 9.5-10

The calorie calculator on cardio equipment is designed for steady state and is extremely inaccurate calculating calories burned through intervals.
This is addressed to rhester not to anybody else quoted.

~HIIT on tread mill is dangerous do it outside if you want to sprint (4mph - 7 mph is not hiit btw thats jogging and running)
~I found HIIT to be done easier on a stationary bike since I can never get my heart rate up on an elliptical
~Calorie counters aren't accurate gauges period and HIIT if done properly is going to burn more calories throughout the days anyways
Originally Posted by gatorad3

It sounds so tempting to eat more but I still have some gut to lose and a bit of bodyfat on me. stats right now is... 5'6 152 lbs eating about 1500-1600 cals a day. My maintenance according to calculators is 2000-2100. So I guess eating around 1800 cals or even maintenance maybe?

This makes no sense to me. Your maintenance is 2000-2100 but you are only eating about 15-1600 a day. And to gain you only want to take in 1800 which is STILL less then your supposed maintenance.

I see what you are trying to do but you gotta eat. You should be able to at least get the 2000-2100 a day if not more. More food=more muscle. More muscle=less fat. Eating 2100 cals a day doesn't mean you have to eat crap.
I've been eating 3500 cals a day NO FIRED chicken or otherwise calorie dense bad foods. two weeks solid so far and i can actually see and feel the difference

the one rule I have taken to heart.
-if nothing else is available, eat fast food. it;s better to eat mcdonalds than to not eat.
but for me... i hate getting bad skin and killing my digestive system from *#%+ food

I checked the scale and I'm at 165. up from 150-155 8 months ago.
Alright... I think everyone should post their progress even if it's as plankton like as me

Started taking things seriously in November 09'.
I had NO pectoral development what so ever. you could literally feel nothing but rib cage on my chest and if i flexed nothing happened. things are a bit better now
(havent cut my hair either

Trying to look like
realtalkaz-you probably haven't gotten responses because you haven't posted pics of your girl.
but i'm here to tell ou that white flood only has mild side-effects, such as decreased testosterone, which means smaller weener with increased usage, and it also causes increase in likelihood of prostate cancer.

Spoiler [+]
naw, no sides, i suggest you try Presurge Unleashed though. No crash and sustained energy throughout the day. I'm using myself and I have to say it keeps me alert throughout the day
-___- hit rear delts 2 days ago with my back workout
and now they are just killing me, got a chest workout in a few hours... this sucks haha
I plan on starting the p90x next week when I get it, but could anyone help me or show me where to get a meal plan based on gaining weight?  I want to gain about 30-50 lbs.
, but I don't want to have a heart attack in the process
so I'd appreciate any help you guys can give me.  Also, would taking some kind of protein shake or something like that be necessary?...
shakes and supplements aren't really necessary
you could get those nutrients and whatnot from foods
shakes are just easy to replace water loss and a quick way to get in those extra grams you can't usually get
alongside the fact that calories from liquids is good when trying to gain weight
for every pound u lose in a workout refuel with 16oz of water/liquid
and i dont remember the ratio, but in my nutrition n performance class its like a 4:1 carb:tongue:rotein ration intake
when trying to bulk try to eat atleast 1000 more calories than your daily balance.
I'm having a dilemma right now and not sure how to approach this. i'm 5'10'' 177 lbs. I want to bulk up, but at the same time i'm trying to lose my gut(my jeans are starting to feel tight and i have to unbutton it when i sit sometimes...sigh) lol
I run atleast a mile every other day and on days that I can't I just get on the elliptical machine for 30 mins. any advice here?
Eat eat eat! For those hardgainers like me.

Like seriously. I hate the fat gain and all that $$@+, but it will be a lengthy process to just slow bulk. Im around 144lbs @ 13-14%. I know if I watch what I eat and do cardio I can get lean in like a month.

I want to be like 150-155 @ 11-12% though.

Seriously need to eat heaps of clean food, the occasional junk food binge is fine - your not entering a show or competition.
Originally Posted by I3

Seriously need to eat heaps of clean food, the occasional junk food binge is fine - your not entering a show or competition.

^^QFTW especially for the majority of us here lol
now onto the rec for a 6am chest workout... dropsets today
Originally Posted by gatorad3

how long did it take some of you guys to get your squats up to the 300's and deadlift in the 400's and benching in the 200s? . It's been about 10 months since I've started compound lifts and I haven't progressed as much as I'd like in weight in my lifts.

Bench press... 95lbs to 130x5 or 135x3
Squat.. 100lbs to 190 2x5
Deadlift.. 115lbs to 240 2x5

Is it because I've been in a cut the entire time I've been lifting?

D StaxX - Hopefully ONE day I'll be somewhere close to your level lol.

What's your routine like?  How many days do you lift heavy?
I've seen alot of people on here that work out like 5-6 days a week.  It is possible that you are overtraining. 
You could definitely overtrain working that amount of days a week..
but I actually do it too lol, pending on how tired I am from classes and whatnot
but it all depends on your splits and how you arrange them
along with how well you take care of the body: fueling and resting it
Do you guys recommend preworkout supplements? Right now I'm only taking whey protein post workout right now. I've been working out since january (3-4 times a week) with just whey and I haven't gained any weight, but I'm really cut now. My boys suggest that I start taking preworkout supplements so i can get alot more out of my workout, but I read online that that stuff isn't good for you...
Originally Posted by hieu23

Do you guys recommend preworkout supplements? Right now I'm only taking whey protein post workout right now. I've been working out since january (3-4 times a week) with just whey and I haven't gained any weight, but I'm really cut now. My boys suggest that I start taking preworkout supplements so i can get alot more out of my workout, but I read online that that stuff isn't good for you...

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