Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by rhester

I did HIIT for the first time today on the treadmill....

I went from 4.0 to 7.2 every minute for 20 minutes...

After 25 minutes it said I burnt like 177 calories....

I usually burn alot more like 800 on the eliptical in 40 minutes....

So should I just say eff HIIT, and do my eliptical workout?

It's a interval thing going from 34 to 36 every 5 minutes.....

That is the same reason why I stopped HIIT.. I burn a way lot more on the Elliptical.
I know what youre trying to say, but damn you couldnt think of a better way to say it? 
It's not easy, but it's not that tough to do in 30 minutes. I've done the same weight for 8 sets of 8 with a timed 60 sec. rest between sets and it took me about 15 minutes, and this was a few years ago when I was still trying to develop some strength in my legs.
I'm finally getting back into the gym after basically taking off the entire Spring Break last week. I feel so sluggish
. Hitting up the treadmill for the first time in months (I'm rather skinny, so I never felt the need to run as much as I used to for some reason when I first started working out.)
im learning to love squats....

hopefully i can increase the strength in my legs by a lot the next few months...

my legs take too long to recover though
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

im learning to love squats....

hopefully i can increase the strength in my legs by a lot the next few months...

my legs take too long to recover though
Ive been wanting to do squats for a while. Just want to make sure I have the technique down before I attempt though. Everyone does tell me it provides an excellent leg workout as well as full body.

^ ya.. it's best to have the form down first anyway...

hated for AWHILE because they were so damn hard. but you can push your legs a lot harder than other muscles in the body so ehhh....

panaricanretro.. you said you regret not incorporating squats when you first started weight lifting? or not putting effort into your legs? (something in that sense).. and grats on your recovery

im wondering why...?

curious to know because the more benefits i am aware of... the more id be encouraged to do them. heh

so far it's good for your core, builds muscle... which in turn leads to better fat loss and yada yada... and no odd? muscular imbalances of course which is my main source of motivation because as of now i feel like i have chicken legs. 
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by rhester

I did HIIT for the first time today on the treadmill....

I went from 4.0 to 7.2 every minute for 20 minutes...

After 25 minutes it said I burnt like 177 calories....

I usually burn alot more like 800 on the eliptical in 40 minutes....

So should I just say eff HIIT, and do my eliptical workout?

It's a interval thing going from 34 to 36 every 5 minutes.....

That is the same reason why I stopped HIIT.. I burn a way lot more on the Elliptical.
Do HITT on the elliptical.
Go on the 13-14 level and go 4.5-5 MPH then bump it to 9.5-10

The calorie calculator on cardio equipment is designed for steady state and is extremely inaccurate calculating calories burned through intervals.
Is it okay to workout abs and do cardio (ex: treadmill run) on the same day? If so, which am I better off doing first?
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

^ ya.. it's best to have the form down first anyway...

hated for AWHILE because they were so damn hard. but you can push your legs a lot harder than other muscles in the body so ehhh....

panaricanretro.. you said you regret not incorporating squats when you first started weight lifting? or not putting effort into your legs? (something in that sense).. and grats on your recovery

im wondering why...?

curious to know because the more benefits i am aware of... the more id be encouraged to do them. heh

so far it's good for your core, builds muscle... which in turn leads to better fat loss and yada yada... and no odd? muscular imbalances of course which is my main source of motivation because as of now i feel like i have chicken legs. 
Aside from the fact that it balances a physique out, it, along with deadlifts, are great hormonal boosters. Deadlifts increase testosterone production, which could help speed recovery and lead to bigger gains.
I don't like squats nearly as much as deadlifts though.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]New P.R. on Back squat the other day at 350Lbs, 15 pound increase from last time...[/color]
Wow...just weighed myself Saturday. I've lost 46 pounds since the beginning of 2009. I'm back to the weight i was when I was a freshmen in college! Now, i just needa continue this and get back that six pack I had in 8th grade. Then, the energy/fun I had as a 5th grader haha =)
I haven't done barbell squats in a while either, kind of missing it...but I'm doing a high intensity/low rest superset program right now, and barbells just take too long to setup/use for this program...
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

^ ya.. it's best to have the form down first anyway...

hated for AWHILE because they were so damn hard. but you can push your legs a lot harder than other muscles in the body so ehhh....

panaricanretro.. you said you regret not incorporating squats when you first started weight lifting? or not putting effort into your legs? (something in that sense).. and grats on your recovery

im wondering why...?

curious to know because the more benefits i am aware of... the more id be encouraged to do them. heh

so far it's good for your core, builds muscle... which in turn leads to better fat loss and yada yada... and no odd? muscular imbalances of course which is my main source of motivation because as of now i feel like i have chicken legs. 

I was just young, didn't know what I was doing, really.  I started hitting the gym with my friends from school.  None of them were super-experienced, just more experienced than me.  I have kind of long legs/high waist, etc... so my legs were just naturally skinny and doing things like squats and lunges were really awkward.  My calves and hamstrings were super-tight from basketball and such, so it ruined my mechanics, but I didn't know what "mechanics" was. All I knew was everytime I tried to squat (usually on the Smith machine, cause i was shook) my knees would hurt for days.  I could leg press without knee pain and I could work up to a heavy weight, but the range of motion was pretty bad.  Not the worst I've seen, but not good.  I'd do legs on occassion with my friends and they would basically just do some smith machine squats and leg presses and their legs would grow.  I didn't not train them, but I'd skip legs at least every other week, so I'd probably hit them once or twice a month and everything else 4-8 times a month.

I started working on balancing my phsyique more a few years back (my upper body always responded fairly well) so I just prioritized legs. Even before I knew about my imbalances, I just made an effort to train them more and get a better range of motion on the leg press and started doing romanian deadlifts, etc...  I still didn't squat very often, and I still didn't do conventional deadlifts off the floor.  It wasn't until I started studying to be a personal trainer that I learned what was wrong with my body and how I was moving and I've been making decent progress since then. 
Originally Posted by Durden7

Havent done squats in about 2 months. 
  I think im going to add them back to my plan.

I just started doing Barbell Squats on the Smith Machine... I started at 135lbs... and my legs are crazy sore from last week.. Which was actually the FIRST time I ever worked my legs, aside from the machines..

1. For my records, how much does the bar on the Smith Machine weigh? I know its not 45lbs..
Originally Posted by bkmac

Is it okay to workout abs and do cardio (ex: treadmill run) on the same day? If so, which am I better off doing first?

Came here to ask this, and can anyone post the most effective ab workouts? & some that won't hurt your back? thanks
Originally Posted by bkmac

Is it okay to workout abs and do cardio (ex: treadmill run) on the same day? If so, which am I better off doing first?

Yeah, that's what I generally do 2x a week. weights, cardio, then abs.

As far as effective ab workouts goes, it's just a combination of weight ab exercises, good cardio schedule, and a clean diet.
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

Originally Posted by bkmac

Is it okay to workout abs and do cardio (ex: treadmill run) on the same day? If so, which am I better off doing first?

Came here to ask this, and can anyone post the most effective ab workouts? & some that won't hurt your back? thanks

I usually do my ab workout first, then weight training before my run and end it with calisthenics.

I read in Men's Health years ago that it's important to do abs before you run because gravity pulls on your mid section while running and can cause a belly.

Originally Posted by Sundizzle

Wow...just weighed myself Saturday. I've lost 46 pounds since the beginning of 2009. I'm back to the weight i was when I was a freshmen in college! Now, i just needa continue this and get back that six pack I had in 8th grade. Then, the energy/fun I had as a 5th grader haha =)

I myself am on the uprise. I'm a solid 197. Put on two pounds in March. 210 September lets do this!

YEEUPP wrote:
Originally Posted by bkmac

Is it okay to workout abs and do cardio (ex: treadmill run) on the same day? If so, which am I better off doing first?

Came here to ask this, and can anyone post the most effective ab workouts? & some that won't hurt your back? thanks

I usually do cardio then abs. I wouldn't think it matters but that just the way i've done it my whole life. Anyone got info?

As far as the workouts go I would do
Crunches (hands over head)
Exercise ball crunch
Leg raise
Jackknife sit up
Plate twist

IDK about the back part though. I've never has back issues with these exercises.
Actually I do 20 min HIIT before a 10 min ab workout and i'm more solid in my midsection now. I don't have abs poppin out but it's flat with some definition.

I don't do crunches anymore, I do side planks on each side for 2 minutes holds then a regular plank for 2 min. Then I repeat for a minute 30 seconds for each one or however long I can hold myself up. Then I do some back bridge holds.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by YEEUPP

Originally Posted by bkmac

Is it okay to workout abs and do cardio (ex: treadmill run) on the same day? If so, which am I better off doing first?

Came here to ask this, and can anyone post the most effective ab workouts? & some that won't hurt your back? thanks

I usually do my ab workout first, then weight training before my run and end it with calisthenics.

I read in Men's Health years ago that it's important to do abs before you run because gravity pulls on your mid section while running and can cause a belly. 
I would be cautious about implementing some of the things that magazines propose. They have to come up with new material every month, even if it means stretching the truth or lying flatout. They wouldn't sell if they kept giving the same advice: eat clean, workout hard, stay positive, so they try and either talk about supplements, food, or workouts. The biomechanics of our species aren't changing (fast) and they may just be BSing when giving advice.

I'd recommend working the core towards the end of the workout because during the major compound lifts(deadlift, squat, pull up, etc.) your core gets worked pretty well. If you exhaust your core before you begin your real lifts, then what's the point? Your core will be the only area getting a solid workout. Also, doing ab exercises and not doing any other lower back exercises(aside from deadlifts and good mornings) can cause imbalances and bad posture. Focus on stretching your back, especially your lower back because it can get tense from slouching when sitting. Another thing: don't slouch when you sit! It's terrible for your back. 

Planks, hanging leg raises, and front/back levers are great ways to work your core. They're all pretty tough or can be made tough for just about anyone. Think planks are easy? Do side planks or one arm one leg planks.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by YEEUPP

Originally Posted by bkmac

Is it okay to workout abs and do cardio (ex: treadmill run) on the same day? If so, which am I better off doing first?

Came here to ask this, and can anyone post the most effective ab workouts? & some that won't hurt your back? thanks

I usually do my ab workout first, then weight training before my run and end it with calisthenics.

I read in Men's Health years ago that it's important to do abs before you run because gravity pulls on your mid section while running and can cause a belly.

Years ago, huh? I doubt whatever was said then will have any sort of credibility now. The only thing consistent with that magazine is the contradiction of old information with new. Nonetheless, that claim you stated sounds pretty ridiculous to me. 
bLaZ3n - it is difficult to attribute a definite weight to the bar on a smith machine. This is due to two reasons:

1. A variation between equipment manufacturers. There is no 'standard'
2. Unlike during a barbell bench, you are not actually balancing the barbell itself but instead moving the weight through a fixed plane of motion

For the purpose of your records, I would suggest simply listing the weight you add to the bar. That said, I don't regard a smith machine press as an adequate substitute for a barbell press. Unless an injury prevents you from doing so, always let free weight compound moves form the majority of your routine. You activate more muscle fibers this way, making for a more challenging and ultimately beneficial workout.
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