Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by 3stroke

bLaZ3n - it is difficult to attribute a definite weight to the bar on a smith machine. This is due to two reasons:

1. A variation between equipment manufacturers. There is no 'standard'
2. Unlike during a barbell bench, you are not actually balancing the barbell itself but instead moving the weight through a fixed plane of motion

For the purpose of your records, I would suggest simply listing the weight you add to the bar. That said, I don't regard a smith machine press as an adequate substitute for a barbell press. Unless an injury prevents you from doing so, always let free weight compound moves form the majority of your routine. You activate more muscle fibers this way, making for a more challenging and ultimately beneficial workout.
Thanks for your response..

I am using the smith machine to squat.. since I am new to it, but in probably 2-3 weeks.. I will probably switch over to just the bar..
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by 3stroke

bLaZ3n - it is difficult to attribute a definite weight to the bar on a smith machine. This is due to two reasons:

1. A variation between equipment manufacturers. There is no 'standard'
2. Unlike during a barbell bench, you are not actually balancing the barbell itself but instead moving the weight through a fixed plane of motion

For the purpose of your records, I would suggest simply listing the weight you add to the bar. That said, I don't regard a smith machine press as an adequate substitute for a barbell press. Unless an injury prevents you from doing so, always let free weight compound moves form the majority of your routine. You activate more muscle fibers this way, making for a more challenging and ultimately beneficial workout.
Thanks for your response..

I am using the smith machine to squat.. since I am new to it, but in probably 2-3 weeks.. I will probably switch over to just the bar..

DO NOT use the smith to squat!!!

Certain misinformed and so-called “personal trainers
Sorry, for some reason I thought you had mentioned benching. Still, the same principle applies. Good luck
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by 3stroke

bLaZ3n - it is difficult to attribute a definite weight to the bar on a smith machine. This is due to two reasons:

1. A variation between equipment manufacturers. There is no 'standard'
2. Unlike during a barbell bench, you are not actually balancing the barbell itself but instead moving the weight through a fixed plane of motion

For the purpose of your records, I would suggest simply listing the weight you add to the bar. That said, I don't regard a smith machine press as an adequate substitute for a barbell press. Unless an injury prevents you from doing so, always let free weight compound moves form the majority of your routine. You activate more muscle fibers this way, making for a more challenging and ultimately beneficial workout.
Thanks for your response..

I am using the smith machine to squat.. since I am new to it, but in probably 2-3 weeks.. I will probably switch over to just the bar..

DO NOT use the smith to squat!!!

Certain misinformed and so-called “personal trainers
Squats are my favorite exercise
how much are you guys squatting?
And after you guys squat what are a few of the stretches you do?
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

durden-you should add squats back to your routine

Spoiler [+]
and beta alanine

Yeah, I guess ill re-work my 4 week plan and add them back in once a week.

These plyo's are starting to take a toll on my knees.

Im good with the spoiler too.  No need.

Squats are my favorite exercise
how much are you guys squatting?
And after you guys squat what are a few of the stretches you do?
315 for 4 reps the last time I did them.
Thanks for all the ab/cardio replies.

I'm hoping it's really 85+ degrees tomorrow in Brooklyn. I may hit up the beach and do some running
Does White Flood have side effects?  Is it superior to No-explode?  Does it cause hairloss or thinning of hair?
People need to realize if they want to get stronger they need to workout their lower body. I <3 squats. Nothing impressive though, I can max around 315.
this is so motivational
Spoiler [+]
So, through the course of the week I've been jotting some things down and journaling my thoughts. I wrote them up and seriously debated whether to just have them for myself or to share them with you all. I decided I would share with you all. What I wrote is about me but I know everyone who bothers to read all my long winded jibberish can relate. 

Not trying to over dramatize, just put my feelings out there. Feel free to read or just skip to the next post 

If you plan to beat me, you have better come prepared. I hope you have paid your dues. I hope you have sacrificed. I hope you have dug down deep in your soul to find the strength to go on when you think you feel you cannot. I hope you have found it in yourself to do what I have not, to push yourself harder than I have, to will yourself to victory. Whatever happens this month is now in the judges hands. I cannot control what they decide, what they look for, what they want. I cannot control how things end up. The only thing I can control is my will, my determination and my desire. 

Through 27 weeks of dieting and contest prep I have done that. I have overcome demons and dug deep down to make sure that nobody outworks me. My hat is off to anybody that places ahead of me this April because I know the determination they must have, the drive and the desire. I know the sheer will they must have to earn that placing. I know I have given everything I have to give, leaving nothing behind. No hesitations, no regrets, and no limits.

I want to throw out a quote that sits next to my desk at work, staring at me and reminding me.

"It aint about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!" - Rocky, 2006

That is literally how I have approached this prep, taking the hits and moving forward. Shedding blood, sweat and even tears. Bruised and bloody shins from battles with deadlifts, bloody knees from rack pulls, bruised ribs from a mishap with the leg press, pinched hands from plates, skin that tears open from dryness (from lack of dietary fat) and a left foot with padding completely worn out so badly it hurt to walk from endless cardio sessions.

I've endured cold so deep and chilling It won't leave the mind no matter how hard you try. I've worn long underwear tops and bottoms 24 hours a day in a fruitless effort to keep warm, yet still shivered. I've survived biting winds and cold of a brutal Upstate New York winter, trudging through feet of snow with sub zero wind chills. 

I've endured hunger so severe that it won't quit. Not the type of hunger that gives you a pit in your stomach, the type of hunger that you can only get when your body has run out of all exogenous nutrients and has no bodyfat left to tap into for energy. The brain gets foggy, you find it hard to think. I've walked around at family outings so tired it was a struggle just to put one foot in front of the other because I was so exhausted and hungry. So hungry that my blood pressure dropped to 105/41 and I felt like I would pass out every time I stood up.

I've pushed myself to never miss a workout our a cardio session for 27 straight weeks. I've gone into each session and given it 100% of my effort and available energy at that time. I've never dogged a lifting session or took it easy on cardio because I was tired, hungry or otherwise beat up. I've religiously taken all my supplements pre and post workout. I've endured leg workouts so brutal that I've come dangerously close to passing out from utter exhaustion. I've choked back Xtend vomit during more HIIT cardio sessions than I can even keep track of.

I've dealt with emotional pain. My wife and son are the most important people and part of my life and I miss them. Not only have I spent hours away from them training but I've mentally and emotionally been unavailable. I've lost patience and been short with them at times. Sheer mental and physical exhaustion have had me be physically present but mentally absent. I've seen this and literally cried myself to sleep because of it. I've dealt with my own issues of anxiety and panic attacks which have made prep even harder. I've had to practice deep breathing to keep away panic attacks from the stress of balancing prep, work, and my family that I love so deeply. I've endured the pain of watching my grandmother, who was an integral part of my life growing up pass from this earth. 

I've dealt with the psychological stress of wondering if I'm progressing week in and week out. When the scale moves up or stays stagnant. I've dealt with my mind playing tricks on me. One day thinking I'll be ready ahead of time, the next day thinking I'll never be ready. One day looking big and full, the next weak , flat, depleted and smooth. I've gone through all kinds of odd behaviors like weighing my meat raw, counting the carbs in my Splenda, the protein in my Xtend as well as weighing every morsel that passed through my lips. I've grabbed a few extra morsels not weighed or counted and had to deal with that psychological torture. I've passed up good food from every single person close to me in my life more times than I can count. 

As I put the finishing touches on and fine tune, I do so with confidence that I have paid my dues. I have acted as a champion. I've transformed myself from a 270 lb fat guy with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high blood glucose to the person you see before you . On so many levels this has been about so much more than a silly competition. It's been about seeing who I am, what I am made of and what I can endure. Looking back on all I have done I know I have already won. 
1 week out from my first competition and 3 weeks out from completing the season after what will end as 30 weeks of prep. I'm sitting here eerily calm, collected and somber. I know that I have given it my all. 

So here I am...

Come and get me!!!!!!!!!!! 
Update pics. It's weird when you can't see the difference yourself, but everyone around you can.
Wait... so did i just read that whey isolate protein powders are BAD FOR YOU!?!?!? Anyone care to comment?!!??
StaXX wrote:
Update pics. It's weird when you can't see the difference yourself, but everyone around you can.

What does your diet consist of?  I'm eating more fruits andveggies, and using more cardio excercises into my lifting routine but the Abs is the Worst to get right
Tell me why I was at the gym earlier on the treadmill and I saw this dude waiting on his girlfriend to finish up, dude waited right behind her treadmill for at least 25 minutes.
It's not like he finished his workout for the day and waited for her to finish, dude was in jeans and a cardigan. I had to shake my head at that...
Dstaxx-you ever fight a knight or a samurai? i think it's the lighting, but it looks like you have a battle scar on your stomach from an epic battle, like you've been in a battle with your longtime rival and you sustained a blade wound.
how long did it take some of you guys to get your squats up to the 300's and deadlift in the 400's and benching in the 200s? . It's been about 10 months since I've started compound lifts and I haven't progressed as much as I'd like in weight in my lifts.

Bench press... 95lbs to 130x5 or 135x3
Squat.. 100lbs to 190 2x5
Deadlift.. 115lbs to 240 2x5

Is it because I've been in a cut the entire time I've been lifting?

D StaxX - Hopefully ONE day I'll be somewhere close to your level lol.
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