Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Couple Questions(For Durden7, Trainers and other experienced people):
1. Have any of you guys like taken a "break" from exercising? Just to let your body rest for a week or something..
2. I have been gaining weight lately, and I do not know why.. lol.. I am at 158lbs right now, and I was trying to get lower to reduce body fat.. I know I have a good diet, I eat 2 big meals(breakfast and dinner) daily with snacks(fruits, almonds, oatmeal) in between, I take my 2 protein shakes daily, and I also do 15mins of cardio daily and 30mins on my rest days. What would you think, I need to cut back on to lose some body fat. I personally don't think I eat more than 1700-1800 calories daily.
3. Lower back, (directly on top of the glutes).. I feel that sometimes, when doing ab exercises I get soreness there and sometimes when I do Bent Over Rows, and Squats.. Is this normal?
4. What would you recommend for effective Shoulder and Tricep exercises? As of now, for shoulders all I am doing is Arnold Presses, and Front DB Raises; and for triceps all I do is the Cable Tricep Extension with the V Bar and dips.

YO its 2:42AM right now. I just worked out like 2 hours ago: now, in bed, reading.


I Swear I'mma eat some before I go to bed.


God give me strength
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

YO its 2:42AM right now. I just worked out like 2 hours ago: now, in bed, reading.


I Swear I'mma eat some before I go to bed.


God give me strength

Chuck that @+@% in your closet and close it. Problem solved. Not gonna lie though, I made a (by a, I mean several) late night chinese food runs. Although they happily fulfilled me at the time, I can't say it was worth the cancelling effect they had on my workout now that I am able to think about it with a clear and unstarved mind-state. 
So, I've got good news and bad news. The good news is that I've started a cardio regimen, mainly because I've always sucked at running and get tired after one game of basketball. It's included a half-mile around the neighborhood (so far) and jumping rope.

The bad news: I'm absolutely terrible at jumping rope. It's hard to get a good exercise in when you're tripping over the rope every 8 seconds.

So, immediate goals: 5 unassisted wide-grip pullups (this might take a loooooooooooong time), and 3 minutes of uninterrupted jump rope. If boxers can do it, I should be able to do it by summer's end, right?
^once you've established your rhythm, it's easy peasy. I used to jump rope around 30 minutes or so without $#@%@* up.
Does anyone do Cardio Daily?

I do 4-5miles a day at a 4.0-5.0(treadmill) or sometimes run outside if the weather is pleasant, and it's harvesting results; but i don't know if it's absolute necessity, in my process to lose fat--> get lean.

I think i'm exaggerating the Cardio, in my workout. Yes?, No?
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Couple Questions(For Durden7, Trainers and other experienced people):
1. Have any of you guys like taken a "break" from exercising? Just to let your body rest for a week or something..
2. I have been gaining weight lately, and I do not know why.. lol.. I am at 158lbs right now, and I was trying to get lower to reduce body fat.. I know I have a good diet, I eat 2 big meals(breakfast and dinner) daily with snacks(fruits, almonds, oatmeal) in between, I take my 2 protein shakes daily, and I also do 15mins of cardio daily and 30mins on my rest days. What would you think, I need to cut back on to lose some body fat. I personally don't think I eat more than 1700-1800 calories daily.
3. Lower back, (directly on top of the glutes).. I feel that sometimes, when doing ab exercises I get soreness there and sometimes when I do Bent Over Rows, and Squats.. Is this normal?
4. What would you recommend for effective Shoulder and Tricep exercises? As of now, for shoulders all I am doing is Arnold Presses, and Front DB Raises; and for triceps all I do is the Cable Tricep Extension with the V Bar and dips.

1.) Yes, there's nothing wrong with taking a week's break once in a while.  I take them when I'm very sick, or when I just feel mentally/physically fatigued.  I took two in March I believe.  Don't be scared that it'll ruin your results, because your body needs the rest sometimes. 
2.) Don't focus on weight.  The weight that you gained could be muscle, water weight, or fat.  Use measurements or Biomedical Impedance to get a more accurate picture of body composition.  Also, people tend to grossly over estimate or under estimate their calories that they take in, so the 1700-1800 is probably not too accurate if you're not actually counting the calories. 

3.) No, that's not normal.  You have a weak core, or bad form, or both.  Do exercises for your erector spinae to strengthen them (they are likely weak compared to your other core muscles), make sure you're contracting your transverse abs throughout your ENTIRE set to protect your spine.  You also could be doing your abs improperly and using more of your hip flexors, which could be pulling on your lower back. 

4.) For shoulders, lateral raises are good, and regular dumbell overhead press (Arnold press isn't very effective, IMO). I would ditch the front raises, and make sure you do bent over raises for your posterior delts, and external rotations for your rotator cuff.  For triceps, I like close grip bench, skullcrushers, diamond pushups on a small ball, there's lots to do. 
ChewToy112 wrote:
bLaZ3n wrote:
Couple Questions(For Durden7, Trainers and other experienced people):
1. Have any of you guys like taken a "break" from exercising? Just to let your body rest for a week or something..
2. I have been gaining weight lately, and I do not know why.. lol.. I am at 158lbs right now, and I was trying to get lower to reduce body fat.. I know I have a good diet, I eat 2 big meals(breakfast and dinner) daily with snacks(fruits, almonds, oatmeal) in between, I take my 2 protein shakes daily, and I also do 15mins of cardio daily and 30mins on my rest days. What would you think, I need to cut back on to lose some body fat. I personally don't think I eat more than 1700-1800 calories daily.
3. Lower back, (directly on top of the glutes).. I feel that sometimes, when doing ab exercises I get soreness there and sometimes when I do Bent Over Rows, and Squats.. Is this normal?
4. What would you recommend for effective Shoulder and Tricep exercises? As of now, for shoulders all I am doing is Arnold Presses, and Front DB Raises; and for triceps all I do is the Cable Tricep Extension with the V Bar and dips.


1.) Yes, there's nothing wrong with taking a week's break once in a while.  I take them when I'm very sick, or when I just feel mentally/physically fatigued.  I took two in March I believe.  Don't be scared that it'll ruin your results, because your body needs the rest sometimes. 
2.) Don't focus on weight.  The weight that you gained could be muscle, water weight, or fat.  Use measurements or Biomedical Impedance to get a more accurate picture of body composition.  Also, people tend to grossly over estimate or under estimate their calories that they take in, so the 1700-1800 is probably not too accurate if you're not actually counting the calories. 

3.) No, that's not normal.  You have a weak core, or bad form, or both.  Do exercises for your erector spinae to strengthen them (they are likely weak compared to your other core muscles), make sure you're contracting your transverse abs throughout your ENTIRE set to protect your spine.  You also could be doing your abs improperly and using more of your hip flexors, which could be pulling on your lower back. 

4.) For shoulders, lateral raises are good, and regular dumbell overhead press (Arnold press isn't very effective, IMO). I would ditch the front raises, and make sure you do bent over raises for your posterior delts, and external rotations for your rotator cuff.  For triceps, I like close grip bench, skullcrushers, diamond pushups on a small ball, there's lots to do. 

1. Agreed.  I personally dont take week breaks unless its forced (sickness, etc.) but if im feeling worn down ill take 3 or 4 days off.
2.  Agreed, but for the record its Bioelectrical Impedence Analysis and its increddddibly inaccurate so never go by that method.
3.  Agreed that its not normal, but I dont think its a weak core or bad form.  To me it sounds as though its due to a lack of stretching in the lower back.  Im sure a weak core plays a part, but the fact that its sore in other exercises leads me to believe part of it is tightness.
4.  Yeah, DB Press, Lateral Raises.  Im not a big fan of bent over raises because most people do them wrong.  All rotator cuff exercises (Y,L,T,W) help with the post. delt.  Ive got mixed feeling on close grip bench.  Again, a lot of people do them incorrectly but it is convenient for heavier weights.  Pulldowns, Pushdowns, Dips, Lying Extensions......

So, immediate goals: 5 unassisted wide-grip pullups (this might take a loooooooooooong time), and 3 minutes of uninterrupted jump rope. If boxers can do it, I should be able to do it by summer's end, right?
  The logic behind the jump rope goal made me laugh.  Good luck though.
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Couple Questions(For Durden7, Trainers and other experienced people):
1. Have any of you guys like taken a "break" from exercising? Just to let your body rest for a week or something..
2. I have been gaining weight lately, and I do not know why.. lol.. I am at 158lbs right now, and I was trying to get lower to reduce body fat.. I know I have a good diet, I eat 2 big meals(breakfast and dinner) daily with snacks(fruits, almonds, oatmeal) in between, I take my 2 protein shakes daily, and I also do 15mins of cardio daily and 30mins on my rest days. What would you think, I need to cut back on to lose some body fat. I personally don't think I eat more than 1700-1800 calories daily.
3. Lower back, (directly on top of the glutes).. I feel that sometimes, when doing ab exercises I get soreness there and sometimes when I do Bent Over Rows, and Squats.. Is this normal?
4. What would you recommend for effective Shoulder and Tricep exercises? As of now, for shoulders all I am doing is Arnold Presses, and Front DB Raises; and for triceps all I do is the Cable Tricep Extension with the V Bar and dips.


1.   If you train more than 3 days a week every week you should take a 1 week break like every 6 months.  This also depends on how hard you train but if you're in the gym working hard, your body needs an occasional... vacation so to speak.
2.  Buy a food scale and use measuring cups to measure out your serving portions.  Sometimes what looks like 1700 calories on paper is closer to 2500 or more once you serve it out if you eyeball any measurements, especially with things like carbs and fats. (fats can add up quickly calorie-wise).  Also, instead of 2 big meals and shakes, cut back to one post workout shake a day, eat more moderately sized meals and have 3-4 of them spaced out evenly.  As for cardio, on days you train, do your cardio for at least 20 minutes.  Go for 30 or more on non-training days and make sure you're taking one day off from working out completely.
3. Yes, it's normal, it probably means your back is a little tight.  It could just be a week point, and you'd need to do more back specific exercises like hyperextensions, reverse-hyperextensions, etc...  Also do core exercises that don't directly target the lower back but make it have to move or stabilize like planks or hanging leg raises.  Check your form on bent rows, etc... you might think your back is straight but your lower back may not be arched/contracted enough in that position. 
4. Ditch the Arnold Presses for regular Overhead dumbbell presses, barbell presses, and military presses (standing barbell press.)  Choose one of those pressing movements per shoulder workout and rotate which one you do each week.  Completely ditch the front delt raises.  No need to isolate the front delts.  If anything they get overused.  Do lateral dumbbell raises after you've done overhead presses and upright rows.  If barbell upright rows bother you try doing alternating upright rows with dumbbells or kettlebells.  For triceps I usually do cable pressdowns first for a good 4-5 sets to warm up and then go to dips, close grip bench presses or weighted bench dips, and then follow that with something overhead like skullcrushers or overhead rope extensions.

Hope that helps. 
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

300g of carbs daily?!

Damn, and I thought I was pushing it with my 125g  
   130g doesnt even classify as enough to maintain proper brain functioning.
Durden your post showed up weird.
Anyway yeah man. Carbs are def needed. I've read about these guys doing these diet plans that emphasize protein and fat but not carbs. Anyone try this? That seems like a strange way to eat. Like 200g protein and 100g fat but like 40g carbs.
Hey guys quick question.

When doing reverse flys are you focusing your energy on the back part of the shoulder or the entire shoulder? I'm not really sure how to ask this question because I never feel like i'm doing these right or bent over raises like Durden said. Help?
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

300g of carbs daily?!

Damn, and I thought I was pushing it with my 125g  
   130g doesnt even classify as enough to maintain proper brain functioning.
wow if thats true then damn no wonder I feel tired sometimes

Ugh. I haven't lifted consistently since January. Last semester of school + finding a new place to live in a new city = killing me.

Gonna get back on it serious in June. It's embarrassing even coming in here for me

BTW, I wanted to ask... any of you guys ever feel like you need to switch gyms? I'd been working out at our school's Rec Center since 2005 and I can't lie, part of my reason for not going to lift is how much I just can't even stand being in that place. I'd get a membership somewhere else, but I'm moving in late May so that doesn't pay.

Just wondered if I was the only one.
Quick question..

What is the best workout for abs (to loose a little fat on my core and strengthen it) that I can do at home? I don't currently have a gym membership. I usually just do crunches. Thanks.
I use C-bol and love it.
When it runs out I'm going to use it with E-Bol, but not D-Bol.

6 before, 6 after. simple.

lots of wateer!
Originally Posted by airjordanjack

Quick question..

What is the best workout for abs (to loose a little fat on my core and strengthen it) that I can do at home? I don't currently have a gym membership. I usually just do crunches. Thanks.
You won't lost fat on your midsection by doing ab exercises.

I feel like every time I work out my chest, the next day I feel it more in my tris than chest. Should I switch up my grip? Any pros or cons of wide/narrow grips?
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I use C-bol and love it.
yea man good stuff

yea so im like 30 pages behind now i see......................ive been goin thru sooooooooo much BS these past weeks. i dont even have a vehicle right now..........long story. so yea def been thrown off. stll gettin it in when i can though but man my sleep pattern has been #*#^#
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