Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Co-sign, I just want my gut gone.

Ran 2.5 miles, played some basketball, ate a spinach+chicken salad, tea and did insanity.

Just ate some cereal.

Good day.
Never seen this post before.

Been working out on and off for about 3 years now, never have the time to get into except summer. For the past month or so I've been trying to get into the best shape I can, and this last week running again. IMO, bulking up first by putting on that muscle ( eating a lot of protein(mainly from food rich sources) and lifting heavy weights 6-8 reps with super sets), and then after a couple weeks start to cut them down has worked for me. Running regularly(or some sort of cardio for 30+ minutes(go slowwww at first, it really is best) and low carbing it(except an hr before cardio) while doing super sets with lower weight and more reps(I do about 12) while still eating a bunch of protein. I'm no expert in fitness, but personally I've been fit for most of my life staying at a descent level, the next level is the hardest to get to. Where you have that muscle, but very defined. This has worked for me. A lot of people choose to do back/bi chest/tri days, I've found more gains through one muscle a day, and sometimes pairing up if I have the energy.

Foods I have found great to eat if you want to define your muscle: salmon(wild is 10x better imo, if you saw how "Atlantic" was farmed you'd probably barf) at night with veggies or sweet potatoes. I wake up with a solid amount of carbs by eating a bowl of Kashi Go Lean with blueberrys(frozen) to sweeten it. Protein shake a couple hrs later. Then maybe a peice of bread or english muffin(always wheat, enriched white carbohydrates are the worst for belly fat) about an hr before lift. Protein shake within 20 minutes after workout and make a small amount of carbs if I feel I need the energy. (always important to balance your protein with complex carbs(eat a banana with your shake or a piece of fruit). I've learned balancing your meals is very important. Very few carbs at night, if any. Nuts are a great late night food, high in protein and low in carbs, but unsalted and unsweetened, walnuts are very healthy, I choose to eat peanuts though mostly. LOTS of water throughout the day to stay hydrated is very important to how I'll do in a workout I've noticed. I try and do about 5 small meals a day, with my highest carb intake in the morning or before a workout and protein throughout the day. White chicken breast and brown rice with pinto beans along with your favorite seasoning(can be a great way to get a good taste with low cal, but limit it due to high sodium) can be more delicious than you think. I like to eat a big salad with some peanuts and sometimes cheese slices over it(small amt. of dressing) can be very satisfying. I still eat bad stuff, usually only about 2 days a week and only 1 day if possible, however don't go all out on this. I've heard this can be good in some ways(that I dont fully understand) but for me I got a sweet tooth and have to get my sugar. I like to eat a Snickers(very satisfying, no pun intended)every once in a while. They do containt peanuts which sets them high than many candy bars. Sleep might be the most important aspect besides actual lifting for muscle gains.

Designer whey(trader joes) is my favorite protein, its very low in carbs. Chocolate does have artificial sweetner, however I don't think the vanilla does.

General advice in its simplest form anyone should know: When you're at the gym, go hard, finish your sets struggling. Half-@## sets won't get you anywhere. Slacking off during your lifting session or having an "easy day" too often can deter ppl from the gym because they think their working out and not seeing gains. The first week is the hardest, but after that it should be much better to get in and do work. Just set that hour or whatever you need out of your day and put that work in, you'll feel much better than going to the gym and slacking off.

This is just my two cents, everyone has their own style so a lot of this stuff will contrast other peoples' routine however for anyone looking to get into shape I recommend it.
LeBron is like 260 with 8% bodyfat. You could do roids and workout 10hrs a day for the rest of your life and you'd never look that good
. Atleast Ronaldo's physique is attainable for the majority of the population. He's like 175 which anyone can get to but he walks around with like 6% bodyfat year round
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

LeBron is like 260 with 8% bodyfat. You could do roids and workout 10hrs a day for the rest of your life and you'd never look that good
. Atleast Ronaldo's physique is attainable for the majority of the population. He's like 175 which anyone can get to but he walks around with like 6% bodyfat year round
obviously they train for athletics not aesthetics, but ronaldo's build looks a lot better than bron's. is that even a recent pic? he looks flat out of mediocre there and definitely not single digit bf%.

nh but ronaldo has a great build, great definition & vascularity in his legs and good proportions all terms of looks lats traps arms delts chest could use some more mass but thats not really so useful in soccer

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

LeBron is like 260 with 8% bodyfat. You could do roids and workout 10hrs a day for the rest of your life and you'd never look that good
. Atleast Ronaldo's physique is attainable for the majority of the population. He's like 175 which anyone can get to but he walks around with like 6% bodyfat year round
obviously they train for athletics not aesthetics, but ronaldo's build looks a lot better than bron's. is that even a recent pic? he looks flat out of mediocre there and definitely not single digit bf%.
If that's mediocre then I want to be mediocre. He is easily in the single digit BF% there and that pic was taken 2 days ago after Real Madrid played a friendly in L.A.
^Mediocre? Really? What kind of standards are we working with here? What is considered good? I really don't see a big difference between Ronaldo's physique and LeBron's.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by GhostWriter

Originally Posted by GhostWriter

Got a couple of questions

First off I'm 6'0 and 175 pounds

1. I'm basically skinny but I have love handles. How do I get rid of them? I know you can't spot train.

2. I'm gonna start fasting for Ramadan starting Wednesday. What type of foods should I eat to loose about 5-10 lbs during fasting?

3. What's the best fat burning supplements to take?

4. Is a multivitamin even worth it? I'm taking Centrum right now.

I'm responding to my own post.

Any Help would be greatly appreciated   
I'm bored.. let's see what I can help with

1.To get rid of the love handles you need to remove body fat. Eating healthy and generally less calories will help. By adding muscle to your body it will really help burn fat. You can stay the same weight but look completely different by adding muscle and loosing fat.

2. To make sure you loose weight and not just have all the food you eat turned into stored fat, make sure you are eating complex carbs and protein. This will give you energy and mind set.

3. Green Tea

4. Absolutely

This has become a lovefest 

Lets get back on subject   
I just copped some GNC creatine monohydrate. Has anyone ever taken it? What are the benefits of it and the negatives? I'm looking to grow my muscles but I want to keep as cut as I can.

And is there a difference between creatine monohydrate and something like no-xplode and jack3d?  I've read that creatine helps you have more energy just like jacked and no-xplode

I should only be taking the creatine right before my workouts only, correct?
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

i was talking about lebon's build, not ronaldo.

ronaldo's is excellent.

I know you were talking about LeBron... I don't see anything mediocre about it. How is Ronaldo's excellent while LeBron's is mediocre?
that was directed towards carlos tevez

and sorry i feel like the guy who called the jacked asian dude "average" a few pages back

i guess i should have mentioned context......amongst athletes (of his caliber especially) and peole who are serious about lifting his build is not impressive from an aesthetic POV.....obviously he is a freak of nature athlete and he is a clear case of function over form but he really doesnt look all that great in that pic

but on the court his arms look biger and more defined, hence me asking if that was a recent pic.....maybe its just him being so tall that even not so big arms for his frame are huge compared to a normal person's but really i was surprised to see him look so average in that pic
Hey Joe Camel

What foods are good in increasing my metabolism?


What complex carbs do you eat and how much protein do you consume every day?
foods not really gonna do it dude. eat many small meals regularly spaced throughout the day that will help a little.

HIIT and heavy lifting will make a diff though.

btw internet fame aside this dude has a great physique

-Whole wheat bread (or hamburger buns for turkey burgs)
-Brown rice

Almost exclusively. All are cheap and easy like my girls.

As far as amounts I have no idea. I should probably figure it out to make sure its enough... the idea is total day macro-nutrient consumption. Totals trump timed consumption.

Okay... I'm bored I just estimated since my daily foods are pretty much the same.
170g protein
250g carbs

I don't know if that is good/bad though
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

The great Zyzz.

Definitely has a great physique.

He said he doesn't do any cardio either. Just eats clean.


seriously though regardless of the chemical help he looks very good
Joe Camel, I think LeBron has an amazing physique. 260 and low BF% and is arguably the most athletic player in his sport. He probably eats whatever he wants too.
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