STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Intermittent fasting is going better - i just found out about decaf coffee. Are there any drawbacks to decaf? I'm doing the 16 no eat/8 eat schedule. I need something hot to drank in the morning (and tea sucks) so I was doing my usual coffee. Without food though that caffeine makes my head hurt....decaf seems to work fine though.

Also, don't know if the IF has anything to do with it, but have been able to play ball 5-6x a week. Don't usually wake up sore either. Made this my best summer in years.
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At people saying those are easy bodies to obtain :lol:

Sure it's easier than putting on a ton of lean mass, but it's just foolish to say it's easy :lol:
I'm saying, these guys are in the upper 1% of their sports in terms of aesthetics, but it's "easy to obtain" Why doesn't every soccer player look like Ronaldo then?
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@BIGBOSS you prolly heard this already but new Parkway Drive

Here's to future PRs with their new album
 hell yeah dog, been on it since it dropped. That new album is going to be played over and over by me.
If its wasy to obtain im not sure why its the ideal physique for people.... Get it if its that easy.

Its rither not easy or people are lazy/unmotivated.
No ones saying that CR7 has a hard physique to obtain. That's just who we'd like to look like. Simple as that.
Man I missed all the soda talk :frown:
Monsters are garbage too I lol every time I see a YouTuber with one
Anything but water to me is garbage to drink
This life isnt for 90% of the people out there. This takes discipline not no ******* "motivation" if you need to look for motivation outside of yourself then you already lost might as well not waste your time
that parkway drive song is pretty good :nthat:
why the lead singer look like a skinny version of deadlifts and nikes though :nerd:
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You gotta put in the work to look like CR7! Even tho people say its "easy" still gotta work for it. He trains like a beast! 
A 150 pound 15 year just set the record at nationals with a 385 pound clean and jerk


My coach is much older than that and lifting in the 85kg/187 pound category and I don't think he is lifting much more than that lol
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Yea CJ Cummings is the future of American weightlifting. Setting American records is crazy but setting a (unofficial) world record is just... Man.
Finally, we are going to have an American that can compete with competitors from other countries

Lol, I bet his ascension probably grates at form purists though :rofl:
If I'm ribbing you, it means I'm cool with you

Salute my friend!
Oh, I know. It wasn't like I was annoyed

I was laughing because I was expecting your post

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Man I was dying yesterday

Woke up 2 days in a row at 4am to workout before work killed me. Was drained at work lol Didnt help that I slept late either
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