STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

My cuzzo, an athletic trainer for the Hornets, came into town and found time to workout with me...

Cuz killed my shoulder within 30 mins with only 3 different type of superset.  I can't even pick up anything.

It feels good.:nthat:

Aye man, share the knowledge with ya boy.
I'd love to know the details of that shoulder workout. :smile:
Decline presses have different opinions spread thoughput bb.

Go on Misc and most posters say its a waste of a workout. I've noticed a lot of workouts that are on don't include decline presses also.
Decline bench is one of the best exercises for lower pecs though.
The pectoralis major is one muscle - the whole upper/lower pec stuff is ********. I think the biggest argument for incorporating incline and decline bench in addition to flat bench is that oftentimes lifters rely too heavily on triceps and delts when flat benching. Incline/decline bench removes some of the triceps out of the lift - that's why you're feeling it more in the pec. Decline bench is also touted to be easier on the shoulders; however, most of the shoulder problems that arise when flat benching are a result of poor form, especially flaring elbows too much at the bottom of the lift.

Man...I went into the gym...I just wasn't there mentally though. I did go out and get drunk last night, but I rehydrated myself (64 oz) of water before I went to bed. I got 7 hours of sleep, and even ate a preworkout meal 30 mins prior to going.

Everything just seemed...different. Weight that I was moving with only moderate difficulty before felt bad. I usually would just call it a bad day at the gym, but I wasn't satisfied by Wednesday's workout either.

As for squats...I think I'm going to stop doing em on the Smith machine. We don't have free barbells at Planet Fitness, so it's either squat on the Smith or Leg Press. When I go down on squats with the Smith, I feel my hamstrings kicking in when I go back up. On top of that, it gives a "soreness" in my lower back as if I were doing Deadlifts. I'm not sure if your lower back should have any sort of soreness with squats.

Killed my back however.

3x10 Wide Grip Seated Rows
3x10 Close Grip Seated Rows
3x8 Lat Pulldowns

I don't know, man. I'm guessing the alcohol from last night may have hindered me, but I didn't drink Tuesday night prior to my Wednesday workout. At the same time, I've hit the gym 3x a week since last March, so maybe my body needs a week off to fully recover.

Diet's been on point today. I may go do cardio tomorrow and Sunday to make up for the liquor I'll have tommorow and the bad **** I've eaten this week.

Any insight?

Nothing wrong with taking a deload week - I find they help me a lot mentally and physically. Also, no need to do the self-punitive cardio to make up for overconsumption thing, just give yourself a full rest and be ready to kill it when you get back in the gym.
Man if that's the only issue, it's a terrible issue. I mess with chipotle but not everyday, high sodium is a good way to ensure "the silent killer", ie high blood pressure. Use a little sense my dudes, food is more than just fitting your macros and gains.
Ya I used to be pro-chipotle until I realized that they use soybean oil in basically everything. Chipoltle, never again.

Ended up working out arms today with a couple homies. I've been working out pretty hard I'd say for the past 3 months. Came along way from not even lifting when going to the gym and only doing cardio lol. I never thought I'd post a progress pic on here but here it is. Everyones info has been real helpful so thanks.

You got a good frame to start with - won't need to shed any fat before starting a bulk. Your beginner status is reflected in the fact that your arms are your most developed body part. A solid bulk with something like Starting Strength or an analogous program based on compounds will serve you great. I'd also focus on getting some width to your upper back - build the lats up. Right now you have little to no V going on.
In regards to aesthetics. Not health. But I'm sure someone who competes and checks on himself as much as him is more healthy than y'all make it sound despite his chipotle addiction.

Side note. I posted a comment on a Chris jones Video last night saying i think his buddy Vince has a lot more to go before he does serious pose downs and takes himself seriously. I actually said it MUCH nicer and i said i wasn't hating. And I stand by it, I feel like their viewers comments blow smoke up their ***. Anyway, their army got hella mad and defended the **** out of him and got SUPER butt hurt and told me if i challenge him to a lifting competition ill get worked. So...ima do just that. In a friendly manner. But best believe ima make em look like a joke.
K... Honestly, this seems a little petty

Went hard on my core yesterday, but ate 3 breadsticks later on after smoking.

I gotta control my munchies when under the influence.

I feel horrible! I let myself down :smh:
Avoid being under the influence.

Can someone reiterate whats so bad about Chipotle again? The chips is about the only really bad thing there. They cook all of the meat right in front of you and even make the guac themselves also.
Soybean oil

Just stay away from the rice. Mixture of oil, lime extract, cilantro. Not sure what type of oil is in there.

So it isn't HEALTHY if you get the rice.

If you keep it simple, beans, chicken, veggies, salsa. You are probably fine.

Not often though.
Rice is full of soybean oil. But their chicken and beans are cooked in it also.
Man if that's the only issue, it's a terrible issue. I mess with chipotle but not everyday, high sodium is a good way to ensure "the silent killer", ie high blood pressure. Use a little sense my dudes, food is more than just fitting your macros and gains.

Folks in here don't give a damn about anything other than how their muscles look LOL.
Coach had us doing a 9-6-3 hang snatch squat X muscle ups if you couldn't do the muscle up you had to do 4push, 4pullups per muscle up, in total it was

9 HSS, 36 pull-ups, 36pushups

6 HSS, 24 pull-ups, 24pushups

3 HSS, 12 pull-ups, 12pushups


Chest/arms/shoulders felt crazy...
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Also, I'm guessing when squatting, you shouldn't feel any soreness in your lower back?

The last time I squatted with a free weight barbell, it wasn't really too serious and I was using
great leg day. couldn't go quite as intense as usual since my levels are kind of low, but still pretty strong. still got up 650 on the leg press. got some squats in, some lunges, hamstring curls and calve work. feeling pretty good about that.
Have I posted this:

My favorite Crossfit video ever. Not meant as a crossfit hate post, but the activity sure brings out a lot of douchiness.
Any of you guys ever had trouble getting used to the hook grip when doing overhead squats with a 45lbs bar?....that sh*** hurts like a mother!
Any of you guys ever had trouble getting used to the hook grip when doing overhead squats with a 45lbs bar?....that sh*** hurts like a mother!

Not really.. maybe you have small hands. But it will get better once you get more used to it.. had an easier day but still a work out. 6 burpees, 12 situps, 18 lunges as many rounds in 15 minutes
Not really.. maybe you have small hands. But it will get better once you get more used to it.. had an easier day but still a work out. 6 burpees, 12 situps, 18 lunges as many rounds in 15 minutes

i do have small hands but i can easily wrap my hands around the bar, is my wrist that bothers me, being that is a wideeee grip, when you lift the bar over your head and squat, it really puts a strain on your wrist, cant wait for the day that it doesnt bother me
Switched from flat to decline bench and noticed a difference.  Slowly losing that lower saggy look I hated about my chest.  That + Incline seem to be all I really need for chest size.

I haven't checked in this thread too often but i'm going to cycle some green mag.  Anyone have experience with it.  I've used a mono in the past but it really just makes me bloated from the water weight. Reviews seem good with green mag. 

I tried to lean out for the last month or so and not really satisfied.  Already have a slim build so I feel kind of frail especially in my arms (get cut but don't grow).  Going to try and put more mass on leading into these warmer months.

right now taking:


fish oil

yohimbine hcl

On hydro whey


will probably take out the yohimbine for the green mag (or just take on off days when I ball or do minor cardio), and trying out myofusion instead of ON
Hey guys I am trying to lose weight ,and I am going to start weighing my food. Would you guys suggest a digital scale or mechanical scale?
Hey guys I am trying to lose weight ,and I am going to start weighing my food. Would you guys suggest a digital scale or mechanical scale?

I use a digital because it seems to be easier, but a mechanical may be more accurate. The difference shouldn't be too much though.
Aye man, share the knowledge with ya boy.
I'd love to know the details of that shoulder workout.
Warm up run 8 mins...

20 lbs kettlebell - one handed kettlebell swing (right arm, left arm) then lean forward and do a clock motion with two hands holding the kettle bell. 3 sets of 12 

45 lbs plate - two handed Front Raise (7), Upright row (7), Overhead Press (10) - 3 sets, do not let the plate down while switching

15 lbs Dumbell - Front Raise (7), Lateral Raise (7), Bent Over Deltoid Raise (7), Upright row (7), Shoulder Press (7) - 3 sets, do not let the db down while switching 


Cleans (5), Military press (8), shrugs (10) - 2 sets
i do have small hands but i can easily wrap my hands around the bar, is my wrist that bothers me, being that is a wideeee grip, when you lift the bar over your head and squat, it really puts a strain on your wrist, cant wait for the day that it doesnt bother me

I know it hurts your wrist that is why I tape my wrist and a small part of my hands so my wrist doesnt bend too much when you lift a heavy barbell over your head.. might help out.
I know it hurts your wrist that is why I tape my wrist and a small part of my hands so my wrist doesnt bend too much when you lift a heavy barbell over your head.. might help out.

i thought the problem was that my wrist wasnt flexible enough...i know once i get my wrist right ill be able to push more weight, at the moment my wrist tend to bend forward and i end up psyching myself out, losing control of the sucks.
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