STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Eating terrible aboved my planned bulk over the last few days. Combine bad eating with lots of alcohol :smh:. I knew celebrating my 21st was going to be bad for my fitness/nutrition plan. I'm taking the night off drinking tonight, and I'm going to a club tomorrow so I'll probably be drunk. After tomorrow, I'm taking a solid break off drinking for a few weeks.
Started doing squats again Wednesday after not squatting for 2 months (pulled a muscle in my back and had to take it easy) and my legs are stupid sore even though I only squated 170 (I was squatting over 300). I really hate taking breaks from the wieght room but I had to do what I had to do. Stretching twice a day and drinking a gallon of water a day has been helping out a lot though with my overall soreness and recovery.
Do you guys start on incline or flat bench on chest days?

Just curious. I usually start flat just because i can do the heaviest weight first. But just watched some Kai greene chest day and he goes heaviest on incline then goes to flat then does some sculpting with flys and cables
Do you guys start on incline or flat bench on chest days?

Just curious. I usually start flat just because i can do the heaviest weight first. But just watched some Kai greene chest day and he goes heaviest on incline then goes to flat then does some sculpting with flys and cables

My main chest day I start with barbell flat and db incline, usually Tuesdays, then on Friday I have an auxiliary chest day and start with barbell incline and db flat
Do you guys start on incline or flat bench on chest days?

Just curious. I usually start flat just because i can do the heaviest weight first. But just watched some Kai greene chest day and he goes heaviest on incline then goes to flat then does some sculpting with flys and cables
My main chest day I start with barbell flat and db incline, usually Tuesdays, then on Friday I have an auxiliary chest day and start with barbell incline and db flat
I start with the pec deck (or ***** flys as the hodge twins calls them)
I try not to do it in the same exact order for too long.  Recently I've lead with the incline bench then moved to flat dumbbells.
I start with machine flys first actually. Gets the blood moving like crazy and a great burn. Then move in incline. It's something I really just want to focus on and build up as best I can, so i spend some good time on it with a combo of barbell and db's
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Flat DB, Incline DB, Flyes, Cable, Dips if I have time.

This has been basically my exact routine for a couple weeks.

I usually switch up between bar bell and DB after like 2-3 months or so. But i like DB better since i never have a spot and i can bail on DBs.
Think im going to switch it up and start with pec-deck like you guys said i have heard this before too. Then go right to incline DB. Do flat after. See how it goes for a bit.


Whenever I do Decline presses, I don't feel like its even worth it.

I just stick to Incline and flat
Man...I went into the gym...I just wasn't there mentally though. I did go out and get drunk last night, but I rehydrated myself (64 oz) of water before I went to bed. I got 7 hours of sleep, and even ate a preworkout meal 30 mins prior to going.

Everything just seemed...different. Weight that I was moving with only moderate difficulty before felt bad. I usually would just call it a bad day at the gym, but I wasn't satisfied by Wednesday's workout either.

As for squats...I think I'm going to stop doing em on the Smith machine. We don't have free barbells at Planet Fitness, so it's either squat on the Smith or Leg Press. When I go down on squats with the Smith, I feel my hamstrings kicking in when I go back up. On top of that, it gives a "soreness" in my lower back as if I were doing Deadlifts. I'm not sure if your lower back should have any sort of soreness with squats.

Killed my back however.

3x10 Wide Grip Seated Rows
3x10 Close Grip Seated Rows
3x8 Lat Pulldowns

I don't know, man. I'm guessing the alcohol from last night may have hindered me, but I didn't drink Tuesday night prior to my Wednesday workout. At the same time, I've hit the gym 3x a week since last March, so maybe my body needs a week off to fully recover.

Diet's been on point today. I may go do cardio tomorrow and Sunday to make up for the liquor I'll have tommorow and the bad **** I've eaten this week.

Any insight?

Question for those who do planks.. 

I been doing planks more often..

I do 3 rounds.. 90sec intervals each round..

Is that a long enough time?

I can make it through each set without too much strain/effort..

Should I just go until failure each round?
So I guess nobody planks..?

Anyways I logged a total 21mi in cardio this week..

15mi running

3mi on stairmaster

3mi on eliptical

Probably gonna do the same next week before I go back to sprints.
On days I do planks (few and far between) I go 4 sets and start at 2 minutes, going down 30 seconds with each successive set. Finish at 30 seconds.
My cuzzo, an athletic trainer for the Hornets, came into town and found time to workout with me...

Cuz killed my shoulder within 30 mins with only 3 different type of superset.  I can't even pick up anything.

It feels good.
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