STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Need to buy a new Pre within 3 days.
Currently using Total War.

What is everyone else using.
Either I'm going to buy total again, or buy a recommendation in here.

Anyone here ever get like tailbone or sacrum soreness? It’s not really painful per say, the only thing that really bothers it is laying on it but I have to literally be in a very specific spot. I figured I have insurance so I’ve been going to PT but they’re just making me do more core exercises that I could be doing at the gym. Wondering if any of you fellas have ever dealt with something similar and what caused it
Anyone here ever get like tailbone or sacrum soreness? It’s not really painful per say, the only thing that really bothers it is laying on it but I have to literally be in a very specific spot. I figured I have insurance so I’ve been going to PT but they’re just making me do more core exercises that I could be doing at the gym. Wondering if any of you fellas have ever dealt with something similar and what caused it

😂😂😂 i don't even know what a sacrum is...only tailbone soreness i've ever gotten was from repeatedly landing on my tail from poor attempts of trying to land a front flip 😬😂

Looks decent.

melo0115 melo0115 I try to stay away from anything with a prop blend or a small-*** scoop.
Anyone here ever get like tailbone or sacrum soreness? It’s not really painful per say, the only thing that really bothers it is laying on it but I have to literally be in a very specific spot. I figured I have insurance so I’ve been going to PT but they’re just making me do more core exercises that I could be doing at the gym. Wondering if any of you fellas have ever dealt with something similar and what caused it

Yes. Sprained (i.e. tore ligaments) in my SI joint like 4/5 years ago tryna max out on deads the day after I maxed out on squats. :smh:

Took a hot minute (several weeks) and free appointments to the chiropractor to get back right.
I “irritated” a disc doing dl when I was new and dumb af to lifting.

It went away with some exercises from the doctor.

Best part is it was warm up weight. :lol:

Anyone agree/disagree?
He’s making me think if I do a good job of drinking hella water and deal with the annoyingness of peeing every 5 minutes, I’m wasting my time or even doing harm, if my mineral levels aren’t right. Which I’m guessing they aren’t since I don’t take a mineral supplement or honestly eat that great.
I did a few tubs of Total War back in 2020 but ultimately bushed it for Pre-Jym. Neither is perfect but I liked Pre-Jym better if we're talking ish off the shelf.

Stay away from Grape Candy if you do try some. :sick:
Dope! I'll have to try some pre-jym on the next one. I just grabbed some bucked.

Anyone agree/disagree?
He’s making me think if I do a good job of drinking hella water and deal with the annoyingness of peeing every 5 minutes, I’m wasting my time or even doing harm, if my mineral levels aren’t right. Which I’m guessing they aren’t since I don’t take a mineral supplement or honestly eat that great.

just kinda depends on your activity level...and to some degree your diet; if you are concerned about your typical macro/micro nutrient intake check out the app cronometer---it has some relatively granular tracking of that stuff so plug in some of your go to foods and see where you might be lacking compared the the recommended daily value(s). given that many people may not drink enough water &/or too much of other beverages in general drinking a gallon (arbitrary amount) probably only matters if you are super active or have an extreme deficiency...

Anyone agree/disagree?
He’s making me think if I do a good job of drinking hella water and deal with the annoyingness of peeing every 5 minutes, I’m wasting my time or even doing harm, if my mineral levels aren’t right. Which I’m guessing they aren’t since I don’t take a mineral supplement or honestly eat that great.

its true, especially water in america since we filter out most of all the minerals and electrolytes are gone.

hydration/dehydration isnt based off how much water you drink but rather the balance of minerals in your body

if you go to other parts of the world Like Europe they dont drink as much water because they already get hydrated from the amount they drink

1 hr before the gym (or if I just feel dehydrated) I take one water bottle, and put 1 scoop of this in. next thing you know my piss is white and I actually feel hella hydrated.

Don't give up

isn't that kinda the point, at least compared to a normal bench press? do you record your reps to check your form or see any other issues?

I find most pre-positioned benches to be on way too much of an incline. If it's one you can adjust yourself, just set it on one or 2 notches above it being completely flat.
So I tried again last night with the seat in that position and I finally got it :pimp:. Did it on the smith machine and it actually felt really good. Gonna try with dumbbells as well next week

Also deadlifted on Saturday. Got up to 245 for 1. Before my knee injury I was doing 295 for reps so I’m glad I’m getting back to close to where I was without my knee falling off

One thing I’m noticing now, that I’ve never really had a problem with before is my grip. Between BJJ and lifting I always had a really strong grip but after not doing anything for 4 years I gotta work on it again
If I got a pre workout without caffeine would it still give me energy or just a pump? I have never taken a pre before and I don’t consume coffee/caffeine and I workout at night. I already have trouble sleeping early so I don’t wanna force it :lol: but I am kinda tired when it’s time to go now

These are what I use for pre workout now :lol: The best
Anybody here eat tuna through the week?

I may be eating three 2.6oz of starkist tuna packs a week, but I’m not sure if that’s putting me at risk for mercury poisoning.

After some slight digging, it seems the amount I need to eat to be at any danger is way higher than 7.:nerd:z (around 1/2 lb) a week. Just thought I’d ask since it’s such a good source of protein while not being calorie dense, possibly some of y’all have experience with it in semi daily diet.
Anybody here eat tuna through the week?

I may be eating three 2.6oz of starkist tuna packs a week, but I’m not sure if that’s putting me at risk for mercury poisoning.

After some slight digging, it seems the amount I need to eat to be at any danger is way higher than 7.:nerd:z (around 1/2 lb) a week. Just thought I’d ask since it’s such a good source of protein while not being calorie dense, possibly some of y’all have experience with it in semi daily diet.

I remember looking this up a while back. It's safe to eat 2-3 4oz servings per week.. so no more than 8 to 12oz per week.

I get the solid white albacore which is like 110cals and 26g protein. It does need a tblsp of light mayo so maybe 150cals in all.
Enjoy the last week and a half before it becomes a mad house on January 1st. My gym already started prepping. They got rid of the paper towel and spray bottles and replaced them with wipes. I'm going to have to start carrying a towel with me for sweat.
It is 42 degrees outside here is TX... so I decided to do my dribble warm up exercises in the kitchen.

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