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If I got a pre workout without caffeine would it still give me energy or just a pump? I have never taken a pre before and I donā€™t consume coffee/caffeine and I workout at night. I already have trouble sleeping early so I donā€™t wanna force it :lol: but I am kinda tired when itā€™s time to go now

These are what I use for pre workout now :lol: The best

A preworkout without caffeine is just a pump product.

Outside of beta alanine, citrulline, and caffeine, very few of other the ingredients [read: almost all] eill have any marked difference on performance.

I don't smoke or eat edibles but I'm not sure how weed would help you in the gym either. :confused:
Anybody here eat tuna through the week?

I may be eating three 2.6oz of starkist tuna packs a week, but Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s putting me at risk for mercury poisoning.

After some slight digging, it seems the amount I need to eat to be at any danger is way higher than 7.:nerd:z (around 1/2 lb) a week. Just thought Iā€™d ask since itā€™s such a good source of protein while not being calorie dense, possibly some of yā€™all have experience with it in semi daily diet.

Nope, I need the cals.

I don't even consider tuna + _____ whatever a meal, just a snack.
Just started to loosely track my macros again, itā€™s kinda insane that you need to pay for premium for the barcode scanner on MyFitnessPal now

I took your response of ā€œnope, I need the calsā€ as you being someone who pays attention to / counts calories to some extent.

Maybe Iā€™m mistaken


But of course you're mistaken.

Actually, you're half right. I'll give you partial credit.

I descend from an ancient line of skinny folks known as the Thin MenĀ®.

It is a blessing and a curse. I am in my thirties and my estimated BMR has gone up 300 calories since my first body scan. It makes gaining weight nearly impossible but allows me to eat like a teenager and not blow up.

So I would never eat a food that has less calories when I have trouble maintaining body weight as it is, especially when said food prolly costs just as much as a denser one.

-- Fred
What do you guys do about the afternoon sluggish besides working out

Morning light exposure is by far the most important thing for energy levels after basic sleep hygiene and quality.

The science is abundant and clear, 5-10 minutes of sunlight in the eyes within a few minutes of waking up is critical for a bunch of health functions not just energy. Artificial light doesnā€™t qualify but cloud cover is fine.

Aside from that, wait 90 - 120 minutes after rising before doing caffeine, after naturally elevated cortisol levels have dropped. Increases the duration of the effects of caffeine and minimizes any subsequent crash.
I started a new job not long ago, some dude whoā€™s 25 thought i was 25ā€™ish too. Iā€™m 35.

Everybody says ā€œI used to look like you when I started hereā€ and **** like that which is annoying. Bruh, youā€™re younger than me and we literally have two gyms here and they pay you to lift.

Some mashed potatoes and prime rib didnā€™t do it, youā€™re just lazy.
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Iā€™m almost 30 and people still think Iā€™m in college.

Itā€™s insane how being active keeps you looking and feeling young

definitely some truth to the ā€˜being activeā€™ keeping folk feeling young, plenty of research that shows when people retire become less active/intellectually stimulated they go into a wild rapid decline as opposed to the those that manage to keep engagedā€¦

i think folks looking younger in old age is mostly genetics and perhaps countenance, anecdotally i know more people that just look young and donā€™t workout at all but are optimisticā€¦and if you really look a lot of active people be lookin stressed šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø

and in general, peopleā€™s lifestyles now are way less demanding so people in general are looking youngerā€¦itā€™s always a bit wild when you look at old pics of people from only a few generations ago
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