STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I’ve dropped 17lbs and 6% body fat. My goal weight was 200lbs, now my sights are set at 185Lbs and 8% body fat.

people should absolutely learn to bail if they plan on squatting, period. it’s easy to learn and you’ll never know when you’ll need to utilize it
I’ve dropped 17lbs and 6% body fat. My goal weight was 200lbs, now my sights are set at 185Lbs and 8% body fat.


going for your previous goal weight fam. mine right now.

approx. 215 lbs. target = 200 lbs. target duration = 2 months. start date = 2 days ago

Nice work you two :nthat: Glad to know I'm not the only one cutting :lol:

Lee And His Sneaks Lee And His Sneaks - what are you using to track body fat%? I need to cop a device for that so I am open to suggestions from you and the thread as well!

Edit: Lee - if you don't mind me asking, what was your general routine and how long in between pics?
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Usually at that weight a single back spotter is all that's needed.

You just need someone to help you past the sticking point once the bar stops moving upwards. Worst case, the back spotter pulls the weight off your back while simultaneously pushing/kicking you out from under it.

Dude absolutely coulda dumped it behind him; it's on the spotter to get out of the way.

RIP though.

even tho that makes sense, it seems much more variable than just having multiple spotters, especially if available…granted i have never been spotted for or spotted in that way but i just don’t understand that method with any sort of substantial weight, looks way more complicated

true i supposed he still could bailed the weight backwards, but he was naturally starting to bail backwards but the spotter’s body kinda prevented that by then the lifter loses rigidity and what happens, happens

No idea why you wouldn't be in a cage with safety bars on each side if you're going that heavy.

I take the safeties off the rack and squat outside of where they would be and I rarely have issues.

Learn to bail and you'll be good.

people should absolutely learn to bail if they plan on squatting, period. it’s easy to learn and you’ll never know when you’ll need to utilize it

when i started i would only use the safeties for partials or to limit/start from a specific range of motion…i would remove the safeties because the racks at the gyms i go to couldn’t be set to a useful depth for my squat (was either too high or too low) so would just take them off…then i saw a one of those gym fail vid posts where a guy has a injury while squatting and it kinda had me shook for a minute never really considered having to bail & how to bail to that point because even on failed attempts in the past i always did so in a very controlled way, ironically the one time i did have an epic fail worthy of a gym fail appearance on one of those posts, i was using the safeties 😂😮‍💨 luckily i was decently flexible 😮‍💨
Nice work you two :nthat: Glad to know I'm not the only one cutting :lol:

Lee And His Sneaks Lee And His Sneaks - what are you using to track body fat%? I need to cop a device for that so I am open to suggestions from you and the thread as well!

Edit: Lee - if you don't mind me asking, what was your general routine and how long in between pics?

Hey no problem at all:

I use My Fitness Pal to track my diet. I used to hate calorie counting, but this one makes it seamless and fun. Holds you super accountable.

For the body fat tracking, there’s a machine at my gym, I forgot the name of it, I’ll get it for you next time. It weighs you, gives you your skeletal mass and BF. I weight myself 3x to make sure I got an accurate reading and it came up 10 every time.

I’ve incorporated fitness classes (GTX, Alpha Conditioning and Pilates) into my routine along with cardio.

I’ve eliminated sweets, juices, sodas and junk food. I’ve cut back on fried foods. Like maybe twice a month. I cheat once a week (food, not on wife). My cheating isn’t too heavy.

I took the pic on the left in December 2022, but I really started tracking in April. I stayed on the left for a good 4 months because I wasn’t dieting properly. Once I started tracking in April, that’s when I saw the drop.
Hey no problem at all:

I use My Fitness Pal to track my diet. I used to hate calorie counting, but this one makes it seamless and fun. Holds you super accountable.

For the body fat tracking, there’s a machine at my gym, I forgot the name of it, I’ll get it for you next time. It weighs you, gives you your skeletal mass and BF. I weight myself 3x to make sure I got an accurate reading and it came up 10 every time.

I’ve incorporated fitness classes (GTX, Alpha Conditioning and Pilates) into my routine along with cardio.

I’ve eliminated sweets, juices, sodas and junk food. I’ve cut back on fried foods. Like maybe twice a month. I cheat once a week (food, not on wife). My cheating isn’t too heavy.

I took the pic on the left in December 2022, but I really started tracking in April. I stayed on the left for a good 4 months because I wasn’t dieting properly. Once I started tracking in April, that’s when I saw the drop.

Nah, I am messing with you, man :lol: That is all great information and like I said, congratulations on your progress thus far!

I'm going to look into My Fitness Pal and definitely let us know if you get the name of that body tracking machine. That is probably the one metric I have NEVER tracked but it's extremely important
Hey no problem at all:

I use My Fitness Pal to track my diet. I used to hate calorie counting, but this one makes it seamless and fun. Holds you super accountable.

For the body fat tracking, there’s a machine at my gym, I forgot the name of it, I’ll get it for you next time. It weighs you, gives you your skeletal mass and BF. I weight myself 3x to make sure I got an accurate reading and it came up 10 every time.

I’ve incorporated fitness classes (GTX, Alpha Conditioning and Pilates) into my routine along with cardio.

I’ve eliminated sweets, juices, sodas and junk food. I’ve cut back on fried foods. Like maybe twice a month. I cheat once a week (food, not on wife). My cheating isn’t too heavy.

I took the pic on the left in December 2022, but I really started tracking in April. I stayed on the left for a good 4 months because I wasn’t dieting properly. Once I started tracking in April, that’s when I saw the drop.


Nah, I am messing with you, man :lol: That is all great information and like I said, congratulations on your progress thus far!

I'm going to look into My Fitness Pal and definitely let us know if you get the name of that body tracking machine. That is probably the one metric I have NEVER tracked but it's extremely important

i think even roughly tracking can definitely be a cheat code if one is willing to be consistent about it…my fitness pal used to free but i think in order to track it is a subscription services, there is an app called cronometer that i used to use as well that also used to be free that tracks other things like minerals, macro/micronutrients, vitamins, etc. but i think that also has a subscription fee now too

the body fat percentage stuff can vary so widely in accuracy that it’s effectively a useless metric, even the fancier stuff like dexa scan can be very off…those scales that give body fat metrics can be useful if you are using the same scale consistently under similar conditions as indicating the trend of progress (or lack there of).

probably better to use the eye test with one of those image charts that estimate body fat percentages based on body composition and compare, then there’s also things like how your clothes fit, whether your strength is improving/maintaining

First century of the year. Got over 100k climbing on the bike so far this year.


sheesh just knocking out centuries.

a few my friends from SF just rode all the way down to LA. one of these fools did it fixed pulling a trailer. they split it up over 7 days. my legs and taint hurt just thinking about it
sheesh just knocking out centuries.

a few my friends from SF just rode all the way down to LA. one of these fools did it fixed pulling a trailer. they split it up over 7 days. my legs and taint hurt just thinking about it

Want to do the ride down to LA one of these years but not sure I can do those kind of back to back days just yet. Thinking about SF to Monterey to test the waters first lol.
storm2006 storm2006 its In Body scan. Most gyms have one and even supplement stores like locally Supplement World has them you can use them for free just walk in and get your print out and dip. Also, you’re like 12% or something super slim fitty.

Also an app called Spren, I mentioned it earlier. It was within 2% of my InBody scans, but nothing is as accurate as Dexa scans or the underwater ones but places here charge 170 to use Dexa
granted i have never been spotted for or spotted in that way but i just don’t understand that method with any sort of substantial weight, looks way more complicated

So you have no personal experience to draw on? Gotcha.

Remember this is lifting, it's not rocket science, the ish really is that simple.

FWIW most of the folks watching that clip are in the same boat, and an even smaller number of those people have even squatted 4 wheels.

There's a thread on the coli about this rn and most folks will swear you need safeties, but you can still snap your neck by rolling a loaded bar over it at the bottom of the rack on top of the safeties too.
sun's been baking this past 2 weeks. already tanned which I don't prefer. like my fair complexion better. also, my wrist have those tan mark since I'm wearing my outdoor work watch most of the time. I don't even stay for too long under the sun but I guess it's just that sunny.

I shave my head with no guard. I work outside, I have a permanent mesh trucker hat tan line on my skull. :lol:

I put on sunscreen 2-3x a day. It is what it is. :lol: also got a permanent tan line from tee shirts on my neck.
So you have no personal experience to draw on? Gotcha.

Remember this is lifting, it's not rocket science, the ish really is that simple.

FWIW most of the folks watching that clip are in the same boat, and an even smaller number of those people have even squatted 4 wheels.

There's a thread on the coli about this rn and most folks will swear you need safeties, but you can still snap your neck by rolling a loaded bar over it at the bottom of the rack on top of the safeties too.

true, but i just think having two points of support is better than the one awkward point that requires the spotter to be hugged up & hovering on the lifter’s hind parts 😮‍💨…as much as intellectually i can understand it doesn’t take much to assist a lifter in getting through that sticking point on a maximal lift seems like more could go wrong with that setup

on a somewhat unrelated note, what’s your rationale for not using the safeties tho? easier to bail out on??
I always spotted for got spot from the back. They miss pull up under their arms with your hands on their chest.

Spotted 180 pound dudes squatting 5 wheels with this method with no issue.

I’m weak with a 425 squat but get spotted the same.

You gotta learn to dump weight too if you get pinned solo.
I always spotted for got spot from the back. They miss pull up under their arms with your hands on their chest.

Spotted 180 pound dudes squatting 5 wheels with this method with no issue.

I’m weak with a 425 squat but get spotted the same.

You gotta learn to dump weight too if you get pinned solo.

😮‍💨 weak w/ a 425 squat tho? sheeeesh 😂 did you see the vid? what do you think went wrong?

You one of them man who got veins in their shins huh??

😂 what does this mean? because i have veins on my shins and i promise you there aren’t any century rides in my past, present, or probable future 🤣🤣🤣
I can’t find the vid but at 405 they were trying to squat something the shouldn’t have even thought about trying or the spotter was trash or a combo of both.
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