Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by Baybully650

Hey guys, I dont mean to stear the thread is a different direction, but... I am about to order some new ON protein powder....any ideas on which flavor? I usually go with chocolate mint but was thinking of maybe coffee or cake batter this time. Suggestions?
White Chocolate is
crack. It's supposed to be new though so it might be hard to find. I got mine on FitRX.

Tropical Punch.
What do you guys think of this?

I saw it a long time ago but I was out of shape back then.� Chilled at a homie's house the other day with an Iron Gym and started goin' off on theseexercises.� It was just for fun... but I kinda liked em.

Would you guys implement any of these into a normal workout routine?� In a gym of course.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by Baybully650

Hey guys, I dont mean to stear the thread is a different direction, but... I am about to order some new ON protein powder....any ideas on which flavor? I usually go with chocolate mint but was thinking of maybe coffee or cake batter this time. Suggestions?
White Chocolate is
crack. It's supposed to be new though so it might be hard to find. I got mine on FitRX.

Tropical Punch.
Im about 3/4 done with 2lbs of Choco Mint.. hmm. Im looking to try the Caramel Toffee Fudge.. I have heard Double Rich Chocolate and Exteme MilkChoco sucks.
Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by Baybully650

Hey guys, I dont mean to stear the thread is a different direction, but... I am about to order some new ON protein powder....any ideas on which flavor? I usually go with chocolate mint but was thinking of maybe coffee or cake batter this time. Suggestions?
White Chocolate is
crack. It's supposed to be new though so it might be hard to find. I got mine on FitRX.

Tropical Punch.
Im about 3/4 done with 2lbs of Choco Mint.. hmm. Im looking to try the Caramel Toffee Fudge.. I have heard Double Rich Chocolate and Exteme Milk Choco sucks.
Caramel Toffee Fudge is real sweet. A lot like White Chocolate actually. Chocolate mint is good, but it's got a real subtle flavor.
White chocolate for ON? Sounds tasty. I'm on Syntha-6 Mochaccino right now. Extremely delicious. Probably the best tasting protein powder I've evertried, especially in water. Drinking some right now while smoking some herb after a great workout. How often do you smoke Joe if you don't mind me asking?I try not to have more than 2 -3 sessions a day, but I love sessioning after a good workout.
Any truth to the theory that says if you are trying to loose weight/fat you should focus on less heavy lifts and do more reps when in the gym?
Originally Posted by Gmills23

Any truth to the theory that says if you are trying to loose weight/fat you should focus on less heavy lifts and do more reps when in the gym?

You should lift heavy regardless of cutting or bulking.

But its good to mix it up with dropsets, pyramids etc.. the best prinicple I think is QUALITY > QUANTITY.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

What do you guys think of this?

I saw it a long time ago but I was out of shape back then.� Chilled at a homie's house the other day with an Iron Gym and started goin' off on these exercises.� It was just for fun... but I kinda liked em.

Would you guys implement any of these into a normal workout routine?� In a gym of course.
Muscle ups and dips can definitely be implemented into a weight lifting routine. They're fun and build strength as well. I bet that you'dbe the only guy in the gym doing muscle ups

Calisthenics are fun and can be done anywhere, making them the perfect quick workout.

I've recently started focusing more on calisthenics. My pull ups have improved greatly. I took a few weeks off of lifting weights and focused exclusivelyon calisthenics and my numbers in my lifts have gone up. You can get a great workout from calisthenics. I plan on dropping weights and focusing on calisthenicsafter I come back from vacation in winter break.

They may not help with mass, but they help increase the endurance and 'dense' look of muscles. Great for those who don't want the 'bulky'look that a lot of weight lifters get.
Also.. if your overseas or on a vacation.. its a good way to not get lazy and get some sort of exercise in lol
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

That's not why he's asking for it. He's talking about how dude keep referring to the article without showing the actual article. Anyway, there's a ton of articles in friggin Sports Illustrated and every other magazine about a number of topics, all backed by research, etc... Doesn't necessarily make them absolute fact.

But what you say as advice is absolute fact, right? However, you can't google the article or actually wont, because it'll destroy everything thatyou've believed about what you've been taking!
I know, it's scary. Poor, poor baby!
Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

amino acids are useless? Lol

Ban that troll

When coming from whole foods, chicken, fish, beef, eggs amino acids are not useless! But that crap that comes in a bottle? Guess what? They've neverbeen proven to work, and then wreck havoc on your internal organs! But keep taking them! When you realize the source of your constipation, irregular bowelhabits, then deep yellow urine, all of which indicate illness, don't blame those of us who know better!
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Everyone should just ignore Dark Chocolate.

If he quotes you, questioning what you said, so what? Just ignore him and keep it moving. Y'all shouldn't even waste your time replying to him. No one has to prove anything to this dude.

Maybe then he'll go away when he realizes that no one gives a damn about what he has to say. And if he doesn't leave, at least we can avoid all of this unnecessary arguing.

Don't hate my honesty. Hate the ones who've been lying to you, while selling you the crap they said would make you big and strong. I am simplytelling the truth.

I stated earlier, where all this got started, that you cannot increase your vertical leap simply by doing squats, isn't that true? I stated that if youwant to increase your vert, that you should skip rope in between sets, so that you can stimulate the fast twitch muscles that are needed in order to jumphigher. I also stated that YOU CAN ONLY JUMP AS HIGH, AS PER YOUR ABILITY TO LAND. Three individuals decided to suggest that I didn't know what I wastalking about. However I cited the NSCA and American College of Sports Medicine, as the leading researchers in this study.

Do you know what A Static Spring Proficient Athlete is?

Well, cats are known as that, aka A SPECTACULAR ATHLETE.

A cat can be thrown in any direction and it will land on its feet. This means that when a cat springs forward, it is able to land safely, even from tremendousheights.

All tremendous leapers, and fast sprinters, are known as such as well.

You must be able to decelerate in order to run faster, and you must know how to land, in order to jump higher.

Body building squats, those that build mass, slow down this reaction, as they use a totally different system of movement.

That's all I was getting at, but you know the *knowitalls* on here........
Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Everyone should just ignore Dark Chocolate.

If he quotes you, questioning what you said, so what? Just ignore him and keep it moving. Y'all shouldn't even waste your time replying to him. No one has to prove anything to this dude.

Maybe then he'll go away when he realizes that no one gives a damn about what he has to say. And if he doesn't leave, at least we can avoid all of this unnecessary arguing.

A cat can be thrown in any direction, and it will land on its feet. This means that when a cats springs forward, it is able to land safely, from tremendous heights.
Didn't read past this

Humans are not cats

Cats have an internal balancing system which is more sophisticated than humans, so comparing humans to cats is just plain ridiculous. Not taking into accountthe difference in their musculoskeletal system.

and athletes that you say can jump high and land, you might be right but have you thought of the possibility that maybe when you achieve a higher jump you willachieve the landing capabilities too.
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Everyone should just ignore Dark Chocolate.

If he quotes you, questioning what you said, so what? Just ignore him and keep it moving. Y'all shouldn't even waste your time replying to him. No one has to prove anything to this dude.

Maybe then he'll go away when he realizes that no one gives a damn about what he has to say. And if he doesn't leave, at least we can avoid all of this unnecessary arguing.

A cat can be thrown in any direction, and it will land on its feet. This means that when a cats springs forward, it is able to land safely, from tremendous heights.
Didn't read past this

Humans are not cats

Cats have an internal balancing system which is more sophisticated than humans, so comparing humans to cats is just plain ridiculous. Not taking into account the difference in their musculoskeletal system.

and athletes that you say can jump high and land, you might be right but have you thought of the possibility that maybe when you achieve a higher jump you will achieve the landing capabilities too.
The study was done on all animals, including humans, speaking on athletic capabilities. Racehorses are considered athletes, and they are oftencompared to the human athlete as well. I didn't do the study, but I agree with the findings.. My point was that bodybuilding squats alone, do not increaseyour jumping ability. In fact, they hamper your jumping ability. So if YOUR theory on landing were correct, how does the body learn to ADAPT to the overload,without landing first? You must learn how to control the descent thru REACTIVE training first, using eccentric forces, before gaining strength for explosion.
Ya'll forreal arguing with an e-Hall Monitor?

Anyways, I hit the gym and tried some of that ghetto workout stuff. It was fun doing it at a homie's house with an Iron Gym, but doing continued sets ofthat crazy
is not the business. I eventually had to giveup and finish with boring normal pull ups/chin ups.

I know that humans are not cats, but that does not mean that THEY are not what are called Spectacular Athletes! However, I know that most of you are NOTspectacular athletes. just by looking at the workouts that are being posted! Plus that stuff y'all are taking? I bet y'all stink it up!

Y'all can't possibly have lady friends!
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Ya'll forreal arguing with an e-Hall Monitor?

Anyways, I hit the gym and tried some of that ghetto workout stuff. It was fun doing it at a homie's house with an Iron Gym, but doing continued sets of that crazy
is not the business. I eventually had to give up and finish with boring normal pull ups/chin ups.
That's how we used to train in the yard. Cool stuff that they are taking it public, but *people* like you wont be able to deal...
Any suggestions on some good whey protein products that I can buy off fitrx or any sites like that?
Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

BTW, nobody responded to my question about adding explosive movements to my workouts, since I am training for my next triathalon in the spring!
Take your pick; Clean/power clean, snatch/ power snatch, split/ squat jerk, snatch pull, box jumps, etc.

Triathlons are about endurance not explosiveness. I suggest you just blood dope.

Humans have no business being involved in endurance marathons such as triathlons.

A video..why not

Since endurance sports have been around way before weightlifting expo's, I am quite sure that your theory about them are wrong. Besides that,� what qualifies you to make such a statement? And triatholons don't require explosive capabilities? According to who? Some internet weightlifter who's never rode a bike uphill, run up hill, nor swam against tide?

Move away from the keyboard, you are embarrassing yourself.

Of course endurance sports require some explosive movements� just like explosive sports require having some endurance.Is it a vital component? Hardly.

I wasn't speculating on whether endurance sports should or shouldn't be public spectacles. Which goes to show that you just argue for arguments sake.
The fact is humans aren't built for optimal aerobic activity. It's not even debatable. Take a look at how the human body is constructed and then take alook at a specie who is built for aerobic activity.

If I'm just an internet weightlifter than you're just an internet +%@% talker.
Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Everyone should just ignore Dark Chocolate.

If he quotes you, questioning what you said, so what? Just ignore him and keep it moving. Y'all shouldn't even waste your time replying to him. No one has to prove anything to this dude.

Maybe then he'll go away when he realizes that no one gives a damn about what he has to say. And if he doesn't leave, at least we can avoid all of this unnecessary arguing.

A cat can be thrown in any direction, and it will land on its feet. This means that when a cats springs forward, it is able to land safely, from tremendous heights.
Didn't read past this

Humans are not cats

Cats have an internal balancing system which is more sophisticated than humans, so comparing humans to cats is just plain ridiculous. Not taking into account the difference in their musculoskeletal system.

and athletes that you say can jump high and land, you might be right but have you thought of the possibility that maybe when you achieve a higher jump you will achieve the landing capabilities too.
The study was done on all animals, including humans, speaking on athletic capabilities. Racehorses are considered athletes, and they are often compared to the human athlete as well. I didn't do the study, but I agree with the findings.. My point was that bodybuilding squats alone, do not increase your jumping ability. In fact, they hamper your jumping ability. So if YOUR theory on landing were correct, how does the body learn to ADAPT to the overload, without landing first? You must learn how to control the descent thru REACTIVE training first, using eccentric forces, before gaining strength for explosion.
oh god.
wawaweewa wrote:
Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

BTW, nobody responded to my question about adding explosive movements to my workouts, since I am training for my next triathalon in the spring!
Take your pick; Clean/power clean, snatch/ power snatch, split/ squat jerk, snatch pull, box jumps, etc.

Triathlons are about endurance not explosiveness. I suggest you just blood dope.

Humans have no business being involved in endurance marathons such as triathlons.

A video..why not

Since endurance sports have been around way before weightlifting expo's, I am quite sure that your theory about them are wrong. Besides that,� what qualifies you to make such a statement? And triatholons don't require explosive capabilities? According to who? Some internet weightlifter who's never rode a bike uphill, run up hill, nor swam against tide?

Move away from the keyboard, you are embarrassing yourself.

Of course endurance sports require some explosive movements� just like explosive sports require having some endurance. Is it a vital component? Hardly.

I wasn't speculating on whether endurance sports should or shouldn't be public spectacles. Which goes to show that you just argue for arguments sake.
The fact is humans aren't built for optimal aerobic activity. It's not even debatable. Take a look at how the human body is constructed and then take a look at a specie who is built for aerobic activity.

If I'm just an internet weightlifter than you're just an internet +%@% talker.

It's not even "debatable",�according to�who?�

Humans are built for endurance! Not only that, in�certain parts of Africa, this is a necessary component to their lifestyle, and they are BUILT�for running inendurance events.

So where did you get�your info on human capability?��
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Everyone should just ignore Dark Chocolate.

If he quotes you, questioning what you said, so what? Just ignore him and keep it moving. Y'all shouldn't even waste your time replying to him. No one has to prove anything to this dude.

Maybe then he'll go away when he realizes that no one gives a damn about what he has to say. And if he doesn't leave, at least we can avoid all of this unnecessary arguing.

A cat can be thrown in any direction, and it will land on its feet. This means that when a cats springs forward, it is able to land safely, from tremendous heights.
Didn't read past this

Humans are not cats

Cats have an internal balancing system which is more sophisticated than humans, so comparing humans to cats is just plain ridiculous. Not taking into account the difference in their musculoskeletal system.

and athletes that you say can jump high and land, you might be right but have you thought of the possibility that maybe when you achieve a higher jump you will achieve the landing capabilities too.
The study was done on all animals, including humans, speaking on athletic capabilities. Racehorses are considered athletes, and they are often compared to the human athlete as well. I didn't do the study, but I agree with the findings.. My point was that bodybuilding squats alone, do not increase your jumping ability. In fact, they hamper your jumping ability. So if YOUR theory on landing were correct, how does the body learn to ADAPT to the overload, without landing first? You must learn how to control the descent thru REACTIVE training first, using eccentric forces, before gaining strength for explosion.
oh god.

Would you like to debate it, son?
Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate


I know that humans are not cats, but that does not mean that THEY are not what are called Spectacular Athletes! However, I know that most of you are NOT spectacular athletes. just by looking at the workouts that are being posted! Plus that stuff y'all are taking? I bet y'all stink it up!

Y'all can't possibly have lady friends!

Lady friends?.....YNS

Got a question guys...I've been hearing that close-grip bench press is the best tricep exercise for mass. Any weight to this? I need to update my triworkout but I want to keep it to a few (like 3), effective exercises. Suggestions?
Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Everyone should just ignore Dark Chocolate.

If he quotes you, questioning what you said, so what? Just ignore him and keep it moving. Y'all shouldn't even waste your time replying to him. No one has to prove anything to this dude.

Maybe then he'll go away when he realizes that no one gives a damn about what he has to say. And if he doesn't leave, at least we can avoid all of this unnecessary arguing.

A cat can be thrown in any direction, and it will land on its feet. This means that when a cats springs forward, it is able to land safely, from tremendous heights.
Didn't read past this

Humans are not cats

Cats have an internal balancing system which is more sophisticated than humans, so comparing humans to cats is just plain ridiculous. Not taking into account the difference in their musculoskeletal system.

and athletes that you say can jump high and land, you might be right but have you thought of the possibility that maybe when you achieve a higher jump you will achieve the landing capabilities too.
The study was done on all animals, including humans, speaking on athletic capabilities. Racehorses are considered athletes, and they are often compared to the human athlete as well. I didn't do the study, but I agree with the findings.. My point was that bodybuilding squats alone, do not increase your jumping ability. In fact, they hamper your jumping ability. So if YOUR theory on landing were correct, how does the body learn to ADAPT to the overload, without landing first? You must learn how to control the descent thru REACTIVE training first, using eccentric forces, before gaining strength for explosion.
oh god.

Would you like to debate it, son?
would you like to cite your sources, son?
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