Stephen A. Smith Apologizes about Domestic Violence Views

This is what stephen gets for trying to play the white supremacy and bashing black athletes for smoking weed and telling black folks to wear suits and everything will be alright. they just letting him know his place.


SAS has been very consistent with his victim blaming. It's unfortunate that so many people agree with him. I don't think he understands how harmful that mindset is whether it's black people or women.

Stephen A Smith says black males should do so and so to avoid getting profiled and we get Pastor Michael Eric Dyson on the following show to debate for two hours

Stephen A Smith says women should avoid provoking and we get "she should of contacted him in private"


I wouldn't say how he said it was wrong. It was incomplete. And when pressed to expound, he dug a deeper hole. Hard to feel sorry for him. And someone else hit the nail on the head. THIS should show him, all that "pull your pants up" talk couldn't save him from this. Son need a timeout.

i'm starting to think some dudes on here just go against the grain for attention needs or to just want to be different.

people are really upset over the use of the word "provoke"  wow 

that whole PC wussifiyng of everything and getting up in arms off any little statement someone disagrees with is just over the top to me.  

I wouldn't say how he said it was wrong. It was incomplete. And when pressed to expound, he dug a deeper hole. Hard to feel sorry for him. And someone else hit the nail on the head. THIS should show him, all that "pull your pants up" talk couldn't save him from this. Son need a timeout.

It was wrong IMHO ... Provoking does not justifyb physical violence.
i'm starting to think some dudes on here just go against the grain for attention needs or to just want to be different.

people are really upset over the use of the word "provoke"  wow :lol:

that whole PC wussifiyng of everything and getting up in arms off any little statement someone disagrees with is just over the top to me.  

Another person showing their ignorance about triggering words.
I know people say words shouldn't provoke violence,(I agree) but isn't mental abuse just as much a problem as physical abuse?
That's exactly my point. If I look at you, and you hit me .. I provoked you? So next time I need to look the other way to avoid getting hit?
If I've never reacted violently prior to you looking at me then you obviously did nothing wrong, but if you're aware that look bothers me then you're provoking me.
People keep saying antagonize...

What about when you FLAT OUT hit a man...

Because that's what happened with Ray Rice...

This isn't extreme... This is fact...
People keep saying antagonize...

What about when you FLAT OUT hit a man...

Because that's what happened with Ray Rice...

This isn't extreme... This is fact...
alot of these dudes have no type of real world expierence or live in a bubble.

you put hands on another person, then you risk having them hit you back.   don't throw a punch unless you can take a punch.
People keep saying antagonize...

What about when you FLAT OUT hit a man...

Because that's what happened with Ray Rice...

This isn't extreme... This is fact...
Then she was wrong, & her charges shouldn't have been dropped. That said, as instinctive as his reaction may've been - Ray has to expect a reasonable amount of backlash and punishment from his particular employer. The punishment that he has subsequently received is, for the most part, inadequate to the general public.

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how is it ignorance.  you sound like one of those dudes who thinks he's smarter then he really is and is overly dismissive and insecure off anything he disagrees with.

why is that though?

Because your first instinct is to call everyone wusses. If a woman was watching that show that's been abused and her abuser used to tell her "I'm sorry honey, you provoked me into hitting you" - SAS just made her relive that experience by blaming her for being beat. By saying that she's at fault, how do you think that makes her feel? Trigger words for past victims can ruin someones day, ruin someones week, or drive them into a spiral.

Now flip that, imagine you're an abuser who used to tell his wife that "she provoked him into violence" - he just heard SAS agree with him on national TV. His abuse was just okayed on national TV. It wasn't all his fault.

I know you're real cool but you don't care but do you think that stuff is acceptable? A victim being told that she should've avoided the problem? An abuser having some of the blame taken off of them? I'm not saying we should walk on eggshells for the fear of triggering people BUT SAS is a constant victim blamer. With women, with black people, with poor people. It's what he does. If he's on national TV, he should be more educated on sensitive subjects if he's going to go up there and talk about them. Domestic violence isn't a game or a sport. People die over this. People have PTSD over it. You can't just talk reckless and expect everyone to be happy.
Another person showing their ignorance about triggering words.
how is it ignorance.  you sound like one of those dudes who thinks he's smarter then he really is and is overly dismissive and insecure off anything he disagrees with.

why is that though?

I'm insecure about people disagreeing with me but your first comment is about people going against the grain, right. :lol:

I'm not going to explain with triggers mean but yeah you keep thinking it's about ppl being mad over a word
alot of these dudes have no type of real world expierence or live in a bubble.

you put hands on another person, then you risk having them hit you back.   don't throw a punch unless you can take a punch.

Not one person here has justified a woman hitting a man. Quote one person that said that's cool. Hell, SAS didn't even talk about that part. He was purposefully vague when he talked about provoking someone. That was the problem.
where did i call everyone wusses?  i said alot of people are overly sensitive and that's true when you see how society is today. 

everyone's situation is different.  i don't think anyone on here is cool with hitting an innocent woman, but lets call a spade a spade.  it's situations where a woman provokes a reaction after pushing a man over and over again.  not everyone is a victim.     a dude who puts hands on a woman just because she annoyed him is a chump.   a woman who hits a man, says over the line disrespectful stuff about him or his family, a woman who spits on a man, keys his car or vandalizes his property that happens to get hit isn't a victim.  she's someone who got what she deserved.   people may not agree with it, but there are cases where a woman provoked getting hands put on here.  not everyone is a harmless innocent victim as surprising as that may sound.  
^^Had an ex that did all of that . Don't need to say what she deserved but she got it.
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i had a situation a while back at a club where some butch dike bumped into me.   i tried to diffuse the situation by saying sorry even though she bumped into me,  she got in my face and started popping off and calling me all sorts of names, when i tried to walk away she poured her drink on me.    i clocked her dead in the face and she started screaming and crying "he hit me"  "he punched me in my f'ing face" and pretty much everyone who saw the situation was laughing at her because she brought it upon herself.           not necessarily proud of it and i would've handled it differently today, but i'm not ashamed of it nor do i feel bad about it either.      she provoked it, and there's no way you can tell me otherwise.  
where did i call everyone wusses?  i said alot of people are overly sensitive and that's true when you see how society is today. 

You were complaining about PC wussification. Same thing.

It's cool to call people overly sensitive as long as you understand how ignorant it is. As a whole, stuff like this is harmful to women. Non-PC stuff is usually harmful to minorities in the long run. Go ahead and call people sensitive - I'd rather have a society where there's less racism, sexism, violence and discrimination. Little steps like this are important. Maybe SAS will realize that he's victim blaming when he tells women to not provoke, tells black men to not wear hoodies, tells black men it's their fault for smoking weed, etc. It's small but it's harmful stuff in the long run. If this complaining could educate even one person on the subject, Beadle did her job.
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