Sweet Potatoe Fries Appreciation Thread


May 6, 2007


You’re living your life wrong if you order regular fries over sweet potato fries. If you have a choice at a restaurant and you choose the regular fries, you gettin the stank eye from me
Let me rant.

I HATE that places act like it pains them to give me a Sweet Potato + Regular Potato fry MIX.

You are grabbing fries from a brown bag in the freezer man. Mix my damn fries.

"Oh we don't do that." :smh:

I never thought to mix TBH. I can understand why they wouldn't want to tho. Do that **** at home :lol: .
I never thought to mix TBH. I can understand why they wouldn't want to tho. Do that **** at home :lol: .
Again, MOST places don't make their own fries.

I have been a helper in a kitchen before, frozen food, open bag, dump fries in hot grease. It takes nothing to do.
Buffalo chicken sweet potato fries are disgusting? Oh you TRIPPIN trippin. You the type that thinks putting pepper on chicken is all the spicy seasoning you need? Type to think chicken Alfredo is doin’ it? FOH
I feel some type of way about fries that have parsley flakes sprinkled on them or some wacky *** hipster sauce. That's just restaurants tacking on an extra $1-2 because they know their customers been eating McDonald's all week and will have their minds blown. Type of people who will go on Yelp and review it like they're foodie. "And I thought the scallions added a nice touch"....... we talkin bout fries bro?
I feel some type of way about fries that have parsley flakes sprinkled on them or some wacky *** hipster sauce. That's just restaurants tacking on an extra $1-2 because they know their customers been eating McDonald's all week and will have their minds blown. Type of people who will go on Yelp and review it like they're foodie. "And I thought the scallions added a nice touch"....... we talkin bout fries bro?

It’s okay to be basic bro. Just know you’re missing out on the spice of life, no pun intended
Buffalo chicken sweet potato fries are disgusting? Oh you TRIPPIN trippin. You the type that thinks putting pepper on chicken is all the spicy seasoning you need? Type to think chicken Alfredo is doin’ it? FOH

:sick:Flavor clashing all over the place. You the type to dip your buffalo wings in vanilla ice cream. :lol:
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