that boy tyrese

The whole child custody setup in this country is a joke.

Something about some wrinkly *** judge telling you when you can and can’t see the children who you played a part in making just doesn’t sit right with me. Like I don’t go telling the judge how to raise his/her kids and when they can see them, so stay out of mine.

Thank God my bm was never on that petty childish stuff, but I feel for the guys who have to go through it.
My issue lies in the ridiculous payments they force some people to make.

What chick needs 13k/mo to raise a child? It makes no sense to me.

The only argument i've seen presented is that they want to maintain a standard of living for the child.....

Which is a terrible rebuttal imo
Feel bad for my dude Jodie Joe. Got my man's looking like Money Mitch when he was thinking bout dudes owing him money.
lol if you think they havent already made that call to michael b jordan

dude better off starting his own solo hood fast and furious film series

***** better get to work on baby boy 2

actually that would be kinda fire...taraji gets with snoop and tries to take tyrese kid and put him on child support

Rock bout to have him kicked off FF. Rock is the chosen one in Hollywood now.
Bless his heart.

Unsure if he's crying for his daughter or for losing on money and nobody wanting to work with him.

All that campaign going up against The Rock...Really?
so he has a court ordered restraining order for allegations?

Yes when dealing with custody cases or any case, any allegations regarding harming a child or parent/spouse/person stating that they fear for their life, the court will grant a TEMPORARY order. A date will be granted for a hearing.

Once you go to the hearing, they will have to prove the allegation. It's easy to get a temporary restraining order. ANYBODY can get one. Proving is a lot harder. :lol:

Think about it, what if it's true...the court have to protect the victim until it's proven. Can't risk someone life...
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Yes when dealing with custody cases or any case, any allegations regarding harming a child or parent/spouse/person stating that they fear for their life, the court will grant a TEMPORARY order. A date will be granted for a hearing.

Once you go to the hearing, they will have to prove the allegation. It's easy to get a temporary restraining order. ANYBODY can get one. Proving is a lot harder. :lol:

Think about it, what if it's true...the court has to protect the victim until it's proven. Can't risk someone life...
didn't know it was temporary

3 words

Fast and furious

Again, you're not his accountant. You don't know what the numbers are in his account.

You're googling wikipedia of movies. You don't know how much he got paid for those roles or taxes or his expenses.

Y'all ****** killing me with this counting pockets...then go googling it :lol:

Mike Tyson/Evander Holyfield/MC Hammer/Lil Wayne ... Millionaires and was going broke at the same time :lol:
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