^ The Avengers - Official Movie Thread: Out Now!! ^

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

 I think the main problem here is ppl are not looking at it correctly. Yall shouldn't even be factoring w/e the hell the Hulk does. That's all cgi. You're suppose to look at the portrayal of Banner. I don't got a hard on for Norton but he is a really good actor and Norton did a great job as Banner. IMO you can't compare his whole film of being Banner to Ruffalo's Banner. If you do there's no objective way Ruffalo did the better job of portraying Banner. Any argument for Ruffalo is gonna involve a bunch of excuses about the team's dynamic in the Avengers movie. Yall don't have a good enough idea how an entire movie with Ruffalo as Banner would even be.

Pro-Ruffalo people don't just look at what the Hulk does, but you continue to dismiss their other comments as unfounded opinions over and over again.  Length of screen time shouldn't matter when it comes to gauging someone's acting ability.  Just agree to disagree and recognize that the fact that saying Norton would've been a perfect Banner in this movie is an opinion too .... a minority opinion at this point.  Just like we have no way of knowing how Ruffalo will be as a Banner in his own solo movie until he does it, we have no way of knowing how Norton would've worked out in an ensemble movie with this particular cast as Banner until he does it.  We'll never know actually. 
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

They're cool with the American government forming an alliance with space robots that can disguise themselves with everyday vehicles and other machines but SHIELD being an international peace keeping force that had authoritative figures cloaked in the shadows was a problem?

Eh, won't lie though. In the comics, most times SHIELD comes off as working for the US but somehow get an okay from other countries when they show up to do their thing. They def do answer to the US gov't too.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

People have such a big hard-on for Ed Norton that they fail to see this was the best version of Bruce Banner/Hulk to date... yes, better than Norton's "Hulk".
I think the main problem here is ppl are not looking at it correctly. Yall shouldn't even be factoring w/e the hell the Hulk does. That's all cgi. You're suppose to look at the portrayal of Banner. I don't got a hard on for Norton but he is a really good actor and Norton did a great job as Banner. IMO you can't compare his whole film of being Banner to Ruffalo's Banner. If you do there's no objective way Ruffalo did the better job of portraying Banner. Any argument for Ruffalo is gonna involve a bunch of excuses about the team's dynamic in the Avengers movie. Yall don't have a good enough idea how an entire movie with Ruffalo as Banner would even be.

On another note, Stan Lee should've been the security guard guy to give Banner new pants.
110% of this
My whole this is, I'm watching the Avengers movie to watch the Hulk tear #$$$ up, not to see the portrayal of Bruce Banner.  That's like watching a Justice League movie and anybody giving a damn about Clark Kent.  Bottom line is, Norton should be the last thing anybody should even think of with how awesome this movie was.  And in a way, I'm not sure I could see even picture Norton blending in with this cast.  I don't know, it's weird.
I think some of you dudes is going overboard with how well ruffalo did in the movie. In reality it wasn't that good. They gave him a few lines and he did well with them...nothing to write home about.

As a person who has been reading incredible hulk comics for over 10 years I think the Norton and the cgi hulk from his movie was the best we've seen so far. IMHO they came closer to nailing the hulk than ruffalo and the old school looking hulk in the avengers.

Wish it had norton but ruffalo did the job well enough.

I think you guys saying Ruffalo nailed are only saying that because he had limited time to $@++ up the role on screen.

Bottomline Norton fulfilled the classic banner look excellently, and the CGI Hulk from norton's movie was the best hulk they created...modern looking as far as the comics go and mean son of a !$+!#.

The avengers Hulk reminded me of jekyll from the league of extraordinary gentleman movie. It's a classic looking hulk but not the best one.

All in all I think that the worst character of the movie was Loki. And when I say worst, I still think it was done well, but his character was too cartoony. He's the god of mischief yet he gets tricked by Black Widow, the look on his face when Hulk was stomping him out was over the top. I think they set this movie up to make Loki look like a fool, instead they should have made him out to be an Itachi/Light Yagami/Joker from TDK mastermind that always had you guessing.

But with only 2 1/2 hours to work with you can only go so many directions and have to sacrifice some things here and there.
Originally Posted by PRIME

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by solarius49

Yeah I guess you're right. Robert Downey just seems like he would get bored really quick, i mean I dont know the guy, so im just talkin out my @!$

I read or saw an interview where RDJ said he'd be perfectly happy playing Tony Stark and Sherlock Holmes and nothing else his entire life so I don't think he gets bored with it. 
Well hey, I wouldn't complain. Those are two amazing roles. 
The sequels to both didn't seem to be liked that much.  Still have to see the Sherlock Holmes sequel.
Found this on ign

Agent Phil Coulson of SHIELD is secretly the Vision. I’ll tell you why.
  1. The movies have already established that both Synthezoids (Captain America) and Life Model Decoys (Avengers, Iron Man 2 [Stark Expo]) exist. Fully passable androids are already around.
  2. Coulson has never exhibited emotion, not once. He remains cool calm and collected in the most insane situations. Even after being stabbed through the chest by Loki he barely bats an eyelash and advises Fury to use his death to motivate the team.
  3. Coulson was somehow able to get through Stark Tower’s security systems basically unchallenged
  4. When talking about Coulson after his “death
Originally Posted by 100PROOF

Found this on ign

Agent Phil Coulson of SHIELD is secretly the Vision. I’ll tell you why.
  1. The movies have already established that both Synthezoids (Captain America) and Life Model Decoys (Avengers, Iron Man 2 [Stark Expo]) exist. Fully passable androids are already around.
  2. Coulson has never exhibited emotion, not once. He remains cool calm and collected in the most insane situations. Even after being stabbed through the chest by Loki he barely bats an eyelash and advises Fury to use his death to motivate the team.
  3. Coulson was somehow able to get through Stark Tower’s security systems basically unchallenged
  4. When talking about Coulson after his “death
I would hate for Phil Coulson to be alive. A pet peeve of mine is killing off a character to invoke audience emotion only to bring them back to life shortly somehow.  When they do this in tv shows it turns me off to the tv show.   Any character that dies should stay death or the death means nothing.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Very disappointed that there was no Edward Norton.
People have such a big hard-on for Ed Norton that they fail to see this was the best version of Bruce Banner/Hulk to date... yes, better than Norton's "Hulk".

100% better than Norton. Stop being fan boys and see Ruffalo for what he did - an AMAZING job as Bruce Banner AND  the Hulk.
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by 100PROOF

Found this on ign

Agent Phil Coulson of SHIELD is secretly the Vision. I’ll tell you why.
  1. The movies have already established that both Synthezoids (Captain America) and Life Model Decoys (Avengers, Iron Man 2 [Stark Expo]) exist. Fully passable androids are already around.
  2. Coulson has never exhibited emotion, not once. He remains cool calm and collected in the most insane situations. Even after being stabbed through the chest by Loki he barely bats an eyelash and advises Fury to use his death to motivate the team.
  3. Coulson was somehow able to get through Stark Tower’s security systems basically unchallenged
  4. When talking about Coulson after his “death
Originally Posted by 100PROOF

Found this on ign

Agent Phil Coulson of SHIELD is secretly the Vision. I’ll tell you why.
  1. The movies have already established that both Synthezoids (Captain America) and Life Model Decoys (Avengers, Iron Man 2 [Stark Expo]) exist. Fully passable androids are already around.
  2. Coulson has never exhibited emotion, not once. He remains cool calm and collected in the most insane situations. Even after being stabbed through the chest by Loki he barely bats an eyelash and advises Fury to use his death to motivate the team.
  3. Coulson was somehow able to get through Stark Tower’s security systems basically unchallenged
  4. When talking about Coulson after his “death
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

They're cool with the American government forming an alliance with space robots that can disguise themselves with everyday vehicles and other machines but SHIELD being an international peace keeping force that had authoritative figures cloaked in the shadows was a problem?

Eh, won't lie though. In the comics, most times SHIELD comes off as working for the US but somehow get an okay from other countries when they show up to do their thing. They def do answer to the US gov't too.
I think the main problem here is ppl are not looking at it correctly. Yall shouldn't even be factoring w/e the hell the Hulk does. That's all cgi. You're suppose to look at the portrayal of Banner. I don't got a hard on for Norton but he is a really good actor and Norton did a great job as Banner. IMO you can't compare his whole film of being Banner to Ruffalo's Banner. If you do there's no objective way Ruffalo did the better job of portraying Banner. Any argument for Ruffalo is gonna involve a bunch of excuses about the team's dynamic in the Avengers movie. Yall don't have a good enough idea how an entire movie with Ruffalo as Banner would even be.

On another note, Stan Lee should've been the security guard guy to give Banner new pants.
110% of this
My whole this is, I'm watching the Avengers movie to watch the Hulk tear #$$$ up, not to see the portrayal of Bruce Banner.  That's like watching a Justice League movie and anybody giving a damn about Clark Kent.  Bottom line is, Norton should be the last thing anybody should even think of with how awesome this movie was.  And in a way, I'm not sure I could see even picture Norton blending in with this cast.  I don't know, it's weird.

You're doing it wrong. Part of what makes comic book heroes so....super...is the dynamic between day jobs and night jobs so to speak. Say what you will, but Clark makes Superman cool. Just the fact that Kal-El is Superman disguised as Clark (and not Clark disguised as Superman) is mad cool. It's the same with Bruce. The fact that Bruce only pretends to care about all the money, women, and fame that Tony  Stark LIVES for is cool. Peter Parker is what relates me to Spider-man, not his wall crawling. Pym's abusive ways with Wasp is authentic for some. T'Challa as King >>>>>>>Black Pathner., etce, etc netc...I could keep going, but all I'm trying to say is characterization is everything in the superhero world. At least to me. 
Originally Posted by chezzer10

Originally Posted by 100PROOF

Found this on ign

Agent Phil Coulson of SHIELD is secretly the Vision. I’ll tell you why.
  1. The movies have already established that both Synthezoids (Captain America) and Life Model Decoys (Avengers, Iron Man 2 [Stark Expo]) exist. Fully passable androids are already around.
  2. Coulson has never exhibited emotion, not once. He remains cool calm and collected in the most insane situations. Even after being stabbed through the chest by Loki he barely bats an eyelash and advises Fury to use his death to motivate the team.
  3. Coulson was somehow able to get through Stark Tower’s security systems basically unchallenged
  4. When talking about Coulson after his “death
I honestly just can't see them putting The Vision on the big screen. At least not in the traditional sense.

Can't explain it though.
Originally Posted by Falcon4567

If they could do the robots for I, Robot they can do the vision.
This is how I'd like to see Coulson comeback, have him do the voice and motion capture for the vision.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

We have a Hulk.


Just proof that even while goofing off, there's just chemistry between RDJr and Ruffalo. I can never see Norton just letting go and having fun with the franchise like all the other cast members
This came out already?! Thought it was slated for next summer, for those that have seen it whats the verdict? My body is ready!
Originally Posted by Josednk1068

This came out already?! Thought it was slated for next summer, for those that have seen it whats the verdict? My body is ready!

Welcome back to Earth. Enthrall us all with your tales of far away places and distant stars. We're listening...
Originally Posted by 100PROOF

Originally Posted by Josednk1068

This came out already?! Thought it was slated for next summer, for those that have seen it whats the verdict? My body is ready!
Bros chill, not everyone keeps up with all the movie release dates and what not. Not a big comic fan anyway, so sue me! I think I'm going to see it this weekend, body yes its ready!

i'd still prefer Norton. his movie was pretty good, and its a shame that he wasn't involved with the avengers, whether ego or money. Ruffalo should never have been in the discussion. He did a fine job and everything, but the point is that the job shouldn't have been his in the first place.
Originally Posted by amel223

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

 I think the main problem here is ppl are not looking at it correctly. Yall shouldn't even be factoring w/e the hell the Hulk does. That's all cgi. You're suppose to look at the portrayal of Banner. I don't got a hard on for Norton but he is a really good actor and Norton did a great job as Banner. IMO you can't compare his whole film of being Banner to Ruffalo's Banner. If you do there's no objective way Ruffalo did the better job of portraying Banner. Any argument for Ruffalo is gonna involve a bunch of excuses about the team's dynamic in the Avengers movie. Yall don't have a good enough idea how an entire movie with Ruffalo as Banner would even be.
Pro-Ruffalo people don't just look at what the Hulk does, but you continue to dismiss their other comments as unfounded opinions over and over again.  Length of screen time shouldn't matter when it comes to gauging someone's acting ability.  Just agree to disagree and recognize that the fact that saying Norton would've been a perfect Banner in this movie is an opinion too .... a minority opinion at this point.  Just like we have no way of knowing how Ruffalo will be as a Banner in his own solo movie until he does it, we have no way of knowing how Norton would've worked out in an ensemble movie with this particular cast as Banner until he does it.  We'll never know actually. 
Please post ALL of the other founded opinions by pro-Ruffalo ppl, PLEASE, cuz since the movie dropped I've just seen ppl say in this thread they loved Ruffalo, Ruffalo was better than Norton, Ruffalo did the best Hulk, Norton isn't that good, stop sucking off Norton, etc.I haven't read any reasons for what made Ruffalo's portrayal of Banner the best one yet. It's like ppl saw the movie said Ruffalo was great in it, his Banner is the best, and now everyone else (this minority you speak of) is suppose to accept that despite no reasons being given. I mean damn, if yall can't articulate why you think this, it doesn't matter and I don't really care if you have the majority on the opinion.

I am not talking about gauging acting ability. I'm not saying Ruffalo can't act or that his Banner wasn't good. You are completely missing the point if that's what you think I'm saying. COMPLETELY. We all should know Ruffalo is a very good actor if you've seen any of his films. We're talking about who portrayed Banner better. Nowhere have I said Norton would've been the "perfect" Banner in this movie. It's my opinion that Norton's Banner has been the best so far. I'm not crying about him not being in the movie cuz obviously him not getting the part had nothing to do with acting. Everybody said they got it right with Norton in the last Hulk movie so it's not like producers and the ppl at Marvel decided Norton isn't a good enough actor to reprise a role he already made a lot of money for Marvel doing. Also if you have no idea how Ruffalo would be as Banner in his own solo movie until he does it (your words) how can you support the opinion that Ruffalo's Banner was better than Norton's Banner in his solo movie? Right there you're saying Ruffalo's Banner in the Avengers was better than Norton's in the solo movie but I don't have any idea how Ruffalo would be as Banner in his own solo movie? C'mon son. Regardless of all that you are wrong to say length of screen time of their portrayals of Banner don't matter and isn't the main deciding factor. You should be able to tell the difference between a movie where Banner is the main character and one where Banner is part of the ensemble cast. Saying that's a fair comparison is just stupid and just puts Ruffalo at a disadvantage and if you think it's fair to do that it makes me think you're pro-Ruffalo to the point of bias and then your opinion is irrelevant in this discussion.
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

My whole this is, I'm watching the Avengers movie to watch the Hulk tear #$$$ up, not to see the portrayal of Bruce Banner.  That's like watching a Justice League movie and anybody giving a damn about Clark Kent.  Bottom line is, Norton should be the last thing anybody should even think of with how awesome this movie was.  And in a way, I'm not sure I could see even picture Norton blending in with this cast.  I don't know, it's weird.
Yeah, umm if that's how you really feel we could've just thrown in DJ Qualls as Banner or Will Smith, or Eliza Dushku. If all you care about is Hulk doing his thing I don't think you should engage in this discussion. It shouldn't even matter to you.

Of course you'd think Norton couldn't blend in now without a legit reason, just a weird feeling. Interacting with the likes of Robert Downey Jr, Scareltt, Samuel L. Jackson is completely foreign for Norton. I find this funny too cuz Whedon, the director was hype as **$# to have Norton in and the two were discussing his role in it before Fiege decided to pull him.
venom lyrix wrote:
100% better than Norton. Stop being fan boys and see Ruffalo for what he did - an AMAZING job as Bruce Banner AND  the Hulk.
The Hulk was all cgi though. Crazy how ppl discussing Norton are fanboys but the ppl claiming Ruffalo did an "amazing" job aren't fanboys for Ruffalo. It's such a weak way to dismiss an argument for something you don't agree with but can't explain why what you're in favor of was better.
GrimlocK wrote:
I think some of you dudes is going overboard with how well ruffalo did in the movie. In reality it wasn't that good. They gave him a few lines and he did well with them...nothing to write home about.

As a person who has been reading incredible hulk comics for over 10 years I think the Norton and the cgi hulk from his movie was the best we've seen so far. IMHO they came closer to nailing the hulk than ruffalo and the old school looking hulk in the avengers.

Wish it had norton but ruffalo did the job well enough.

I think you guys saying Ruffalo nailed are only saying that because he had limited time to $@++ up the role on screen.

Bottomline Norton fulfilled the classic banner look excellently, and the CGI Hulk from norton's movie was the best hulk they created...modern looking as far as the comics go and mean son of a !$+!#.
That's all I'm really saying though but for this I'm a Norton fanboy and have dismissed any pro-Ruffalo posts as unfounded opinions over and over again.
2. Coulson was somehow able to get through Stark Tower’s security systems basically unchallenged
4. The one subject he expresses any real enthusiasm in is Captain America, a contemporary of Jim Hammond, the original Synthezoid on which the Vision was based.
These two things clearly contradict. You can say Phil showed no emotion and then say he showed enthusiasm for Cap because of his connection to the original human torch when he wasn't even in the Cap movie, wasn't hinted to except for his costume at Stark's expo. Plus in the Iron Man movies he clearly expressed annoyance.

I think it'd be a reach to bring him back as the Vision since it seems he'll be having a completely new origin. Don't mind him coming back and saying the Phil that died was a LMD or that he was always LMD and they just brought out another copy. It'd fall in line with Fury lying to get ppl to do what he wants.
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Just proof that even while goofing off, there's just chemistry between RDJr and Ruffalo. I can never see Norton just letting go and having fun with the franchise like all the other cast members
Son please stop it with this weak crusade. Just cuz you can't see it in your mind don't mean it can't happen
Trying to paint Norton as some stiff that doesn't know how to have fun. Makes me wonder for you to have this opinion of him if you ever seen a good amount of his films. Norton would never goof off with RDJr in an interview when presented with action figures.

Using a damn gif as your proof for why Norton couldn't have fit in the Avengers movie
C'mon son. You call that proof?
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