^ The Avengers - Official Movie Thread: Out Now!! ^

the movie is finished. ruffalo did a fine job. why are you guys still crying for norton?
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by 100PROOF

Found this on ign

Agent Phil Coulson of SHIELD is secretly the Vision. I’ll tell you why.
  1. The movies have already established that both Synthezoids (Captain America) and Life Model Decoys (Avengers, Iron Man 2 [Stark Expo]) exist. Fully passable androids are already around.
  2. Coulson has never exhibited emotion, not once. He remains cool calm and collected in the most insane situations. Even after being stabbed through the chest by Loki he barely bats an eyelash and advises Fury to use his death to motivate the team.
  3. Coulson was somehow able to get through Stark Tower’s security systems basically unchallenged
  4. When talking about Coulson after his “death
Ruffalo did a fine job playing Banner as a supporting actor. Edward Norton did a great job as the star of a full Hulk movie (as did Eric Bana!). But there is no way that you would want to watch a 2 hour film of JUST Ruffalo starring in his own movie, not a chance in hell
Originally Posted by Freeze

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by 100PROOF

Found this on ign


but he did display emotion.  right after he shot loki with the prototype, they cut to his face and you see a tear...T-1000 aint shed no tears.

The reference of “lost his one good eye,
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Also if you have no idea how Ruffalo would be as Banner in his own solo movie until he does it (your words) how can you support the opinion that Ruffalo's Banner was better than Norton's Banner in his solo movie? Right there you're saying Ruffalo's Banner in the Avengers was better than Norton's in the solo movie but I don't have any idea how Ruffalo would be as Banner in his own solo movie? C'mon son.   
I think you're taking a part of my statement out of context and putting words in my mouth.  Go back and read it again.  It's not about who's right and wrong.  I was trying to make the point that it's very hard to qualify hypotheticals until it happens.  It's just a matter of different opinions, that's all.  The difference is I'm willing to agree to disagree but it seems like anyone who disagrees with you is wrong. 

For the record, it's not that I think Ruffalo's Banner was better than Norton's Banner in his own movie.  I believe Ruffalo's Banner was done so well that I don't think Norton could've come in and have done the same job.  There's a difference between the two beliefs.  I hope you can see that. 
Why does everyone want Coulson to come back as Vision? You know that if he become Vision, he won't be the same character that can have a witty banter with Tony Stark right? I mean really, what is the point to even have him motion capture it?
I rather they have Ultron be the next villain and Vision be developed by him and eventually help the Avengers. Avengers film will need a huge army as viallains for the Hulk and Thor to beat up and destroy and an army of Ultrons is perfect. Save Thanos for part 3.
Personally. I think you put Ruffalo in The Incredible Hulk and that's not as effective of a movie. You put Norton into Avengers and he doesn't fit in nearly as well. Ruffalo's affect and just pure ability to play that lowkey, mellow, slacker indie loser, slacker and underdog help to work his character into the group and make him a foil that the rest of the characters can both relate to compared to all the alpha males and be intrigued by, because they know what he can become. Norton's an alpha male. He can play the under, but dude naturally feels like he's either pandering when he tries to get out of the way or he's pushing to take over the scene. Now that's perfect for a solo movie, because at the end of the day, you're THE hero. But in this....

That's just my opinion, though.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Why does everyone want Coulson to come back as Vision? You know that if he become Vision, he won't be the same character that can have a witty banter with Tony Stark right? I mean really, what is the point to even have him motion capture it?
I rather they have Ultron be the next villain and Vision be developed by him and eventually help the Avengers. Avengers film will need a huge army as viallains for the Hulk and Thor to beat up and destroy and an army of Ultrons is perfect. Save Thanos for part 3.
I doubt if Thanos appears in another Avengers movie.  I think they're saving him for Guardians of the Galaxy.  I expect Ultron for part 2, and I think Loki will be back for part 3 in a Ragnarok storyline
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by RFX45

Why does everyone want Coulson to come back as Vision? You know that if he become Vision, he won't be the same character that can have a witty banter with Tony Stark right? I mean really, what is the point to even have him motion capture it?
I rather they have Ultron be the next villain and Vision be developed by him and eventually help the Avengers. Avengers film will need a huge army as viallains for the Hulk and Thor to beat up and destroy and an army of Ultrons is perfect. Save Thanos for part 3.
I doubt if Thanos appears in another Avengers movie.  I think they're saving him for Guardians of the Galaxy.  I expect Ultron for part 2, and I think Loki will be back for part 3 in a Ragnarok storyline
I really do not see Thanos being a villain in that film, he is too high profile of a villain to be in a rather unknown superhero movie. Anything short of the Avengers defeating Thanos will be very disappointing. 
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Personally. I think you put Ruffalo in The Incredible Hulk and that's not as effective of a movie. You put Norton into Avengers and he doesn't fit in nearly as well. Ruffalo's affect and just pure ability to play that lowkey, mellow, slacker indie loser, slacker and underdog help to work his character into the group and make him a foil that the rest of the characters can both relate to compared to all the alpha males and be intrigued by, because they know what he can become. Norton's an alpha male. He can play the under, but dude naturally feels like he's either pandering when he tries to get out of the way or he's pushing to take over the scene. Now that's perfect for a solo movie, because at the end of the day, you're THE hero. But in this....

That's just my opinion, though.
Someone else made this same comment too but it got dismissed.  I think this line of thinking is logically sound. 

Personally, I feel Ruffalo can carry his own Hulk movie if it's structured in a way to fit his Banner.  But to insert him into the Incredible Hulk movie and have him say the same lines Norton said and do the same action sequences that Norton did... I don't know.  I feel the same way about the vice versa scenario.  It might be possible for Norton to have blended in the group dynamic.  However, for him to say the same exact lines that Ruffalo had, do the same exact scenes he did...  I don't know if he could've pulled it off the way Ruffalo did.  There would've needed to be re-structuring involved. 

That said, I believe Ruffalo played the Avenger's Banner so well that I don't think Norton could've came in and did a better job.  Someone mentioned that Ruffalo did an ok job and Norton could've been perfect ... I just disagree on that notion.  It's hard to improve on something that didn't need improvement.  Now, I'm not saying that  Norton couldn't have worked out in the Avengers film but some things would've needed to be re-worked to suit him.        

Cliff note: I believe that Ruffalo absolutely nailed Whedon's particular vision of Banner for this film and I don't think Norton was the right fit for what Whedon seemed to want to portray in the film. 
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by RFX45

Why does everyone want Coulson to come back as Vision? You know that if he become Vision, he won't be the same character that can have a witty banter with Tony Stark right? I mean really, what is the point to even have him motion capture it?
I rather they have Ultron be the next villain and Vision be developed by him and eventually help the Avengers. Avengers film will need a huge army as viallains for the Hulk and Thor to beat up and destroy and an army of Ultrons is perfect. Save Thanos for part 3.
I doubt if Thanos appears in another Avengers movie.  I think they're saving him for Guardians of the Galaxy.  I expect Ultron for part 2, and I think Loki will be back for part 3 in a Ragnarok storyline
I really do not see Thanos being a villain in that film, he is too high profile of a villain to be in a rather unknown superhero movie. Anything short of the Avengers defeating Thanos will be very disappointing. 
I feel you, but he is completely out of the league of ANY of the Avengers, and none of his aspirations even exist on the same level as the Avengers.  The only reason he appeared in the 1st movie is bc he wanted to acquire the Cosmic Cube.  Not to mention that Cap, Hawkeye, the Black Widow, and Ironman would be completely useless in any story involving Thanos
[h2]May 09 2012[/h2] The Purple. IN WHICH the guy who comes before "Esque" shares his deep depth, and then links you to a vid of him as a poop coach.

http:// "YeahbuhWHUH?"

--Kitty Pryde

Dear Friends,

Well, it's been quite a weekend. Someday, long from now, I will even have an emotional reaction to it, like a person would. I can't wait! But before I become blinded by this "emotion" experience, there's a few things I'd like to say. Well, type.

People have told me that this matters, that my life is about to change. I am sure that is true. And change is good -- change is exciting. I think -- not to jinx it -- that I may finally be recognized at Comiccon. Imagine! Also, with my percentage of "the Avengers" gross, I can afford to buy... [gets call from agent. Weeps manfully. Resumes typing.] ...a fine meal. But REALLY fine, with truffles and s#!+. And I can get a studio to finance my dream project, the reboot of "Air Bud" that we all feel is so long overdue. (He could play Jai Alai! Think of the emotional ramifications of JAI ALAI!!!!)

What doesn't change is anything that matters. What doesn't change is that I've had the smartest, most loyal, most passionate, most articulate group of -- I'm not even gonna say fans. I'm going with "peeps" -- that any cult oddity such as my bad self could have dreamt of. When almost no one was watching, when people probably should have STOPPED watching, I've had three constants: my family and friends, my collaborators (often the same), and y'all. A lot of stories have come out about my "dark years", and how I'm "unrecognized"... I love these stories, because they make me seem super-important, but I have never felt the darkness (and I'm ALL about my darkness) that they described. Because I have so much. I have people, in my life, on this site, in places I've yet to discover, that always made me feel the truth of success: an artist and an audience communicating. Communicating to the point of collaborating. I've thought, "maybe I'm over; maybe I've said my piece". But never with fear. Never with rancor. Because of y'all. Because you knew me when. If you think topping a box office record compares with someone telling you your work helped them through a rough time, you're probably new here. (For the record, and despite my inhuman distance from the joy-joy of it: topping a box office record is super-dope. I'm an alien, not a robot.) So this is me, saying thank you. All of you. You've taken as much guff for loving my work as I have for over-writing it, and you deserve, in this our time of streaming into the main, to crow. To glow. To crow and go "I told you so", to those Joe Blows not in the know. (LAST time I hire Dr. Seuss to punch my posts up. Yeesh!) Point being, you deserve some honor, AND you deserves some FAQs answered. So please welcome my old friend and certainly not-on-my-payroll reporter/flunky, Rutherford D. Actualperson!

RDA: So good to see you, young Joss! is it possible you've gotten more attractive since we last spoke, and less fungal in odor?

JW: Thanks for noticing. Let's talk.

RDA: "the Scavengers" is a huge success! Does this mean you have changed the very fabric of existence?

JW: Dude, it's just a movie. Also, yes.

RDA: I've seen a lot of a talk about "the Availers" vs "the Dark Knight Rises". How will you feel if you're eclipsed by Nolan?

JW: I'm glad I made you ask that. I will feel sad. But let's look at the bigger picture, and I can't say this enough: THIS IS NOT A ZERO SUM GAME. Our successes, whoever has the mostest, are a boon to each other. We're in the business of proving that superhero movies aren't just eye-candy (they're eye-TRUFFLES!). People seem intent on setting us against each other, and though I'm proud to be Woody Strode to Nolan's Kirk Douglas, I think they're missing the point. Whatever TDKR does on its first weekend, the only stat that matters to me is the ticket I'M definitely buying. Nolan and Raimi INVENTED the true superhero flick, yo. (Special mention to Jon Favreau and James Gunn.) Happy to be in the mix.

RDA: What does this mean for your upcoming slate of tiny independent films/Internet shenanigans? Will they fall by the wayside?

JW: There may be new ideas realized -- I always leave myself open to that -- but my commitment to Wastelanders and Dr H.2 does not waver. Those stories bubble on my stove.

RDA: And TV?

JW: TV is my great love. To tell stories with that alacrity, intensity, and immediacy... Nothing quite like it. I imagine it's not dissimilar to the feeling great poker players have: "Here's what I got, here's where I'm going... How to trick everybody into thinking I know what I'm doing?" [Full disclosure : Joss hates poker. He is probably talking about bridge. But it should apply nonetheless.].

RDA: What message would you give fans of "the Lavenders" who are not so familiar with your previous work?

JW: "Cabin In the Woods": still in (some) theaters!

RDA: Is 'the Ravengers" a perfect movie? It did get an A+ cinemascore...

JW: There are very few perfect movies. "The Court Jester", "One Flew Over the ****oo's Nest", "Godfather" I & II... The list does not go on and on. "The Avengers" is notably IMperfect, which makes its success mean so much more to me -- because it's striking a chord that matters MORE than its obvious flaws. Like the team, it appears to be more than the sun of its parts. Boo-yah!

RDA: What do you feel is the greatest achievement of "the Avoiders"?

JW: Getting "mewling quim" out there to the masses. Also, Hulk.

RDA: Anyone in particular you'd like to thank?

JW: [Reads from notecard]. I couldn't have done this myself. Part of this Saturn Award belongs to Jeremy Latcham, Kevin Feige, and the fine Marvel folk... But the secret ingredient is my closest peeps: J-Mo, who did uncredited punch-up work (carrier battle, yo!), Z-bro, Drew "I am Loki only taller and foppier" Goddard, and Kai, all of whom worked the story with me. Without them (and Jeremy), I'd still be figuring out how the Wasp fits in to this, and where to put Red Hulk.

RDA: What's next for Joss "finally got it right for a change" Whedon?

JW: Can we not call me that?

RDA: Just deal. Whut up?

JW: I really think we should discuss that nickname, but I'm finishing "Much Ado About Nothing" this month. If you liked "the Avengers", you'll love... I can't. It's Shakespeare. And not in the park. I hope it gets watched.

RDA: Any message to your precious "Whedonesk?"

JW: Whedonettes?

RDA: Weeble-eque?

JW: I'm not aware of that group.

RDA: Didn't they know you when?

JW: I'm not sure who you mean. I'm discarding my old fans so I can concentrate on fame, Euro-trash guy-jewelry and my precious "Air Bud" reboot. But, dude, don't print that!

RDA: You have my word.

So, that's our post! Hope you enjoyed it. Hope you'll continue to carry the banner even though other people may have joined the parade. (Kind of a gay pride/Newsies vibe: sentence accomplished!) Hope you understand how I feel. Cliff notes: grateful.

"Here's to us. Who's like us? Damn few"
-- Stephen Sondheim, "Merrily We Roll Along".

"It took a dog playing Jai Alai to teach us humanity!"
--Me, in that awesome film I'm gonna make.

-j., 5/9/12
I love this guy.
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by solarius49

I doubt if Thanos appears in another Avengers movie.  I think they're saving him for Guardians of the Galaxy.  I expect Ultron for part 2, and I think Loki will be back for part 3 in a Ragnarok storyline
I really do not see Thanos being a villain in that film, he is too high profile of a villain to be in a rather unknown superhero movie. Anything short of the Avengers defeating Thanos will be very disappointing. 
I feel you, but he is completely out of the league of ANY of the Avengers, and none of his aspirations even exist on the same level as the Avengers.  The only reason he appeared in the 1st movie is bc he wanted to acquire the Cosmic Cube.  Not to mention that Cap, Hawkeye, the Black Widow, and Ironman would be completely useless in any story involving Thanos

They'll find a way. Thanos will have the chitauri army to beat up and you can see a Thanos showdown with Thor and Hulk. They can make Thanos slightly less powerful, he doesn't need to have the gauntlet with him and that is pretty much when he is unbeatable. Most of the time, Thanos losses by logic and not force. Capt is the perfect guy to try and talk some sense into him or convince of something that conflicts with his plans. In the end, they can use the cube to beat him too or at least send him away from earth. Remember that SHIELD were developing weapons using the cubes power. So I am sure Whedon can come up with a good way to integrate Thanos. Of course they'd likely have to introduce Adam Warlock but one character is easy enough to help them beat Thanos. 
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by RFX45

I really do not see Thanos being a villain in that film, he is too high profile of a villain to be in a rather unknown superhero movie. Anything short of the Avengers defeating Thanos will be very disappointing. 
I feel you, but he is completely out of the league of ANY of the Avengers, and none of his aspirations even exist on the same level as the Avengers.  The only reason he appeared in the 1st movie is bc he wanted to acquire the Cosmic Cube.  Not to mention that Cap, Hawkeye, the Black Widow, and Ironman would be completely useless in any story involving Thanos

They'll find a way. Thanos will have the chitauri army to beat up and you can see a Thanos showdown with Thor and Hulk. They can make Thanos slightly less powerful, he doesn't need to have the gauntlet with him and that is pretty much when he is unbeatable. Most of the time, Thanos losses by logic and not force. Capt is the perfect guy to try and talk some sense into him or convince of something that conflicts with his plans. In the end, they can use the cube to beat him too or at least send him away from earth. Remember that SHIELD were developing weapons using the cubes power. So I am sure Whedon can come up with a good way to integrate Thanos. Of course they'd likely have to introduce Adam Warlock but one character is easy enough to help them beat Thanos. 
not denying any of this.  But they ARE working on a Guardians of the Galaxy movie.....and that includes Drax, the character who's sole purpose in the universe is to kill Thanos.  It only makes sense really
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by solarius49

I feel you, but he is completely out of the league of ANY of the Avengers, and none of his aspirations even exist on the same level as the Avengers.  The only reason he appeared in the 1st movie is bc he wanted to acquire the Cosmic Cube.  Not to mention that Cap, Hawkeye, the Black Widow, and Ironman would be completely useless in any story involving Thanos

They'll find a way. Thanos will have the chitauri army to beat up and you can see a Thanos showdown with Thor and Hulk. They can make Thanos slightly less powerful, he doesn't need to have the gauntlet with him and that is pretty much when he is unbeatable. Most of the time, Thanos losses by logic and not force. Capt is the perfect guy to try and talk some sense into him or convince of something that conflicts with his plans. In the end, they can use the cube to beat him too or at least send him away from earth. Remember that SHIELD were developing weapons using the cubes power. So I am sure Whedon can come up with a good way to integrate Thanos. Of course they'd likely have to introduce Adam Warlock but one character is easy enough to help them beat Thanos. 
not denying any of this.  But they ARE working on a Guardians of the Galaxy movie.....and that includes Drax, the character who's sole purpose in the universe is to kill Thanos.  It only makes sense really

I see your point Solarius49, but it would be mad pointless for them to go through all those troubles of casting a guy to play him, & CGI if Thanos isnt the hinted next bad guy. The fact that they are making a Guardians movie would be logical, and Thanos is way too strong for the Avengers as you mentioned, but remember directors make the calls. Directors dont always stick to the script, or in this case comic book. Thanos will be the next bad guy, trust.
Originally Posted by solarius49

  But they ARE working on a Guardians of the Galaxy movie.....and that includes Drax, the character who's sole purpose in the universe is to kill Thanos.  It only makes sense really

Has it been confirmed that Drax is going to be in the filmfor sure? Last I read, Feige just confirmed it’s in the talks and got greenlit,maybe on screen writing phase the most. No cast has been announced either iirc.

It also common sense not to make Galactus a giant cloud ...
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by solarius49

  But they ARE working on a Guardians of the Galaxy movie.....and that includes Drax, the character who's sole purpose in the universe is to kill Thanos.  It only makes sense really

Has it been confirmed that Drax is going to be in the filmfor sure? Last I read, Feige just confirmed it’s in the talks and got greenlit,maybe on screen writing phase the most. No cast has been announced either iirc.

It also common sense not to make Galactus a giant cloud ...

come on B, Whedon would have NEVER EVER EVER allowed that smh.  that whole movie sticks of f-ery lol.  But naw i doubt it has been confirmed.  Another point is, why would they use Thanos, who is probably the biggest most menacing villain in the Marvel Universe as the villain in the SECOND film in a trilogy?  That would be like Luke fighting Emperor Palpatine in Empire Strikes Back.  IF (and IMO its a big if) Thanos is an Avengers villain, i think he would appear in the 3rd film
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by solarius49

Has it been confirmed that Drax is going to be in the filmfor sure? Last I read, Feige just confirmed it’s in the talks and got greenlit,maybe on screen writing phase the most. No cast has been announced either iirc.

It also common sense not to make Galactus a giant cloud ...
come on B, Whedon would have NEVER EVER EVER allowed that smh.  that whole movie sticks of f-ery lol.  But naw i doubt it has been confirmed.  Another point is, why would they use Thanos, who is probably the biggest most menacing villain in the Marvel Universe as the villain in the SECOND film in a trilogy?  That would be like Luke fighting Emperor Palpatine in Empire Strikes Back.  IF (and IMO its a big if) Thanos is an Avengers villain, i think he would appear in the 3rd film

Hey, read my reply, I suggested it be in the 3rd film and Ultron be in the second films main villain. It might involve introducing Pym though but I could see Stark making Ultron instead or the US army (maybe SHIELD) creating it a la Tesseract weapons to prevent another alien invasion then turning on them. A good way to introduce Pym that way I guess, have him secretly recruited by SHIELD but I am not sure I want to see his over-sizing power on the big screen.
Originally Posted by RFX45

I am not sure I want to see his over-sizing power on the big screen.

That's one of the biggest (no pun intended) reasons I don't want to see ant-man on screen. I can't help but think it'd look very corny live action.
Originally Posted by theDEEK

Originally Posted by RFX45

I am not sure I want to see his over-sizing power on the big screen.

That's one of the biggest (no pun intended) reasons I don't want to see ant-man on screen. I can't help but think it'd look very corny live action.
yeah it would be horrible.  They scaled back Hulks size, so im pretty sure nobody wants to watch a 40 foot tall man stomp around NY
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by theDEEK

Originally Posted by RFX45

I am not sure I want to see his over-sizing power on the big screen.

That's one of the biggest (no pun intended) reasons I don't want to see ant-man on screen. I can't help but think it'd look very corny live action.
yeah it would be horrible.  They scaled back Hulks size, so im pretty sure nobody wants to watch a 40 foot tall man stomp around NY

These two terrible films come to mind.

my brother used to insist on watching that everyday when we were kids
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