The College Basketball Post

Jack Whitman (whoever that is) committed to KU this afternoon. Grad Transfer from William & Mary.

So, KU is out of scholarships. Which would mean, unless someone leaves, that Svi and Duval are not playing for KU next year.

Three cases they will have an open scholarships:

Dwight Coleby transferring/leaving basketball due to injured knee.

Mitch Lightfoot transferring.

Billy Preston eligibility issues.

Lil Wayne Brings Out Top-20 Commit Trae Young at Concert:
Jack Whitman (whoever that is) committed to KU this afternoon. Grad Transfer from William & Mary.

So, KU is out of scholarships. Which would mean, unless someone leaves, that Svi and Duval are not playing for KU next year.

Three cases they will have an open scholarships:
Dwight Coleby transferring/leaving basketball due to injured knee.
Mitch Lightfoot transferring.
Billy Preston eligibility issues.

Or someone paying there own way
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Wish Carlton the best.

Would be lying if I said I wasn't worried he's going to get even more caught up in the drug scene in Tempe.
Kevin Knox "probably" announcing Saturday or Sunday according to his Pops. This dude so damn annoying. :smh:
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Just give me Bradley back please
I personally believe he should come back, be the man, and showcase the skill set.

Fully recognize the other thought is that if he gets all those minutes, it will just allow scouts to pick a part his game.

You could argue that his stock is what it is and it's unlikely to go up or down, so why not go ahead and go.

Time will tell, but I do think he's the difference between having a Final Four threat team and a Sweet 16 team.
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