THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Official Thread - 6/28 - TV Spot 10 on Last Page (More Selina Kyle)

Originally Posted by MrONegative

I wouldn't hold my breath for a good JLA movie.
 I wouldn't hold my breath for JLA movie period. Although, there are some reports I've read online that Nolan will be supposed Godfather of the JLA project. 
I would guess that the success of the next Superman film would be the setting point as to if WB decides to go the JLA route. That would be awesome though.
Originally Posted by donmega

I would guess that the success of the next Superman film would be the setting point as to if WB decides to go the JLA route. That would be awesome though.

Would be awesome but even me, who is a DC Comics fanboy, simply do not have much faith in it being as good as the Avengers if they do not commit to making an origin film to the other heroes, especially WW who is part of the DC trinity.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by donmega

I would guess that the success of the next Superman film would be the setting point as to if WB decides to go the JLA route. That would be awesome though.

Would be awesome but even me, who is a DC Comics fanboy, simply do not have much faith in it being as good as the Avengers if they do not commit to making an origin film to the other heroes, especially WW who is part of the DC trinity.
True. Kinda sad as I also don't see WB having the patience to follow Marvel's lead ala Avengers. 
Originally Posted by DMoney82

Originally Posted by scunny

So they are basically telling us that Bruce Wayne doesn't die.
THEY JUST LOWKEY SPOILED EVERYTHING! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
I'm saying.....a lil bit of me believed they might actually kill off Batman.
They can still kind of kill him in the film. Or at least make it seem like it and then as a teaser in the end you just see a silhouette of someone standing a top of a building and it just cuts there just like what Nolan did with Inception and the spinning top.
Is Blackgate or Arkham prisoners getting released by Bane?

If Arkham, though fan-made that poster may have some truth!
WB Wanted The Riddler for The Dark Knight Rises

There was a lot of speculation as to who would be the bad guy in the sequel to the phenomenal The Dark Knight. Fan reaction seemed to be centered on The Riddler and as it turns out WB executives had a similar train of thought. had the details on an interview that David S. Goyer did with Empire magazine about the details.

At the premiere for The Dark Knight in 2008 he says the studio already had their mind made up. They said, “it’s gonna be The Riddler, and we want it to be Leonardo DiCaprio…
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by DMoney82

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Ahhh I like this
But 8 years later u dont think he would've healed by then? And how is he using a cane and jumps right back into being Batman?

What if he's using that cane just to throw people off tho?
If you watch all the trailers, they keep hinting he has retired or been away. You also see him asking Alfred to get him back on his game. Again, it being 8 years later doesn't mean the movie starts 8 years later. They could still have a snippet in the beginning that takes place right after TDK where he lays low because everyone believes he killed Harvey Dent and then it fast forwards to 8 years later where Bane appears. Then we see Bruce in some sort of prison and being udnerground all scruffy, so maybe that is where he hides in that 8 years to recover, etc... etc.... Dark Knight Rises... get it? 

July 20th can't come soon enough!!!!
After Bruce crashed the lambo..... and then its just Batman the rest of the way after that???
Maybe the cane is used to "handicape" Bruce Wayne from the crash??
I want an ending that leaves us going "WOW..."

For example, in this series Batman has always been about inspiring the good in others, so "The Dark Knight Rises" = more heroes rise = Joseph Gordon Levitt picking up the mask and walking off with it?

That particular ending is probably unlikely, but I want the last scene to leave us with something to think about.
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