The Death of Safe Sex (made me think of NT)


A dash of hedonism, a sprinkle of nihilism, and a big dose of stupidity...
All the ingredients for $2500/month child support payments. Just ask J-Kwon.

This year, according to a Kaiser survey, only 15 percent of people polled said they were personally very concerned with becoming infected with HIV—down from 24 percent in 1997. The rest are people like John (not his real name), a married 33-year-old lawyer in Los Angeles. This year, John scored himself a mistress—an aspiring actress who has him paying her rent in exchange for something that’s a little harder to put a number on.
“She’s 23 and presumably dating,

This year, according to a Kaiser survey, only 15 percent of people polled said they were personally very concerned with becoming infected with HIV—down from 24 percent in 1997. The rest are people like John (not his real name), a married 33-year-old lawyer in Los Angeles. This year, John scored himself a mistress—an aspiring actress who has him paying her rent in exchange for something that’s a little harder to put a number on.
“She’s 23 and presumably dating,
A dash of hedonism, a sprinkle of nihilism, and a big dose of stupidity...
All the ingredients for $2500/month child support payments. Just ask J-Kwon.
Great read. I can't front I was always wrapping up when I was younger, but now that $%$ is an after thought. I just dive in then when she leaves I think about it for like a minute and then shower and the thought is gone. The circumstances are different also. If it is some random chick after a night out then of course I wrap up, but it could be one of my female co workers that I just ran the same game on and because I work with her I don't think twice. I need to smarten up, but to me that is easier said than done. Plus a lot of the girls don't stop you like in the past. They want that maximum feeling also and with a little pressure if they do resist they cave.
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