THE hell they want from us man...

Life on earth is not where we belong, we are only here temporarily until we learn what we are supposed to learn and then we go where we really belong. Which is not earth

Life on earth is like a prison. We are confined and controlled no matter how much you differ to believe.  You can still think freely, do freely, talk freely, but we can't leave until we are allowed.

Most people have a misconception of what life really is about. It's not about making money, buying your desires, getting girls, doing good in school etc. That's what you're trained to think

Your life is about bettering yourself on a spiritual level. You are here to find your way out. And it's only done on a spiritual, consciousness, energy level. Not physical

Dare I mention God or I will be chastised.  But once you begin to spiritually cleanse yourself and open up, you'll find that some of the answers will come to you about the mysteries of life
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

After a brief 26 years on this planet, witnessing wars, murders, greed, corruption, by those we look up to, and the ones who strive, just to end up in this cycle of false promises, monetary gains, and all this other garbage. The hell we striving for? all this material is nothin, the whole monetary system about to collapse and we are blind. Still setting up the same goals, same vision as before. When is the revolution, or rather evolution going to happen? Seriously im trippin the f we got all these people in university getting in debt, basically buying their way into a different class of society just to achieve  a whole bunch of nothing. Corporations making jobs for humans in turn we making money for corporations... what kind of life is this.

Sounds like the goals, ambitions and things which you are striving for are the wrong things. You need to reevaluate your life and what you consider worth striving toward, worth fighting for. 
The people you look up to and the material you seek aren't the right individuals or things to be holding up so high. If you are thinking these things. 

The world and our society is full of a lot of B. S. but you need to find your place in it, one which will make you happy to pursue your own ambitions and allows you to share them with the ones you consider worthy. 

Reevaluate your life and ambitions and you will not be so unhappy, you will not say these things. 

I am one of the most bitter, cynical, negative, pessimistic individuals out there, but I can honestly say I am very happy to be alive and doing what I am doing. Life if good because I've made it good, for myself and for others I care and don't care about. 

My passions and ambitions in life allow me to feel this way. 
Originally Posted by glasses

Life on earth is not where we belong, we are only here temporarily until we learn what we are supposed to learn and then we go where we really belong. Which is not earth

Life on earth is like a prison. We are confined and controlled no matter how much you differ to believe.  You can still think freely, do freely, talk freely, but we can't leave until we are allowed.

Most people have a misconception of what life really is about. It's not about making money, buying your desires, getting girls, doing good in school etc. That's what you're trained to think

Your life is about bettering yourself on a spiritual level. You are here to find your way out. And it's only done on a spiritual, consciousness, energy level. Not physical

Dare I mention God or I will be chastised.  But once you begin to spiritually cleanse yourself and open up, you'll find that some of the answers will come to you about the mysteries of life
I have a similar outlook on things 
Enjoy your life.

The real purpose, the one "they" don't want you to grasp is "heaven" or a higher dimension can't be experienced until we ALL enter it... the whole planet, animals, plants and all. Until we stop taking from the planet and making it worse and start building a better world, literally, we can't fulfill our purpose. Our purpose is to perfect what has already been created and find harmony with everything around us.

But since that won't be happening tomorrow, eat good, smash beautiful and intelligent women and ride in the finest OR keep grinding until you can.
"Our purpose is to perfect what has already been created."

*nods head in agreement*
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Enjoy your life.

The real purpose, the one "they" don't want you to grasp is "heaven" or a higher dimension can't be experienced until we ALL enter it... the whole planet, animals, plants and all. Until we stop taking from the planet and making it worse and start building a better world, literally, we can't fulfill our purpose. Our purpose is to perfect what has already been created and find harmony with everything around us.

But since that won't be happening tomorrow, eat good, smash beautiful and intelligent women and ride in the finest OR keep grinding until you can.
^^ This goes to him and everyone else saying "just wait until heaven", why don't you say that to the millions of starving to death children in 3rd world countries who didnt have one choice as to where they were born and into what society and conditions. All this crap is easy for you to say because YOUR life is comfortable the way it is in the USA. That's what makes it enjoyable and what makes it okay for you to just "wait for heaven"  not wanting to be ambitious and change the world so that "heaven" can be being alive on earth, for everyone. Lazy mo fo excuse. Not saying you are, but it's used a lot for laziness. 

Fools. But, if that's what keeps you going then by all means. 

FYI smashing said "beautiful and intelligent" (In actuality probably not) women out of wedlock is a sin, so NO heaven for you. Have fun burning in H. E. double hockey sticks. 

Edit: I must be stressed because my reading comprehension is way off. This is directed towards others saying heaven as in a religious sense NOT the way Brolic is using it. Sorry man LOL. 
“What is the noble truth of suffering? Birth is suffering, ageing is suffering and sorrow and lamentation, pain, grief and despair are suffering.
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Enjoy your life.

The real purpose, the one "they" don't want you to grasp is "heaven" or a higher dimension can't be experienced until we ALL enter it... the whole planet, animals, plants and all. Until we stop taking from the planet and making it worse and start building a better world, literally, we can't fulfill our purpose. Our purpose is to perfect what has already been created and find harmony with everything around us.

But since that won't be happening tomorrow, eat good, smash beautiful and intelligent women and ride in the finest OR keep grinding until you can.
^^ This goes to him and everyone else saying "just wait until heaven", why don't you say that to the millions of starving to death children in 3rd world countries who did have one choice as to where they were born and into what society and conditions. All this crap is easy for you to say because YOUR life is comfortable the way it is in the USA. That's what makes it enjoyable and what makes it okay for you to just "wait for heaven"  not wanting to be ambitious and change the world so that "heaven" can be being alive on earth, for everyone. Lazy mo fo excuse. Not saying you are, but it's used a lot for laziness. 

Fools. But, if that's what keeps you going then by all means. 

FYI smashing said "beautiful and intelligent" (In actuality probably not) women out of wedlock is a sin, so NO heaven for you. Have fun burning in H. E. double hockey sticks. 

If it ain't heaven, it's hell or somewhere in between. Last I checked, in between heaven and hell was purgatory...
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

Pleasure... what the hell?

I don't know. I'm having a stressful day. Sorry if that post offended anyone. I just can't do it today. And, with seeing all of that... just can't do it. 
If you believe in heaven and all that is great and I hope all in your life goes well in order for you to get there, but don't tell this emotionally distressed guy he can't do anything and needs to just sit back and "enjoy life" as is. He needs to get up and do something for himself and others to MAKE his life enjoyable. 

That's my main point. 

Sorry I dont mean to offend any one religious. Or whomever believes in a heaven. 

Edit: I must be stressed because my reading comprehension is way off. My post  should have been directed towards others saying heaven as in a religious sense NOT the way Brolic is using it. Sorry man LOL. 
You really wanna know what to do ..........................

Get Hungry and I mean Starving hungry .. The type of hungry you see on those feed those children commercials
Feed that hunger with skill and knowledge .. Whatever that skill is maximize it, find a way to make money off of it .. Hell it could be something as simple as being a garbage man
Look at the landfills, absorb the process of getting rid of garbage ..
Then study to make it more efficient ..
come up with a new way to decompose trash ..
Carry out little experiments at the site where you work.
And when you've figured out a way sell it
Start your own company using the process

You could even go into repair work and repair the crap that people throw away [and profit] as well as hundreds of other recycling ideas

Don't have kids until you're closing in on your 40s .. Then when you do have kids have alot. I'm talking about 10+ kids.

Teach them all yourself, even if that means part homeschool, part regular school. That way you learn each of their weaknesses and strengths
Make those strengths singular, have then perfect it and if you're truly lucky to have a gifted child maximize all of their strengths ignoring their weaknesses
If you can, try to pair them off with a particular sibling that has the same strength, that way you can drive in household competition ..... Don't be afraid of sibling rivalry, encourage it, enrich it until it's smoldering

And if you can get two of your children to follow this principle in three generations at least one of your offspring should be in a position to affect the world, if your blessed with good genes and a superb partner in five generations they could become part of the power structure

Your welcome.
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

No problem no sweat.

Work got you stressing?
Don't really wanna start a discussion about myself, but yup. 
Have a grant application due at the end of the month, an abstract due in a few days for a conference I'll be presenting at the beginning of next month, just got notice and am currently packing to drive 7 hours to spend the rest of the week with a collaborator working to update a project/article which is being submitted for publication very soon, all the while working on a two other research projects and trying to move them forward. 
So yes, very stressed. But, I'm happy to be doing it. Like I said before, my passions and ambitions drive my happiness. So anyone that is disappointed with life, AND has the opportunity to change, should look at reevaluating themselves before blaming anyone or anything else. 
Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

You really wanna know what to do ..........................

Get Hungry and I mean Starving hungry .. The type of hungry you see on those feed those children commercials
Feed that hunger with skill and knowledge .. Whatever that skill is maximize it, find a way to make money off of it .. Hell it could be something as simple as being a garbage man
Look at the landfills, absorb the process of getting rid of garbage ..
Then study to make it more efficient ..
come up with a new way to decompose trash ..
Carry out little experiments at the site where you work.
And when you've figured out a way sell it
Start your own company using the process

You could even go into repair work and repair the crap that people throw away [and profit] as well as hundreds of other recycling ideas

Don't have kids until you're closing in on your 40s .. Then when you do have kids have alot. I'm talking about 10+ kids.

Teach them all yourself, even if that means part homeschool, part regular school. That way you learn each of their weaknesses and strengths
Make those strengths singular, have then perfect it and if you're truly lucky to have a gifted child maximize all of their strengths ignoring their weaknesses
If you can try to pair them off with a particular sibling that has the same strength, that way you can drive in household competition ..... Don't be afraid of sibling rivalry encourage it, enrich it until it's smoldering

And if you can get two of your children to follow this principle in three generations at least one of your offspring should be in a position to affect the world, if your blessed with good genes and a superb partner in five generations they could become part of the power structure

Your welcome.
All of the above is good, somewhat, but I completely 100% disagree with the 10+ kids thing. We aren't sea turtles lol or insects. There's a reason why humans only give birth to one child at a time and it takes months too develop in the womb. 
You shouldn't be having any more kids than what you can successfully manage AND afford, so that ALL of your children do well. Not just 2 out of 20 lol. That is horrible to even think of. Having babies like fish, hundreds at a time, in hopes of some of them surviving and being "successful"... what kinda thinking is that LOL.

And,  sibling rivalry? WTH.... this is what has caused the divide amongst people in our society when it comes to sex, race, money, power, etc... the thought of needing to be competitive, and pushing people down to climb up, instead of supportive. 

Raise your children to be supportive and collaborative, helpful and understanding. Don't raise them to just be douche bags who will end up just replacing the other douches that run the country today. Elitist, pretentious, *** holes, don't feed that cycle of hate. 
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

I actually wrote up one of those essay like responses I used to write. But instead I'll try something else let's say your right but how does that change anything and btw you're whole money,sex, race argument is completely off and a bit small chunk. The larger chunk deals with feminine energy and male energy, after one became overpowering and "won" money was created far later on after numerous wars to immortalize and preserve power ... race is a derivative of the energy battle and a consequence of the creation of money... What I mean by that regardless of the new "rules" one group of people already seemed to be either at the "top" or at least part of it. It also helps to divert from the large chunk issues at hand. If you're busy searching for your next meal and fighting with your neighbor whom is more equipped for this survival construct on a land of abundance why would you stop to question things.
I simply put forth a small part of a means to have it, it being money/abundance so that others of your life/ your offspring could stop and ask these questions (which is why you need them to be plentiful)... The best love songs are written after you've lost someone or when you're trying to win them over (seems random but it does address a part of your argument)
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

Who knows man, maybe this is not as good as it gets. I am sure ancient Egyptians thought this is as good as it gets, or the Romans. The shift is simple, i think. Although embedded in a few generations, it only takes 40-50 years to change human thought.
To dude talkin about first world problems... Homie I was in Egypt, front lines, when dudes were getting their eye shot out by military and police personal. I've witnessed dictators, rutheless bruh, like straight rutheless, end up at the bottom of the food chain. Plus with globalization first world problems have become developing nation's problems and vice versa.

It's interesting you bring up the Egyptians and Romans. Both their empires met a sad reality and crashed. What's this hold for the current Empire...?
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