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i rented it and returned it. i'd say the Division is worth it when on sale. ill cop when its half off

the risk v reward in the DZ makes going rogue pointless. you can just farm the same npc gangs over and over until you get the loot you want. and once you get all "high end" items then what?
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DONT DO IT, RECONSIDERRRR *Andre 3000 voice*.

The visuals and environments are op notch, but it just feels hollow. Imagine Watch Dog's shooting mechanics with a MMO twist and RPG elements, that's what this game is. Side missions are mad repetitive. All you do is shoot, kill, loot, rinse and repeat. Don't fall for Ubisoft's hype train.
This! Literally the same thing over and over again with no variation extremely repetitive. I'm going to get a refund on my copy since my biggest worry was mission variety and Ubisoft didn't deliver on this one
So The Division isn't that good?

It seems like everyone is playing it and the commercial for it looks great

I was going to cop next week
So The Division isn't that good?

It seems like everyone is playing it and the commercial for it looks great

I was going to cop next week
I personally don't like it that much because it's just boring doing the same things over and over again. The main missions are better but it's all the same thing with the side missions and the DZ is an interesting idea but isn't really all that much to grip me and keep me playing it. Is it a bad game? I wouldn't say exactly but it is a very underwhelming experience once you see the game for what it is as a shallow experience imo
Lmao at the NT PS view compared to NT Xbox view to the division.

What's the verdict over there?

Majority of the guys loving it, ran with a few NT heads. Def PS heads liking it also tho, mad psns thrown out on the division thread but I use you guys here for the basis cuz this is where I find the NT ps regulars. Overall NT and outside folks like it, some little gripes but I was surprised by Ubi with this title. I'm max level now so I'm trying the daily missions, man they are hard
So The Division isn't that good?

It seems like everyone is playing it and the commercial for it looks great

I was going to cop next week

if you like tom clancy games, youll probably like this. if you dont, then you may feel some kind of way. the biggest difference is the leveling system, special abilities, and open world vs it being a linear game. (CAMPAIGN ANALYSIS)

personally, i really like it but ive always liked clancy games except for RB6 Vegas and Vegas II. the leveling system just keeps you from doing any ol mission since you really cant do higher level missions with a lot of difficulty.

i havent really played the MP since the beta so i cant speak on that.
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For my bros who are max level already...

Try to get the scavenging attribute on any piece of gear that you can and then just farm the final mission General Assembly.

Best way to get high end gear right now, you'll also get a bunch of purples.

If you have nothing w/ scavenging, remember that you can re roll attributes @ the recalibration desk @ the BoO. It's upstairs in the tech wing.
Division is :pimp:, losing sleep because of this

And they did a hell of a job mimicking midtown nyc, anyone from the city can tell you that its identical to real life
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Destiny jipped up but no other games was out at the moment, right now I'm dying bro, too many games, I've played division only all this week.
Lol tell me about it man. Gonna be stuck on my PS3 working through this backlog I have since my ps4 pooped out on me :smh:
I'm liking the Division and I'm kind of torn if I should be selling my gear or deconstructing it. What do you guys tend to do?
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