The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

My overrated games of the decade:

1. Kingdom Hearts series
2. Persona 5
3. Nier Automata
4. Fortnite
5. Dishonored series
Overrated? Well let’s see....

Persona 5
Nier Automata
Breath of the Wild
Overrated? Well let’s see....

Persona 5
Nier Automata
Breath of the Wild
Zelda tho?
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I really wanted to get into Nier, but yeah it wasn’t doing it for me.

Which kinda sums up all Platinum games for me.
I’m late (mostly because of my deployment) but I’d like to add Apex Legends to my personal top 10 for 2019.
Overrated for me would be Bioshock Infinite. I enjoyed it for the most part, but you had publications acting like it was the greatest thing ever.
Just finished Fallen Order. Interesting game once you really get into the meat of the story and combat. Once you master the parry timing (took me longer than I would like) and learn a few of the skills, Cal is untouchable. If I do ever play this game again, I will try to do a no-damage play through. What I like about the story is it is very light on the Disney-esque humor, and there are some pretty mature themes throughout the game. Kept me invested and rooting for Cal.

All that being said, the game is full of glitches and bugs. Game also crashed my PS4, first time that has happened to me since I got the Pro. Enemies get stuck behind random objects and loading screens never conclude, forcing me to have to close the game and reboot. I thought it was maybe because I got a used copy of the game, but a quick google search shows that a lot of other people are having the same issues. Glad I paid $25 for this game, I would be really mad if I paid full price.
Thinking of selling my PS4 Pro and acct. Yall know how to go about doing this?

I still have the option to change the PSN for free, so thats a good selling point.
I have every PS+ game since ps4 dropped. Tons of digital games in the library including PT, RDR2, HZD, TLoU, MGSV, DS, P5, FFXV, GoW, GTAV, Spider-Man, R6:S, and tons more. Almost everyone I know already has a PS4.

How much you think I can get for this?
Kingdom Hearts 3 was kind of bad to me too.

It became a chore and once I beat it I never played it again.

Plus the story was confusing and I didn't even care once I beat it.
Thinking of selling my PS4 Pro and acct. Yall know how to go about doing this?

I still have the option to change the PSN for free, so thats a good selling point.
I have every PS+ game since ps4 dropped. Tons of digital games in the library including PT, RDR2, HZD, TLoU, MGSV, DS, P5, FFXV, GoW, GTAV, Spider-Man, R6:S, and tons more. Almost everyone I know already has a PS4.

How much you think I can get for this?
Just be careful because I think per Sony’s ToS, it’s actually illegal to sell off your account. People obviously do it but I remember seeing a situation where someone purchased an account and later had the account banned.
Thinking of selling my PS4 Pro and acct. Yall know how to go about doing this?

I still have the option to change the PSN for free, so thats a good selling point.
I have every PS+ game since ps4 dropped. Tons of digital games in the library including PT, RDR2, HZD, TLoU, MGSV, DS, P5, FFXV, GoW, GTAV, Spider-Man, R6:S, and tons more. Almost everyone I know already has a PS4.

How much you think I can get for this?

It can work but be prepared to lose a lot of money. Sounds like you are looking to let go of your video game habit so if you just focus on that you should be good cause you are not getting your money back :lol:

I have low key thought about selling my systems and keeping one but I can’t bring myself to do it. I feel like it would be less stressful that way. Not having to think about all these games I can’t and probably won’t ever play. Or just sell everything and start over. Have just one multiplayer game (not a grind game) and one adventure game. Damn that sounds nice lol
I know I didn't last. I sold my PS4 Pro and all my games back in September and just play games on PC. But I ended up buying a new PS4 Pro in November lmao
Also a nice addition would be to get a physical copy of the two games you own. And when you desire to move on sell both games and use the money towards what you replace it with.
Also a nice addition would be to get a physical copy of the two games you own. And when you desire to move on sell both games and use the money towards what you replace it with.
If Apex launches on PS5 and supports cross play with PS4 (so I can still play with my broke bros :lol: ) I won’t even need a shooter at launch.
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