The REAL Neon's '95s Are Releasing In Dec.

I believe it will happen look at the economy alot of business are suffering this christmas and for Nike this is just a little earner for them beforeChristmas...
If these are quickstrike and theirs a high demand here int he U.K 95's are £110 so it's a instant money maker...

Originally Posted by PackersGotMe

If it is true i will feel beeter about not copping the CDP

I feel great about not copping the CDP because they're terrible.

(sorry, but I'm gonna bash the XI/XII every time I get a chance.)
there was a pic from solecollecter supposedly but it looked just ps'd or fake...definitely not happening unless nike is magically going to ship these instores without any of nt or iss knowing
Less than a week away and still no solid info or no real pics,
Can this really be true, didn't these come out months ago, less than a year ago?
It's 4-15-08 and there is no solid info yet......I dont think these are droppin

I'll believe it when i see it.
Give it a few more days....
But i feel about 30% outta 100 these will drop!
if they drop ill cop if they dont,at least i've saved myself £110 before Christmas
thats the way everyone should think of it!!
People are only wishing these are rereleasing.....this makes no sense and no valid information has been given.
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