the thread about nothing...

i dont even go there, its like Waterworld to me. But WTH? Rusty??????? you playin both or is that the other Rusty Shack? Shoefreak.... GOOD, i couldnt stand her (would like for cap to be here though- i still see her as that pretty white girl that she said wasnt her) :nerd: putty, i aint surprised onewearz either, But miletails, damn dude- its depressing.
Oh, them dates..... i need to get my damn eyes checked- perfect vision is gone- NM rusty/milestails- the rest stands though


And to think I was being nice and didnt flame when everyone was clowning you, when you said you were an 8 and that you would be most attractive in a group of guys.

You on my list now :tongue:
After being told I got HPV, my ex has it as well and her pap smear came back abnormal and they are asking her to get the leep surgery.... Smh I feel so bad idk what to do, I know I gave it to her and may have messed up her life.... She's a nice girl so I feel bad she had to get mixed up with a jerk like me....
After being told I got HPV, my ex has it as well and her pap smear came back abnormal and they are asking her to get the leep surgery.... Smh I feel so bad idk what to do, I know I gave it to her and may have messed up her life.... She's a nice girl so I feel bad she had to get mixed up with a jerk like me....
we All make mistakes bruh we only human, try and be there for her of she lets you, it will take time but the universe will work itself out , u need a ear pm me bruh I've delt wit similar things
I used to be a Wayne fan but dude has been dropping some of the corniest lines and his stans don't want to admit it cause it's Wayne. I understand everything he's saying, it's just corny. But if it's dope to you, keep listening.
dont get me wrong your right about that he hasn't dropped nothing like major yet like he used to, but with the D4 droppin sometime soon i guess itll only tell if he still got it or not, as of now though TO ME atleast i think he murderd acouple Features. But like i said this D4 can continue his career or KILL it to where he just needs to retire
i couldnt agree with ya anymore on what you fixed, people who hate on spitta is mainly because they cant comprehend what he says, Spitta is a genius and even a bigger one for going his own route
Girlfriend saw a ******g rat in her house. How do you kill that??

Call a guy to come get it. If its really a rat and not a mouse, then rip.

After being told I got HPV, my ex has it as well and her pap smear came back abnormal and they are asking her to get the leep surgery.... Smh I feel so bad idk what to do, I know I gave it to her and may have messed up her life.... She's a nice girl so I feel bad she had to get mixed up with a jerk like me....

Sucks bro. Least you were head up tho. Life goes on you'll be fine.
After being told I got HPV, my ex has it as well and her pap smear came back abnormal and they are asking her to get the leep surgery.... Smh I feel so bad idk what to do, I know I gave it to her and may have messed up her life.... She's a nice girl so I feel bad she had to get mixed up with a jerk like me....

Same thing happen to my mom friend. They ended up removing her cervix and she can no longer have kids.

And her estrogen is depleting so she is losing femininity, she has two surgeries and has one more scheduled.
I dont even know her and cried when I heard that, she has sworn off men completely

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finally moved in my college dorm...with my twin brother lol

hope this "freshmen fifteen" theory is true 
Man 2k can keep the dream team add ons and other trivial ******** and fix gameplay. Game is absolutely terrible now.
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