The Walking Dead - Official Thread

What's up with the Yeezy Season squad? Why do they talk like fake Mad Max extras?

And all Rick had to do was take out that zombie's legs, pin it down and jam something up its chin through the brain.
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When daryl showed up at carols door 
Decent episode. The new group seemed strange. Like strange for Walking Dead strange. The effects of the junkyard shot behind Rick when he was standing on top with the other leader looked super fake. Really took me out of the scene.
The pace is perfect right now.

Didn't delay the Carol and Daryl reunion. Everybody knows about everybody else (besides the junkyard group).

Only 3 episodes left.

There are 6 episodes left.
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How/where they gonna find a magical gun cache? :lol:

They've got the numbers now tho.

Wonder if Dwight flips on Neegan. Would help the crew with info and such.

Didn't that group of all women by the water have a big armoury? I'll have to go back and look. That would be the best bet I would think
I agree with what was said above, the gun cache the Scavengers are probably referring to is the oceanside camp Tara was at in that one episode

the pacing is about to be ruined next week because they're going back to the day the Saviors took Eugene, why are the producers so bad at just staying linear and moving the plot along smh
The spoiling dead has a list of which characters appear in which episodes. And it's listed all the way to 16
How/where they gonna find a magical gun cache?

They've got the numbers now tho.

Wonder if Dwight flips on Neegan. Would help the crew with info and such.
that oceanside women's group, when Rick and the group get ready to leave the dump he specifically turns to the pregnant chick and says something along the lines of "you've been further than any of us, you can at least tell us where not to go" and she just kinda awkwardly nods.
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