The Wolf of Wall Street Trailer

Loved the film, never once did I feel the film was dragging and it was over before I knew it. Leo was charismatic as hell and Hill had me cracking up in every scene he was in, getting used to those fake teeth took a minute to get used to though. Biggest LOLs for me came from the crack smoking scene, the party where Hill's character wio, the discussion about what they could and couldn't do with the midgets, and the everything involved with the Lemons. Great use of music throughout the film, every song fit and matched the scenes they were in. I don't really care about damn any awards, this film is highly watchable and I have little doubt it is the type I can watch over and over again for years to come.
Cinemascore: C 

movie had me thinkin about American Greed

these dudes usually dont do that much time

they threw the book at madoff though

Completely different situations - Madoff had NOTHING and made up all numbers. Stratton had the inside track and did the ole pump-n-dump ala boiler room which actually had money/assets.
Cinemascore: C  :wow:


I'm not totally surprised.

I heard a couple people in the theater who were "shocked" after the movie. Some guys mom said "That's the LAST time I let you pick the movie" :lol:

I think a lot of older viewers would be upset at the amount of drugs, sex, and foul language.. even for a Scorsese film it was excessive. Obviously, that was entirely the point but still. Plus you probably had a ton of people going out as a family to see the movie at Christmas, so maybe it wasn't quite the movie they expected.

I don't think that's the film's fault, but perhaps marketing and audience expectations.
Cinemascore: C  :wow:


I'm not totally surprised.

I heard a couple people in the theater who were "shocked" after the movie. Some guys mom said "That's the LAST time I let you pick the movie" :lol:

I think a lot of older viewers would be upset at the amount of drugs, sex, and foul language.. even for a Scorsese film it was excessive. Obviously, that was entirely the point but still. Plus you probably had a ton of people going out as a family to see the movie at Christmas, so maybe it wasn't quite the movie they expected.

I don't think that's the film's fault, but perhaps marketing and audience expectations.

Thank goodness Mandela came out on Christmas day, otherwise it would have been a disaster if I had saw Wolf of Wall St. with my fam. :x:smh:
People are too uptight, saw it with my mom and she loved it because she appreciates good cinema.
It's really that last sex scene where I could see people taking umbrage. The other stuff is rudimentary for American cinema these days. That last sex scene is so powerful though. Very well done despite the lewdness of the duchess' dialogue.
Basically. It's their last time together and it really shows how far apart these two characters had grown. The duchess basically submits herself to him out of disdain for how meaningless their relationship was now that Jordan had no money.
No I understand the scene but you said the scene was powerful despite the dialogue, as if it somehow took away from it.
It's really that last sex scene where I could see people taking umbrage. The other stuff is rudimentary for American cinema these days. That last sex scene is so powerful though. Very well done despite the lewdness of the duchess' dialogue.

This scene along with the one where he grabs his kid/gets into with his wife, etc... I would say were "not essential" to the film and could have been completely left out or left to the viewer's imagination/insinuated. Pretty uncomfortable IMO, and really added nothing to the acting or roles that had been developed or worked on. I would say the movie is ok- far from great. I would say Leo in Catch me if you can was just as solid if not better. He expands on Ben Affleck's role in Boiler Room , and to me this role could have been done by any number of current Hollywood "stars".
No I understand the scene but you said the scene was powerful despite the dialogue, as if it somehow took away from it.
Ah nah I just meant her saying cum over and over again. Not something you see in Academy Award level films usually and I could see folks having a problem with that on the surface.

That scene with his kid in the car was brutal. You needed those scenes to turn us against Belfort. Throughout the movie he's pretty cool. Getting high making money talking **** to Feds. Then this stuff happens and you realize he's a scumbag that needs help.
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Watched it the other day. 

Loved it. I felt like nobody in the cinemas reacted to the fact that the plane he was supposed to be on exploded while he was being rescued on the boat. Did people think that part was made up and dramatized for the movie? Because that actually did happen, saw Jordan Belfort talk about it in an interview. Just felt like people didn't have a reaction to such a crazy event/coincidence 
Him landing at the crib in helicopter was :lol:

Also loved the first scene with Swiss banker
Watched it the other day. 

Loved it. I felt like nobody in the cinemas reacted to the fact that the plane he was supposed to be on exploded while he was being rescued on the boat. Did people think that part was made up and dramatized for the movie? Because that actually did happen, saw Jordan Belfort talk about it in an interview. Just felt like people didn't have a reaction to such a crazy event/coincidence 
Didn't even know, thought he was imagining it or something. 

Didn't read the book though. 
dope movie. I would have enjoyed a little more character and plot development but the antics throughout the movie still made it enjoyable.

I'm stil trying to figure out if the benihana thing was true....

TIME fact-checks the movie against Belfort’s books (he also wrote a sequel entitled Catching the Wolf of Wall Street) and a series of Forbes articles that have followed Belfort’s scheming.

Belfort’s first boss told him the keys to success were masturbation, cocaine and hookers.
Ruling: Fact

According to the book, a broker named Mark Hanna (Matthew McConaughey) gave him this advice early on in his career.

Belfort and his partner owned shares of a risky stock and had their brokers at Stratton Oakmont brokerage aggressively sell the stock to inflate the price. They then sold the stock themselves to turn a profit.
Ruling: Fact

Belfort and Danny Porush (called Donnie Azoff in the film and portrayed by Jonah Hill) utilized this age-old pump-and-dump scheme to get rich quick after graduating from scamming middle-class people into buying worthless penny stocks at a 50 percent commission.

Forbes magazine exposed Belfort, calling him a “twisted Robin Hood.”
Ruling: Fact

Though Belfort wasn’t on the cover, Forbes did run a profile of him in which they called him “a twisted version of Robin Hood, who robs from the rich and gives to himself and his merry band of brokers.” Though it was a scathing portrait, the promise of quick $100,000 commissions brought job applicants to Stratton Oakmont in droves.

Stratton Oakmont took Steve Madden public.
Ruling: Fact

Steve Madden did give a speech the day of the IPO, to which the Stratton Oakmont brokers responded with jeers. Madden, Belfort and Porush owned most of the stock and drove up the price. Belfort, Porush and Madden all went to jail for their scheme.

Belfort laundered his money into Swiss banks using his in-laws.
Ruling: Fact

His wife’s mother and aunt both helped smuggle the money into Switzerland.

Paramount Pictures
Now for the really ridiculous stuff…

Danny Porush (Donnie Azoff) was married to his cousin.
Ruling: Fact

They’re now divorced.

The driving on Quaaludes scene.
Ruling: Mostly fact

It was a Mercedes, not a Lamborghini. But the rest is true to Belfort’s memoir.

The office parties included a “******-tossing competition.”
Ruling: Fact

…According to Belfort.

The company billed prostitutes to the corporate card.
Ruling: Fact

…And wrote them off in their taxes.

He crashed a helicopter in his front yard while high.
Ruling: Fact

On a related note, he also did at least attempt to sober up in real life.

He sunk a yacht in Italy.
Ruling: Fact

And the yacht used to belong to Coco Chanel.

He called his trophy wife “duchess.”
Ruling: Fact

Though her name was Nadine, not Naomi.

He served a reduced prison sentence after ratting on his friends.
Ruling: Fact

Turns out Belfort was even more of a jerk than they show in the movie. In the film version, Belfort tries to save his partner from incriminating himself. In reality, Belfort ratted out his partner Porush, among others, for a reduced sentence (the two reportedly no longer speak). Belfort spent only two years in prison and had Tommy Chong (of Cheech and Chong) as his cellmate. Chong convinced Belfort to write a memoir.

He scammed only the rich.
Ruling: Fiction

Some writers have criticized Scorsese for portraying Belfort’s lifestyle as glamorous without showing the victims of his scam. Though Belfort claims in his book and in the film that he only took from the wealthy, the New York Times reports that many small business owners are still trying to recover financially from Belfort’s scheme. (The government claims Belfort has failed to pay his restitution, and reports suggest that Porush is still running get-rich-quick schemes.)

Read more: The Wolf of Wall Street: The True Story of Jordan Belfort |
I'm watching cnn right now and they're doing a story about how Leo is receiving criticism for glorifying what Jordan Belfort did. So stupid. He's starting in a damn movie about the guy but that doesn't mean he supports what he did.
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