this girl with a boyfriend texts me.. does she like me or using me for attention?

Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

so if you're not trying to smash, and yall haven't even chilled yet, why are you texting ol girl so heavy?

you need to man up and either A). stop texting this broad and TEXT YOUR GIRLFRIEND (else why have one?) or, B). invite this broad over and do work

You're exaggerating how much I text her. It's been going on for a kinda long period of time but it's not like it's on a daily basis. I knowshe's with her first love- I'm not tripping. She's going her thing and I'm doing no way do I look like a single lame dude who'sthirsty for some broad with a boyfriend. I have a good looking gf and she knows a few girls who are into me.. She get's hit on all the time, I sound socalculated because she's a good girl. I wouldn't normally trip but she's soooo pretty and a really sweet girl, plus some of the things she'ssaid when she's got a little buzz going keep my intrigued.
all I'm sayin is if you're tryin to smash, then do work and stop all the beatin around the bush.

else you have no reason to be in contact with this young lady being that you have a girl.

don't half *$@ it
First thread and its already a girl problem thread
Anyways if this is a real situation then I think you gotta stick with your girl. Texting on the side isfun and all that but what is gonna stop this little skeez from doing the same thing to you

Edit: Diego is right. We need pics of both girls for me to give my honest opinion
What school does she go to? I know someone (my boy) in this position right now. He always talkin bout how he thinkhis girl talkin to somebody on the side
OP, if you're really willing to risk you're relationship, go with option B. if she fronts, fall back on option A.
I cant believe this many people have given OP advice even though that man has not provided any pics.
How is he ever going to learn the NT ways if he gets away with this?
SMH at you older NTers, you should know better.

And to the OP, I could understand you not posting pics of your girl due to the fact that youre cheating on her. You could however post pics of this attention@$%#*. Even if her man is on NT, at least he deserves to know.

What Im trying to say is.......PICS OR ****.
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

What school does she go to? I know someone (my boy) in this position right now. He always talkin bout how he think his girl talkin to somebody on the side

Trust it's not me, because you can't even really consider this "talking". A few texts here and there and some flirting here and there and adrunk kiss =/= talking to this girl on a daily basis and cuddling with her while watching slumdog millionaire. This girl blatently ignores me when her bf isaround..and another weird thing is that she rarely says she's hanging out with her bf, it's always some off the wall thing like "oh uh friendsmoms uncle has a birthday party, sorry I didn't get back to you", obviously your man was in town blowing your back out--like I care. We'rejust two good looking people who happen to be in relationships with other people and prob find the attention enjoyable. I want more than that but it's atough situation trying to transition from texts to her naked in my bed when you're both in relationships..and she's def not a skeez..if that was thecase I would have taken it further the night we kissed- she wouldn't. She likes me, but apparently not enough to seriously cheat on her bf (at least notright now).
Originally Posted by snow pl0w

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

What school does she go to? I know someone (my boy) in this position right now. He always talkin bout how he think his girl talkin to somebody on the side

Trust it's not me, because you can't even really consider this "talking". A few texts here and there and some flirting here and there and a drunk kiss =/= talking to this girl on a daily basis and cuddling with her while watching slumdog millionaire. This girl blatently ignores me when her bf is around..and another weird thing is that she rarely says she's hanging out with her bf, it's always some off the wall thing like "oh uh friends moms uncle has a birthday party, sorry I didn't get back to you", obviously your man was in town blowing your back out--like I care. We're just two good looking people who happen to be in relationships with other people and prob find the attention enjoyable. I want more than that but it's a tough situation trying to transition from texts to her naked in my bed when you're both in relationships..and she's def not a skeez..if that was the case I would have taken it further the night we kissed- she wouldn't. She likes me, but apparently not enough to seriously cheat on her bf (at least not right now).
You have emphasized the fact that ypu are "good looking" like 5 times already.
I question you.
Only because if I read this I would assume the op was a desperate lame being led on by some cute girl he has no real chance with- on some trey songz Ican't help but wait (lol)- it happens all the time. I'm just trying to establish that the playing field is pretty level..we're both in eachother's league..she knows I can get girls as cute as her, and my current whiz is as cold as she is- it's whatever.

With that said I could still def be wasting my time.
Are you guys slow or just desperate? Why would I ever post incriminating photos of girls? *slap*
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