Thoughts on the confederate flag

The outrage seems like a deflection cause Obama keep it 100% real this time.

He didn't pacify white America, by giving "America" credit for the progress it has made, or giving the black community their lecture too go along with it.

Just straight up called closet racist out. And of course, jimmies are in a whirlwind
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as a white man who lives in connecticut, i always cringe when i see a confederate flag flown in the north.

i imagine it's much more prevalent in the south.

to me, anyone who flies the stars and bars is a racist and/or worthless, ignorant american
what did Obama say that was so bad? I am a bit confused

It's not that he did anything wrong, it is just easier to distract people from the real issues in which he discussed in the pod cast. Let's focus on the word instead of the real problem. Racist are sometimes crafty, because it's working.
Taking the flag down at the State Capitol is the right thing to do. But if I'm being honest, I don't believe the advocates (which are coming from both sides of the aisle apparently) are supporting its removal for any other reason than it being the right move, politically, to do so. How long has the flag flown above the SC Capitol? Of all those state legislators having been working in that Capitol building, how many have previously advocated the flag's removal? I don't mean to sound overtly cynical, but at some point we have to acknowledge that lowering the flag is only but a small step. The sentiments will still exist and flags will still be flown in homes, worn on shirts, and emblazoned on license plates. Take it for what it's worth, but do not give anyone the impression that this is enough.
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its just a step in the right direction, no one is saying its going to solve all problems and no more racism will excist, but its a small step that could mean a lot more in the future

I can respect that, any progress is better than none.
The outrage seems like a deflection cause Obama keep it 100% real this time.

He didn't pacify white America, by giving "America" credit for the progress it has made, or giving the black community their lecture too go along with it.

Just straight up called closet racist out. And of course, jimmies are in a whirlwind
I'm white and the flag scares me, I see it and feel like it just spells trouble so I know it's magnified for African Americans
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The outrage seems like a deflection cause Obama keep it 100% real this time.

He didn't pacify white America, by giving "America" credit for the progress it has made, or giving the black community their lecture too go along with it.

Just straight up called closet racist out. And of course, jimmies are in a whirlwind

That man can say the sky is blue and these whacked out extremist are gonna find something wrong with it. And I don't follow Obama like my chosen savior or agree with most of the **** he's said publicly with regard to race in this country, but he's damn right this time.
This fake outrage over Obama is ridiculous.

Most of them probably have it in their daily vocabulary 
No way out. 

I always hear southerns say that the confederate flag represent their heritage ok... You sure *** hell Don't see Germans rocking the Nazi swastika saying it represent their Heritage. Come on people that flag represent slavery and the confederate states that want it. Civil War ended years ago the south lost I am sure as hell ain't picking cotton or enslaved so just get rid and banned the flag. Plus since the end of the Third Reich, it has been illegal in Germany to display the swastika, give Hitler salutes or embrace other symbols of the Nazi era. The maximum penalty in most cases is three years in prison
Sounds like Obama was lightweight telling black folks to stop dropping N bombs in front of people....
I'm glad the confederate flag is being called out right now. It's way too prevalent in the south and needs to be changed right now. History can't be forgotten, but these southern state flags paying homage to confederacy has no place in this country.
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