Thread revival: Fools Wildin Thinking they doin it big

:rofl: Idiot turned ***** real quick when he realized he sprayed up his mom's couch
This for the kids hahaha



AYO, thats clearly a pron dvd cover, the name is a dead giveaway and two of those dudes look like they fart glitter

really? thats clearly a joke tho, 22 stabs per minute. . . .they couldve kept that one out, too corny

my mans hairline is naughty as hell, it looks like a whack line up tho, if not he should try and lay his hair down with some gel or something like girls do until he cant fool em anymore

ugliest baby ever

my mans turned a bad thing to a good thing and then hit em over the head wit it

super ratchet, idc if its a joke, how you even think about that means you on some other **** in a foul way


real life, i would pipe the one on the left, idc idc idc idc idc

is Miley of age yet? he looks too old to be die hard like that, i would just have a sexy poster if i was goin to be weird

almost as epic as the rich kids of instagram pic with my mans doin a backflip out of a helicopter into a lake. . . . as a matter of fact, why is this pic in here? they are definitely doin it

im with that old man doe, shawty look thick and i be on the same thang
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