Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness. Documentary On Netflix Season 2

I've been to the G.W Zoo a few times, last being last month. It's in the middle of nowhere, (coming from someone from Oklahoma, as I know people not from here would consider OK itself middle of nowhere). They are relocating to Texas soon.

I only watched a bit of the first episode, but I couldn't figure out how Carole and her operation is any different than Joe. A lot of the same people in the documentary have been there forever and there is a trailer park in the parking lot I am pretty sure they all live in, it's also open 365 a year.
No one told me one of the GOATs made a brief appearance


im 4-5 episodes in

interesting but kinda boring, where's the good stuff that people getting hyped over this?
So in one episode they were at the storage unit and they had manifests/inventory/invoices. Some of those listed were zoos and other sanctuaries. I wonder if others eventually Got in trouble. One was a ZOO, and said From. Zoos were giving or selling these cats too. They were definitely going for the weird cult angle and succeeded.

Ultimately I feel worst for the GW Zoo employees. Many of these interviews were done months or years apart. Many of them aged decades. You could tell some were strung out or straight up using. Carole destroyed that zoo and all their hopes and dreams. They seemed to be on the up and up actively working.

Wouldn't it pay off in the long run to raise your own cattle/food for the tigers?

All of these sanctuaries seem to not fees their animals well. Most look super skinny or super fat. Close them all down.
show was low key kinda trash

don't understand how so many people hyped it up
show was low key kinda trash

don't understand how so many people hyped it up

I went in expecting it to be re-hashed white trash stuff that we see every now and again but it wasn't

polygamy, murder, attempted murder for hire, meth mouth minions, sex cults, multiple amputees, arson, fraud, politics, FBI informants, con artists, a Prince Albert reference

it's hard to believe these people and places even exist. if you took the script to a publisher they would laugh you off the premises
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